So I want to start playing piano.. Thoughts??

Originally Posted by TimCity2000

regular practice is the only answer.

how old are you, btw.

i've played piano since i was 7... definitely one of the best decisions i made in life. also, how much are you willing to invest in a keyboard/piano? you might be surprised at how affordable some are. look at local music schools that are getting rid of old stock. or consider a digital piano / clavinova.

Im 26.  I want to do this and DJing...  As far as money, Ive got good income, so its really not a matter of spending 3 versus 5 hundred or a grand.  Just actually enjoying it is what I want
If you can't get a piano, then at least get a weighted keyboard, the difference is night and day between that and a non-weighted one.
If you're serious about becoming a good player overall and not just playing a few popular pieces, then take lessons and don't try to cheat yourself by ignoring the fundamentals. It will make learning and playing music so much easier if you have the proper foundation.

I think it's a good idea because I wish I never stopped, and that's something I hear all the time from former players.. that they regret quitting lessons and regularly playing. I would try to pick it back up but all I have is a beginner's keyboard from when I was a kid and I really dislike playing it.
Me too. This guy at my school jumped on the piano and started going in during my break between classes. Played for like 15 minutes. I forgot the song, but that +*%# was smooth as +*%#. After he was done it felt like a ghost walked through, it was quiet and everybody was like O_O. Instant panty dropper!!!! I wish I could learn real quick
copped a piano two months ago just to learn to play this


I wanna also start playing the piano. I bought a beginners keyboard awhile ago but I haven't put any effort into trying to learn.

Is my best choice to teach myself scales and such through the internet or should I spring for some piano lessons or something?

sightreading songs on the radio would be a plus for me
Originally Posted by theone218

I wanna also start playing the piano. I bought a beginners keyboard awhile ago but I haven't put any effort into trying to learn.

Is my best choice to teach myself scales and such through the internet or should I spring for some piano lessons or something?

sightreading songs on the radio would be a plus for me
You have to be passionate about learning. If that passion isn't there, then neither teaching yourself nor getting lessons will help. You have to enjoy doing something to truly excel at it, and learning an instrument is a task that will require a tremendous amount of independent effort if you ever plan on being good.

I'm guessing that your beginner's keyboard came with some kind of beginner's book, no? Go through that cover to cover. If you find yourself putting a lot of effort in learning what's inside and going above and beyond the expectations of the book, then maybe investing in lessons will pay off. However, if you find that you are dragging yourself through every page and you really aren't happy while teaching yourself how to play, then maybe you should make due with your losses and find a different hobby.

That is just my opinion, though. At the end of the day, it is your time and money, so do as you like.
Really, all you need to do to get started is learn to read sheet music. It shouldn't take more than a week or two to learn the names of the notes. If you memorize the circle of fifths, you'll be set, and you should instantly know what key a song is in by looking at the sheets. You don't need to know much about theory when you start. Finally, just practice. Find sheet music for songs that you like and play them.  Some people like practicing scales, and it's good to do so, but the important thing is to keep on playing every day. Scales are helpful to a degree, but spend time playing what you like. It's supposed to be fun and relaxing, so don't make playing the piano a chore 

Practice sight-reading. To start off with, if you're unsure about wanting to play, I'd buy a cheap 61 key keyboard (which, for all intents and purposes, is good enough). If you stick with it and enjoy playing, upgrade to a weighted 88 key keyboard. About two years ago I bought a 88 key weighted Casio keyboard and didn't really play it that much. I told myself I wanted to learn and blah blah blah, but I ended up selling it at a loss on Craigslist.

A few months ago I took a beginning music theory class at my school, and we used the piano throughout the course. I  bought a cheap 61 key Yamaha (with touch-sensitivity), and I'm getting pretty decent at it. I'm thinking about upgrading to a weighted 88 key keyboard, as well, now that I'm sure that I'm going to stick with it. Most people say it's best to start off w/ a weighted keyboard from the beginning in order to get used to it, but it wasn't in my budget. If you can afford it and know you can stick w/ it, buy a weighted 88 key keyboard.
i played piano for 12 years (classically trained) and my sight reading is shaky after not playing for almost 4-5 years.

i don't think it's possible for you to be as good as someone who's been playing since they were a child because you just can't absorb as much info when you're older. also, it's harder to develop good piano-playing habits when you're older.

BUT, if you practice a $!+! ton and learn your music theory, you should be able to play some popular classical pieces and any pop piece should be a piece of cake to play.
this might sound stupid but when I was younger I used to play the viola and clarinet (dont judge me)
are the notes on the sheet music about the same? If they are at least similar I think I can teach myself
without shelling out too much cash on a piano or lessons.

Piano is something I always wanted to play but I never really picked up on it
That 76-key keyboard is back up for $94 for those interested. I got it in the other day and it is a nice little piece of equipment. It also has MIDI ports if you want to hook it up to your comp or ipad.
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