So I just sent this girl a pic... Vol. Update on Pg. 1

Jan 4, 2008
So I was just talking to this girl I used to talk to, and we somehow got on the topic of our bodies and what not. I ask her what she thought of mine, and shesaid she hadn't seen it well before. So, in cavalier form, I offer to take a pic, and decide to make it of a... slightly unclothed variety. I take a few,send them, and this is how the convo went down from there...
me (10:39:41 PM): hahaha, ok, give me a min

her (10:39:51 PM): yesir

me (10:56:30 PM): lol accept

me (10:57:07 PM): tell me when you accept

ATTENTION (10:57:13 PM) Direct IM session initiated. What is this?

her (10:57:21 PM): ok

her (10:57:46 PM): :0

me (10:58:09 PM): is that good or bad?!?!

So about 20 min after that she logged off... never replied back. She's at cosmetology school right now, so I'm trying to figure out if she'sshowing her roommates or something...

What does ":0" mean anyways? Good or bad. Oh, and she's asian, so I'm not thinking it's a matter of measurements...

pic of the girl:

So while I was at work this morning she texted me... here's the convo:

her: Hey im sorry about yesterday my comp froze yesterday and i couldnt find my cell last night.
me: Lol haha ok... Sooo what does :0 mean??
her: Oh sorry im in class, I was just surprised
me: Lol, you said I could!
her: I just let you do what you want but it was surprising
me: Yeah... I could see that haha... So was it a good surprising or a bad surprising?
her: Umm idk haha kinda awkward surprising?
me: Haha ok. Well, now you can answer the original question now that you've seen more of my body than a lot of other people haha
her: Haha lmao well yeah you have a nice body.
me: Lol alright, well that's good. I thought you saw my upperbody when I was at your house and you dried my shirt lol
her: I did but I didnt like stare lol.
me: Lol ok, so if you could have casual, no strings attached, unwhoreish sex with my body, would you?
her: Ummmm lmao idk, weird question to think about
me: Lol you know, would you or wouldn't you? Ha, if you're attracted enough to my body then there's a better chance you'd want to #&%$ it
her: Is that what you want? Haha.
me: Lol, well, unwhoreish, no strings, casual sex is the sex I most enjoy haha. And you already know I'm attracted to you lol, so I guess so
her: Just because i know you i would have to say no but you have a nice body
me: Haha thanks. But what does knowing me have to do with anything? We're both mature enough to do something like that and still be friends
her: Idk if I can pull that off

That's the most we've texted, so it's up in the air if I'm smashing when she gets home
. Obviously she wasn't grossed out, just surprised, although I'mdefinitely doubting her comp froze and she couldn't find her phone, but oh well. If anything serious develops further, I'll update, but for now, thisis what I promised lol.

Oh, and another pic:
that looks like the one chick who who asked nt why her boyfriend wast payin her any attn from his sn
dude sent her a pic of his #%%@... my man

if this broad aint with it then +@+% her, move on to the next one
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