So I was leaving Chick-Fil-A yesterday vol. Ayo

I've only had gay dudes call me cute...

they never offered the top :lol:

When I was in college some cat in my class told me he was a photographer and would like to take some pictures of me for his portfolio.

He said he would pay me $80 or so for half hour of taking pics. Me being a broke college student looked at it as an easy come up.

Anyway, we go to this cats studio, he takes some regular pics and then he starts showing me the pics we just took.

Everything is pretty normal untill this cat starts scrolling through the pics and some real suspect pics pop up.

I was sitting there like "come on cuz..." :stoneface:

Dude giggles and was like, "oops, you weren't suppose to see those."

After that I told dude to give me my money so I can leave.

you almost had a backroom door casting couch?
Are there any homosexuals on NT that can shed light on this topic? Based on the stories in this thread, I seems like it not only happens somewhat regularly but happens all over the country. Just would like to know what is actually going through someone's mind when making these bold advances on me that otherwise appear to be heterosexuals.
Are there any homosexuals on NT that can shed light on this topic? Based on the stories in this thread, I seems like it not only happens somewhat regularly but happens all over the country. Just would like to know what is actually going through someone's mind when making these bold advances on me that otherwise appear to be heterosexuals.

Lol straight dudes do this all the time too

It's not a homosexual trait
I bet a lot of you wear skinny jeans! 
I wear skinny jeans and I have never had a gay dude make an advance on me.
Are there any homosexuals on NT that can shed light on this topic? Based on the stories in this thread, I seems like it not only happens somewhat regularly but happens all over the country. Just would like to know what is actually going through someone's mind when making these bold advances on me that otherwise appear to be heterosexuals.

Lol straight dudes do this all the time too

It's not a homosexual trait

Wait are you saying straight dudes do this all to time to females or straight dudes do this all the time to other males?

If its the former, I'm completely aware but I know what it is going through their mind. But if its the latter, then I don't know how the dude making the advance would be considered straight.
Are there any homosexuals on NT that can shed light on this topic? Based on the stories in this thread, I seems like it not only happens somewhat regularly but happens all over the country. Just would like to know what is actually going through someones mind when making these bold advances on me that otherwise appear to be heterosexuals.
Just like you sometimes find women that give in to your advances they do as well.  All gay dudes don't rock women's pants high heels and purses, some of them look like you and me.  

A few females I've dealt with gave up the skinny about the guys they've dealt with in the past, and some have out right admitted to homosexual activities with other curious/gay individuals.  Others just did alot of suspect things that made the females wonder what side they where really playing for.  I actually met one of the dudes this chick was telling me about, and homie seemed like a regular dude; but he liked to smooch it up with other men.
Just like you sometimes find women that give in to your advances they do as well.  All gay dudes don't rock women's pants high heels and purses, some of them look like you and me.  

A few females I've dealt with gave up the skinny about the guys they've dealt with in the past, and some have out right admitted to homosexual activities with other curious/gay individuals.  Others just did alot of suspect things that made the females wonder what side they where really playing for.  I actually met one of the dudes this chick was telling me about, and homie seemed like a regular dude; but he liked to smooch it up with other men.
My girl her ex went completely gay i mean completely gay i mean flamboyant gay. They went out for over a year broke up with her this was during highschool for our senior picnic guy was twerking smh.
I worked at Gap for like six months mostly all the guys there were gay me and like 3 other guys were straight my first week there I got hit on. So one day at work doing the usual looking at all the fine hunnies who come thru while I was folding some clothes and a customer comes up to me asking where are the belts? So I take him and show him and I tell him if you don't find your size let me know I'll get it for you. The guy looks at me and asks me are you going to spank me with them. i was in shock so all i did was walk away go towards the back of the store and hide so i wouldn't see him. Other then that there was more occasions were i got hit on but all i said was no thanks i have a gf

:rofl: :rofl: :x
I've only had gay dudes call me cute...

they never offered the top :lol:

When I was in college some cat in my class told me he was a photographer and would like to take some pictures of me for his portfolio.

He said he would pay me $80 or so for half hour of taking pics. Me being a broke college student looked at it as an easy come up.

Anyway, we go to this cats studio, he takes some regular pics and then he starts showing me the pics we just took.

Everything is pretty normal untill this cat starts scrolling through the pics and some real suspect pics pop up.

I was sitting there like "come on cuz..." :stoneface:

Dude giggles and was like, "oops, you weren't suppose to see those."

After that I told dude to give me my money so I can leave.

you almost had a backroom door casting couch?
That's what I'm saying! I'm reading that like you know there's a porn site of this happening to chicks dedicated to that premise :lol:
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Are there any homosexuals on NT that can shed light on this topic? Based on the stories in this thread, I seems like it not only happens somewhat regularly but happens all over the country. Just would like to know what is actually going through someone's mind when making these bold advances on me that otherwise appear to be heterosexuals.
theres a lot of gay dudes who really REALLY want "straight" guys

like one time i told dude "im not gay bro" and he responded "oh, i dont like gay guys, i only like straight ones" idk, it honestly makes sense but it dont at the same time
Are there any homosexuals on NT that can shed light on this topic? Based on the stories in this thread, I seems like it not only happens somewhat regularly but happens all over the country. Just would like to know what is actually going through someone's mind when making these bold advances on me that otherwise appear to be heterosexuals.
theres a lot of gay dudes who really REALLY want "straight" guys

like one time i told dude "im not gay bro" and he responded "oh, i dont like gay guys, i only like straight ones" idk, it honestly makes sense but it dont at the same time

:rofl: oddly enough, I get it. I guess it's the allure of taking something you shouldn't be able to have? I have an analogy that I could make but don't want this to go from a sexuality thread to race thread with the quickness
theres a lot of gay dudes who really REALLY want "straight" guys

like one time i told dude "im not gay bro" and he responded "oh, i dont like gay guys, i only like straight ones" idk, it honestly makes sense but it dont at the same time

Sort of like guys who only go for taken chicks. Makes sense.
you boys must look sweet never had no **** like this happen to me

have nothing against gays but some dude approaches me like that nd he's catchin the anderson silva front kick

lol. I have NEVER been called good looking/cute/sexy/whatever else (not even by girls). I have only ever been called the opposite and that still happened to me.

Hater's right, dudes say the craziest stuff without getting slapped

hell, i grab girls booty cheeks all the time at the club, never been slapped, usually they grab my arm and are like "WTF is wrong with you" and I respond "Um, I like your ***. . . A lot"

dont try that tho, 1. its never worked and 2. you probably will get smacked

Never understood people's violent reactions if a situation like that pops up. If there's no threat of physical harm, just keep it moving. I just kept it respectful with dude and went my way.
I'm not an advocate of violence or a homophobe. Like I said I have gay friends. I even support gay rights. Hell if I am clothes shopping and a gay guy says something looks nice on me it will be copped 9 times out of 10.
But my violent reaction is because she wanted me to smash and was about to go through with it without telling me she was a guy.

In fact the only reason she had to tell me she was a guy was because I said "what about next week? the week after that? etc" She kept pulling these excuses. Even saying that she would still be on her monthly a week and a half later. I thought maybe she just really wanted it now. But I said well you can hit me up when you are free. Then she said she was born a boy but still had her **** :x. I just simply let her know that if it went ANY further than that conversation and I saw/felt a **** she would have been smacked out of blind rage.

It is a reasonable reaction imo. But I will admit that even though I am not homophobic, trannies or people with gender changes get no sympathy for me. I have little tolerance for them. Shame on the doctors who create these surgeries. Waste of medical advances that could have been put to good use

I bet a lot of you wear skinny jeans! 
I do. But not so skinny that you can see the shape of my body. Doubt that has anything to do with it
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Lol straight dudes do this all the time too

It's not a homosexual trait
why because you do it?
I swear ppl sound stupid when they say this group that doesn't do this, sometimes do this thing that they allegedly do not do. Especially when there's clear distinct differences that are embedded in the the very meaning of the group.

It's like saying sometimes Jews pray to Posiden and Vishnu >D
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Lol straight dudes do this all the time too

It's not a homosexual trait
why because you do it?
I swear ppl sound stupid when they say this group that doesn't do this, sometimes do this thing that they allegedly do not do. Especially when there's clear distinct differences that are embedded in the the very meaning of the group.

It's like saying sometimes Jews pray to Posiden and Vishnu
lol bang bang
:lol: Update

So I found myself at this Chick-Fil-A for the first time since the incident on Tuesday. Everything was chill, parked my car. This dude in a beater whip pulls up beside me and goes "that joint is tight". Said thanks, go in and eat. I finish, come out to my car and...

Same dude is sitting on the curb in handcuffs with cops searching his car. Better than last time but, I swear something's off about that place :lol:
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:lol: Update

So I found myself at this Chick-Fil-A for the first time since the incident on Tuesday. Everything was chill, parked my car. This dude in a beater whip pulls up beside me and goes "that joint is tight". Said thanks, go in and eat. I finish, come out to my car and...

Same dude is sitting on the curb in handcuffs with cops searching his car. Better than last time but, I swear something's off about that place :lol:

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