So much death... vol. feels badman

May 15, 2011
So over the summer I had to put two of my three dogs to sleep, and today I found out my grandmother died unexpectedly at 86. I'm sure my 91 year old grandfather who's been sick for a couple years won't be far behind :smh: . I got no girl, I just feel empty, lonely and depressed right now. Walking around my house expecting to see my dogs cuddled up on their favorite chairs and couches wagging their tails, walking over to my grandparents' house which will soon be empty... I'm sorry for rambling but its been a bad couple months fam. How should I get through this?
Sorry to hear the bad news, man. Keep your head up best you can. Take the appropriate time to grieve and let your emotions out in the normal coping process. In the meantime try to focus on solidarity among your remaining family and close friends. Stay active with school, work, and/or the gym. Stay busy. "An idle mind is the devil's workshop."
damn, that's really tough

talk it out with family and close friends...those are the ones that should give you emotional support.
Sorry for your losts...

But do realize your grandma has lived a full life; had children of her own, grandchildren, seeing and having you for X amount of years.

Keep your head up OP.
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