So I got that Arrested Development series DVD for Christmas...

Aug 24, 2005
... and I still cant believe they canceled it

one of the only shows I actually laugh out loud at when no one else is around

So I guess you can say this is an appreciation post to a great sitcom that died too young

(btw shout out to the NTer that posted the deal about the DVD pack on Amazon a couple weeks ago

Sometimes I can't even enjoy it knowing how bad the show was treated by Fox. Constantly moved around on the schedule, always on the verge of cancellation,they shortened the second season, and then finally gave it the axe in the third.

In part I'm glad the show didn't continue on for years and years and the quality declined, but I think the writers and creator would have been able toend it well on their own terms.

Easily one of my top comedies of all-time, probably laughed harder first time watching it than any other show. And I've probably seen each episode at leastten times.
they did them dirty on the finale. i think they just showed 4 straight episodes and that was that.. all in a row.

they wanted it off the air and got their wish.

this show needs some comprehension skills much like a heroes show in NBC, but I guess its different with action/sci fi and comedy. with comedies, you cant bemaking people think. lol
My favorite comedy show of all time. I loved how the writers rewarded faithful viewers. Gob and his suit:
This show awesome. I am kinda glad it got cancelled before it became whack, but it was still cancelled too early. 3 seasons!

If the movie does come out, I hope all the writers are onboard and Ron Howard narrates again.

Lucille and loose seal!?
Blue Man Group!
The writers were awesome.
Watching this show when it first aired on Fox way back when was the standard I put other comedy shows up to. Greatest comedy show imo.
one of the few shows I've bought and would buy again if released on blu ray. this show is top 3 of all time comedy wise

it's on IFC. great channel. so is the movie getting made for sure? I remember cera didn't want to sign on or was just trying to get some more money.
It's a great show. I remember hearing an interview with Mitch saying he's kind of happy where it ended because if it had dragged out and the seriesstarted to lack in ideas, fans would be disappointed. I still love season 2 the best. My favorite show.
I'm still salty that I've passed on these for like $12 a piece at Costco a good 3 or 4 times. SMH at me.
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