So I was on NiceKicks and this MikeDigi had a decent idea...

Feb 3, 2008
I absolutely hate fusions with a passion that burns....but while i was on the Sneak Peak of the Fusion XIII
I noticed dudes comment that said he would rather see a fusion with the actualAJ 3 I took the templates that were on here and cooked up this rendering of what a fusion SHOULD look like (since JB isnt gonna stop making themn e time soon) ENJOY! gimme some feedback...

AS REQUESTED....AN XIII (More to come)

you right-you right...but it seemed to be a better idea than what those creatures at JB are making....
Originally Posted by aruggles606

I absolutely hate fusions with a passion that burns....but while i was on the Sneak Peak of the Fusion XIII
I noticed dudes comment that said he would rather see a fusion with the actual AJ 3 I took the templates that were on here and cooked up this rendering of what a fusion SHOULD look like (since JB isnt gonna stop making them n e time soon) ENJOY! gimme some feedback...

I have been thinking about this idea with my friends. They just need to add the Pull tab and change to tongue to the one of 3 plus NOW STRAP
I might sound crazy but I think fusions would have been more accepted had there only been 4-5 colorways for each #. And all the colorways should have been ogwith one non og colorway. But instead we get a bunch of trash
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