So have you ever checked out a guy? REAL Mature Answers Please.

Originally Posted by AmericanDream

I've found some men attractive. I'm confident enough in my sexuality, I could care less what opinion someone has of me because I've said that. I think it's human nature to be at least mildly physically attracted, if not even sexually, to the opposite sex. However, in the world today this is frowned upon so much that it has to be suppressed. I applaud the people who are courageous enough to display their homosexuality publicly.


Now, I've read through this post, and I do consider myself to be 1. Mature, and 2. Comfortable with my sexuality. I understand what you're trying toconvey... to an extent; however, you're wording is justifiably leaving you open to flames.
Originally Posted by toast1985

Originally Posted by AmericanDream

I've found some men attractive. I'm confident enough in my sexuality, I could care less what opinion someone has
of me because I've said that. I think it's human nature to be at least mildly physically attracted, if not even sexually, to the opposite sex. However,
in the world today this is frowned upon so much that it has to be suppressed. I applaud the people who are courageous enough to display their homosexuality


Now, I've read through this post, and I do consider myself to be 1. Mature, and 2. Comfortable with my sexuality. I understand what you're trying to convey... to an extent; however, you're wording is justifiably leaving you open to flames.

I've never bashed OP about this thread, but I feel where dude is coming from, but I've never looked at a guy and said tomyself "he looksgood"

the most I've thought was "Damn dude killin them sneakers" (His outfit is on point with his sneaks)


"Yea dude is mad cut, I need to get in the gym"

I have never thought another man was attractive.

The most I'd say is when a chick ask how my friends look when I'm trying to hook em up is "He's not a bad lookin dude, he's not a troll.Look at me, do it look like I hang with ugly dudes?"

But *$* that "he looks good" type *$*
Originally Posted by ethanlee29

Originally Posted by 510Ballin

So as I was at Starbucks today, I glanced at the table to my left. I do not know if it was an attraction or what but the guy on the table was good looking. Like he had great swag. I wanted to buy the clothes he was wearing and cut my hair like him so I could come off as he did. Anyone else?

its funny how this thread has like 10 pages of replies with dudes feeling the need to proclaim their heterosexuality. it's just as annoying as when gaydudes proclaim their homosexuality.
Originally Posted by SchruteFarms

its funny how this thread has like 10 pages of replies with dudes feeling the need to proclaim their heterosexuality. it's just as annoying as when gay dudes proclaim their homosexuality.

Thank you.

@ the gif of the little chubby kid
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