So, its a crazy time in life

As of now you need to do things that'll keep you distracted!
Get a girlfriend, friend with benefits, some new friends, etc...
Working all the time, or if you're even thinking about working the next day before you go to sleep is unhealthy.
Enjoy life, & take this time to figure out what's your passion!
I'm going to be a barber/DJ.
That's because I love to be social, I'm not a dumb dude either btw.
I'm at work right now and I wanna just storm out this #$%^. I'm not happy here. I'm on my grind looking for another job, but not having much luck. Saving my money right now so that by the start of next year I can quit and leave my current city to find something better. I'm just surviving right now. @#$% is not even funny and I'm just tired of it.

Good luck OP.
bro.. dont be too hard on yourself. you acted on what you thought was the right thing, which was to leave that dead end job that you were all going to get fired from anyways. if you feel as if you need to go back to school DO IT. i recently graduated from college at the end of May and the feeling of "accomplishing" something is a really great feeling. i still have the same job i had while in school but i do feel like i have a little more going for me than my coworkers. the more i work there, the more i realize that this aint what i want to do with my life.

so do what others have said in here and DO YOU. if you want to become an engineer, a nurse, an architect, etc, HANDLE IT!! it will feel very rewarding to the soul and the $$$ will be a bonus (since you feel like you dont really care for it).

as for friends and family, try not to lash out on the fams bro. they are there to support you and dont think that they havent been through some similar type stresses as you.. maybe they've experienced more!! as for friends, dont be so hard on yourself for "not having ANY friends.." im sure you have at least one or two friends you can always rely on.. hit them up once in a while and see whassup. they've probably been going through some BS as well.. they just know how to keep their composure a little better than you. as ive gotta older, i realized that one or two TRUE homies >>>>> 100000 fake friends.

dont worry so much bro. you're good. take it day by day and take advantage of this time to yourself to reflect on goals, and make a plan on how you're going to reach these goals. good luck and stay optimistic.
Originally Posted by JesusShuttlesworth34

A lot of times what people love to do does not provide them with a means to support themselves and the ones they love....and maintaining a relationship and a future with one you love is unfortunately tied into the prior statement of have a lucrative means to support yourself and a good social standing.

If you are one of the lucky folks who get paid to do what you love...yeah that is the good life.
Loving someone before loving yourself is irresponsible to you and the other person's life.  How could you love someone who does not allow you to be who you truly are? How can someone even attempt to love you if you are not even who you truly are, but instead just a reflection filtered through society?
Also too many people relate good life with money. It does not take money to live a life that one deems as "good". And although it may take money to get bidchez, it has nothing to do with love.

But hey. Do what thou wilt.

OP read the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad". It touches up on employees who have certain mentalities, and employees who have mentalities like yours. You may find something out about yourself. 

Also OP don't allow somebody whose sole purpose is to take advantage of your life ,make you disregard your own life. You might as well have stayed a working slave, versus a slave that worked himself to death.
I got a lot of respect for you man. To get up and leave and realizing the issue.

You should def go back to school but keep in mind, if you're looking for a good job anywhere... you're not working 9-5 anymore. Expect a lot of hours. That's just my experience in NYC and accounting and finance though.
*starts slow clap* no sarcasm. good to see you taking control of your life OP, respect.

make your next move your best move.
Do you man , no job is worth that type of stress unless they paying you 100 k plus.
Bro....I was in your boat up until a week ago....I was hating my job, so for the past month I turned to drinking every hard every weekend, driving drunk and what not...til I heard about my two college friends being in a serious car crash, one dude had to have both legs amputated
....that +#!* set me straight REAL have to look at it like this my man, +#!* can definitely be worse.  There are folks out there that would love to be in your is about enjoyment, but you have to make some sacrifices to get there....I have friends but we aren't as close as we were in the past, people grow distant as we get older.  You need to work on yourself and forget about trying to party your sorrows away.  Set some goals/get a life plan and stick to it and things WILL set itself up naturally....but yea, go to school and don't *#!* it up.
Damn dude. Sorry to hear about your troubles. I can relate. I used to work retail as a Manager & the last 1-2 years was horrible. Although you have a DM, you're basically on your own with little or know help unless you have a good staff. Life get's better & try to understand that these things happen for a reason. How you choose to handle things like this will define who you are & how you live your life. Pick yourself back up & get your butt back out there. It sounds like you got a decent work ethic which is most of the battle. Keep your head up...
Bro, this is called real life. Stop throwing a pity party and get your %!* together.

That is the answer to all of your problems. We all get depressed, we all go through times of being alone. Remember that...Now you have the knowledge and can use that to propel you forward instead of getting stuck in a rut.
so my boss called me today and asked me to go back to work. i am going in tomorrow but Im taking next weekend off plus its supposed to rain this week so maybe ill get some more time off. I just figured ill gut out a few more weeks then its unemployment, school, and relaxation for the next year which will make all this worth it. I think this day off really helped me reflect on the troubles I was having so im definitely more prepared to handle the next month of work
Work hard, party harder is one of my mottos. But I swear it only works when you are celebrating your work.
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by JesusShuttlesworth34

A lot of times what people love to do does not provide them with a means to support themselves and the ones they love....and maintaining a relationship and a future with one you love is unfortunately tied into the prior statement of have a lucrative means to support yourself and a good social standing.

If you are one of the lucky folks who get paid to do what you love...yeah that is the good life.

That is true, but at the same time a huge number of people don't even look or act when the opportunity is there. They're so wrapped up in making money and keeping up that they don't realize they could be doing what they love and still supporting their family. Of course sometimes you'll have to sacrifice the pay for your passion but you can live off anything if you're willing to deal with it. Most people don't want to give up a high earning job for something like $30,000 a year doing something they love and they don't realize that $30,000 is enough to support oneself if they live within their means.

Bruh I respect your optimism and understand where you're coming from, but I'ma be real with you.  Once you're grown and in the real world on your own for 5 years of your life making 30k a year, you may change that tune quick.  I can understand if you're living the bachelor life, renting a place, and not paying a car note.  But there comes a point in life when you'll want more freedom to do the things that you'd like to do without having to worry about financial contraints.  Let alone have a family, because 30k isn't going to allow your family to live comfortably.
Not knocking your lack of foresight, or anything having to do with your age.  Just know, with age comes perspective.  
###$ I'm only in my early twenties so I don't even know yet really, just some food for thought.  Being broke ain't no joke. 
Originally Posted by pookieman

Bro....I was in your boat up until a week ago....I was hating my job, so for the past month I turned to drinking every hard every weekend, driving drunk and what not...til I heard about my two college friends being in a serious car crash, one dude had to have both legs amputated
....that +#!* set me straight REAL have to look at it like this my man, +#!* can definitely be worse.  There are folks out there that would love to be in your is about enjoyment, but you have to make some sacrifices to get there....I have friends but we aren't as close as we were in the past, people grow distant as we get older.  You need to work on yourself and forget about trying to party your sorrows away.  Set some goals/get a life plan and stick to it and things WILL set itself up naturally....but yea, go to school and don't *#!* it up.
bruh, when you're depressed you could give a damn who has it worse.  just sayin...

but glad you're doing better, take it from me driving drunk will get you one day.  op sounds like quitting was a good idea.
You are going through that "F this I cannot be a slave for this wage" phase. Trust me I've been there my good sir, find out what you are passionate about, master it and chase that @#!! down like it is the only thing you see. Tunnel vision hombre, tunnel vision.
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by buggz05

Yo that's what they want you to do. They either want you to snap out from the stress, or kill yourself by trying to keep up. Do whats right for YOUR LIFE man. This is YOUR LIFE. No one else's.

I think you did the right thing and I admire your courage. Take care of yourself man.
Couldn't have said it any better. People let their work place rule and run their lives (slaves), I applaud you OP. As buggz05 said.. it's YOUR LIFE. 
Originally Posted by jdi23

I'm at work right now and I wanna just storm out this #$%^. I'm not happy here. I'm on my grind looking for another job, but not having much luck. Saving my money right now so that by the start of next year I can quit and leave my current city to find something better. I'm just surviving right now. @#$% is not even funny and I'm just tired of it.

Good luck OP.

This is exactly what im up to, im sick of this city as well at this job. But keep in mind that even jobs where you sit infront of a computer all day is something you may not use your brain in. Im a pharmacy tech. and I feel like brain cells are just rotting and I feel worthless. At this point in time I can't think of anything ill be happy doing in school and im trying to focus on my creayivity but its impossible doing this and working 50 to 60 hours a week.Good luck op your going in the right direction to happiness.
Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by JesusShuttlesworth34

A lot of times what people love to do does not provide them with a means to support themselves and the ones they love....and maintaining a relationship and a future with one you love is unfortunately tied into the prior statement of have a lucrative means to support yourself and a good social standing.

If you are one of the lucky folks who get paid to do what you love...yeah that is the good life.
Loving someone before loving yourself is irresponsible to you and the other person's life.  How could you love someone who does not allow you to be who you truly are? How can someone even attempt to love you if you are not even who you truly are, but instead just a reflection filtered through society?
Also too many people relate good life with money. It does not take money to live a life that one deems as "good". And although it may take money to get bidchez, it has nothing to do with love.

But hey. Do what thou wilt.

OP read the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad". It touches up on employees who have certain mentalities, and employees who have mentalities like yours. You may find something out about yourself. 

Also OP don't allow somebody whose sole purpose is to take advantage of your life ,make you disregard your own life. You might as well have stayed a working slave, versus a slave that worked himself to death.
I don't recall ever stating it was a good idea to love someone before loving yourself or even implying that.  If everyone was able to love or be with a significant other regardless of other outlying factors then it would just be a perfect world and attraction would be merely physical and based on personality.  Unfortunately it does not work that way.  I have had the $60k Govt job and it didn't change nor define me at did influence my significant other though.  She was infatuated with the status and image of our lifestyle and how people viewed us or me.  I had the same level head and humility when I was in college as I did in the career world, and it was unfortunate to see her change like that....I met her when she made $200 a week walking dogs and being a nanny.   She now has a pretty good career in the IT contractor sector, but she has let that go to her head and it has changed who she is. 
Originally Posted by MoreUptempo

Bruh I respect your optimism and understand where you're coming from, but I'ma be real with you.  Once you're grown and in the real world on your own for 5 years of your life making 30k a year, you may change that tune quick.  I can understand if you're living the bachelor life, renting a place, and not paying a car note.  But there comes a point in life when you'll want more freedom to do the things that you'd like to do without having to worry about financial contraints.  Let alone have a family, because 30k isn't going to allow your family to live comfortably.
Not knocking your lack of foresight, or anything having to do with your age.  Just know, with age comes perspective.  
###$ I'm only in my early twenties so I don't even know yet really, just some food for thought.  Being broke ain't no joke. 

I'm not going to lie, I live in a dream world 95% of the time

Me? I'm not going to settle for that little because I know I can find a job doing something I love while making more money. But as soon as I'm settled and have enough money, I'd leave a high paying job in a heartbeat for my dream job if I could.

What I was trying to say was that a lot of people choose to have a higher-paying job over an enjoyable job because they want the money. They think that they need that kind of money to live and as a result they fall into a comfort zone and will never leave that job for a lower paying job because they're afraid of what the lower salary brings.

I'm not saying that you should settle for a low-paying job, but rather don't let the allure of money keep you from making a change in your life. Money really shuts people up and numbs their feelings... if they're not satisfied with where they are, as long as they're getting paid every other Friday they'll keep doing the same old, same old. I feel like if you want to make a change, do it... don't let money (or lack of it) deter you from mixing it up.
myth58 wrote:
Cop some big weight that break that shiii down cuz
Basically. Fast money is where it's at

Nah OP if you don't channel your frustration into anything positive your gonna be more depressed. Just stay focused man
Originally Posted by OHyeah10

Originally Posted by RavageBX

You need to take your $!% back over there and wait until they fire you so you can get unemployment.

dude when you drive 110 down the freeway and dont care if you crash, unemployment is the least of your concerns. 
I would love to do something creative in school. I dont know what exactly but Im sick of doing manual labor every day all day and want to actually use my mind instead of being a mindless drone
If pain is not a concern then get in a horrible, bloody, gory, disgusting accident at work.
Take pics, post on NT.
ask Meth to delete this thread so it can't be used in court. (Don't worry they won't find it at all. Meth is like our savior.)
Win the lawsuit, give me a couple hundred thousand dollars.
You'll be ok fam. It's normal to have an epiphany about work and what makes you happy. First thing you should do is apologize to your mother and sister and explain why you were so upset. Second chart out a plan of what makes you happy and how you plan to achieve the things you want out of life. Third relax and live your life.
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