So is SOULJA BOY liked or disliked among NTers?

Apr 20, 2006
Lately, I've been getting mixed messages about him. I thought that for the most part, NT hated him and his music andeverything about him. But now ppl wanna see his movie, and saying he got swag x1000, and they wish they had swag like him.

So what's good with SB?
Do I like his music? No.
Do I respect the fact that he's making his money? Yes.

"Males shouldn't get jealous, that's a female trait"
i think most people who stand up for him are being least I hope so. I acknowledge the fact that he is rich, but he is a total tool.
Originally Posted by Primavera Vills

Soulja Boy is a funny dood, but I do not like his music.
I agree with this.

I pretty much hate all his music with a couple exceptions.
Now that I think about I have to agree with the posts before me, I hate his music as much as Lil Wayne, but you gotta give him props for the money he has made,and man... now he's in a movie, what's next?
i respect him for the fact he promoted packaged and sold himself and made so money and is living a better life.

i do not like his music.

i don't know HIM personally to say i like or dislike him.
I think he puts out garbage music.

But if the kid is making money putting out garbage, then so be it.

I'm not getting paid, he is.
I hate him and don't respect him. There are a lot of great rappers I don't like, but I respect them thou. Soulja boy is just funny %!% clown.
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