so i met the based god at sxsw


it's a TARP.
Originally Posted by IgnantBliss

But Diddy brought out the Based God at sxsw!? Damn my dude came up
I'm all for the #based movement, but I really am mad that his performance didn't start until four minutes into this video. I wasted all that time watching P Diddy try to cook 
Originally Posted by ISRAEL5EKLA


banned for being a scammer
Banned for being on my D.


shut up son, you sound like michael cera.  look what someone pm'ed me.  you still scammin dude?

no one's on your d.  i'm just giving a little public service announcement about what you're really about.

Originally Posted by dunks87

i discharged my duty. as ya'll were
LilB SWAG...etc etc

What duty? Drop the act, that pic isnt tagged or anything. . For all we know that could be Side show bobs sister   . 
Where are the tagged pics with NT on it or something
Funny cuz that same NTer text me last night saying hes super happy with his new phone.

The deal we did took awhile to close because he changed his mind twice and wasnt sure what he wanted to get for a new phone but we got it done and whats done is done.

By the way, he sent over the $2k chain IF and Co made with no questions asked and then I shipped him his new phone.

Quit playing. you lose again.
What are you talking about a chain? You're a scammer end of story. You've scammed or tried to scam hella people.
I think the whole based god thing is funny, but he really is not a very good rapper at all lmao.

but who in the hell in hip hop is anymore.
Originally Posted by ISRAEL5EKLA

Look at who's in your avy, B.

This guy is laughing in a corner somewhere by himself.
nah, we're all laughing at you.  just like when i pulled your card in the android thread.  you're a lame.
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