So I'm Driving, Cops throw the Lights on Me, Search Me, and ruin my Ray-Bans...

jt air jt

Jan 14, 2006


Swines pull me over for NO REASON. They CLAIM I have a modified exhaust (I only have an intake installed in this car) and end up searching my car. All theyfind is an empty bong bag and a green medical canister with coins in it (FTW...)...

Swines search my car but luckily they didn't find anything (forgot my bong, etc. at home

When I get back my car is just... WOW.

Glove comp. is FUUU- my shoes, papers, everything in my backpack is just scattered all over my car...

And then I find out that my aviators are all twisted, FUUU-...

They eventually find nothing and let me go 'cause "they have something to take care of"...

Driving off like there's a 4 star sucka running around...

Then they come drive back with my phone which they forgot to give me back after searching my car...



Question: Can these swines really just randomly do this?
cops did the same thing with my "modified exhaust" except he just looked dumb.
They didn't have the right to search your car at all. If they ask you if they can search your car you can tell them they can't if they tell you to getout of the car roll up all your windows and lock your doors. If they pull some threats or whatever just ask why or if you can leave. You didn't break anylaws.
Originally Posted by IsyouRollin

They didn't have the right to search your car at all. If they ask you if they can search your car you can tell them they can't if they tell you to get out of the car roll up all your windows and lock your doors. If they pull some threats or whatever just ask why or if you can leave. You didn't break any laws.

lol the first part is true they need a warrant or permission, just say no.
iono about the second part though

cops will just get mad and abuse their power and charge you for something else
Why did you let them search your car?
What was the probable cause?

I can understand if they told you your whip smelled like green or something but if not they have no reason to.
If they ask you to step out. Take your keys and lock your doors.

And stop carrying paraphernalia in your car man. No one can help you if you actually are doing wrong.

Btw they can't go into some closed like a glove box. If it was open prior to the search then yea out outside of that nope.
They knew that you didn't know your rights so you got got.
Originally Posted by Sputnik

Originally Posted by IsyouRollin

They didn't have the right to search your car at all. If they ask you if they can search your car you can tell them they can't if they tell you to get out of the car roll up all your windows and lock your doors. If they pull some threats or whatever just ask why or if you can leave. You didn't break any laws.

lol the first part is true they need a warrant or permission, just say no.
iono about the second part though

cops will just get mad and abuse their power and charge you for something else
I just wrote down the reenactment in a video i watched this afternoon.
Stumbleupon FTW.
They didn't ask to search my car I know this for a fact - they went in without permission, I ask them what I did and they say that I was "going toofast and you have a modified exhaust" (never got a speeding ticket)... they ask me to get out of the car so I do.

I know for a fact I did nothing wrong, I'm sober, and I have nothing on me... so instead of resisting arrest or getting booked for something moreexpensive/time commitment I co-operate...

They tell me to put my hands behind my back and at this point, I demand them to tell me what's wrong (at this point I think I have a warrant for myarrest), swine tells me to go in the rear seat of the PO car...

Other officer goes into my car...

I tell the officer that they can't search my car... NO RESPONSE... After THREE times repeating myself...

Then they let me go, I slide back into my car and everything is just FUUU-...

And they come back with my phone.


F the LAPD.
Originally Posted by enlightenedespot

Btw they can't go into some closed like a glove box. If it was open prior to the search then yea out outside of that nope.
They knew that you didn't know your rights so you got got.
your wrong, if you consent to a routine search they have the right to open anything in the car UNLESS it has a lock on it, then they have noright to access it without further athority

when they ask you to get out your car never get out and leave the door open, they tend to just sneak in there and ask you real quick while they are alreadyinside, they practice this kind of stuff


I bet you didnt do that OP
Originally Posted by razzle dazzle

How did they ruin your Ray-Bans?
idk it's all twisted in the middle and one of the glass pieces came off. I loved those aviators. Perfect driving shades.


the best is when i get pulled over for the STOCK HID'S on my x5..."yea, these are definitely aftermarket...i'll give you a warning this time, butnext time you won't be so lucky." there went two hours of my life that i won't get back
same thing happened to me. but.. he literally pulled me over for no reason, didn't ask for a license, didn't ask for insurance. just opened my door,pulled me out frisked me, looked around my seat and let me go. i remember it was all awkward when his **# was pulling me out too because i still had myseatbelt on ... >=o

stupid man.. he was like "you have any pills on you? hmm ???"

The whole problem with probable cause is that they can abuse it, and if they're really motivated, they'll get a warrant to search your car. You reallyshouldn't be carrying around paraphernalia at all times...if they find that, THEN they seriously do have P.C. to search the rest of your car and turn itupside down.

What you should have done was noted the time and location of the incident, and memorize the patrol car's plates. Also, ask the officers for their badgenumbers while they search your car. Say it loud and clear that you demand their badge numbers (which they are required to give if asked).

They do have certain powers when they pull you over, but you also have rights that you should know about and not hesitate to exercise.
I should also mention that everything I just mentioned isn't exactly foolproof.

Some cops will take your actions as being cheeky and punk you around some more.

But it's about all you can do. Short of getting a lawyer, that is.
Originally Posted by kash55

Why did you let him search you? Personally I don't think I would.
How would you stop him? A lot of times, telling an officer not to search your car gives them P.C., because they believe you may be hidingsomething. And then they'll search it anyway.
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