So my dog's got a huge bald spot


Apr 23, 2008
She's an old english bull dog. Turns 8 next month. Since I've been away at school, my mom's been taking care of her. Since the beginning of the year, she's been shedding hair at a more rapid rate than ever before. Now it's pretty bad and she's got a large bald spot. I want to take her to the vet, but I'm afraid they might say she needs to be put down. Anyone ever had any experience with something like this?
She's an old english bull dog. Turns 8 next month. Since I've been away at school, my mom's been taking care of her. Since the beginning of the year, she's been shedding hair at a more rapid rate than ever before. Now it's pretty bad and she's got a large bald spot. I want to take her to the vet, but I'm afraid they might say she needs to be put down. Anyone ever had any experience with something like this?
If her health seems normal than I dont think its anything to worry about. I've never heard of Dog shedding hair meaning anything serious but I think a visit to the vet is inevitable either way bro.
If her health seems normal than I dont think its anything to worry about. I've never heard of Dog shedding hair meaning anything serious but I think a visit to the vet is inevitable either way bro.
If its one spot it could possibly be ringworms. Other than that I'm not sure, good luck though.
If its one spot it could possibly be ringworms. Other than that I'm not sure, good luck though.
Never had that problem but it could be ringworm. Take her to the vet ASAP to get it diagnosed
It could be mange.  Take her to the vet for a skin scrape and they'll be able to tell you for sure. 
It could be mange.  Take her to the vet for a skin scrape and they'll be able to tell you for sure. 
Alopecia areata (AA) is a health condition in which hair is lost from some or all areas of the body, usually from the scalp.[1][2] Because it causes bald spots on the scalp, especially in the first stages, it is sometimes called spot baldness. In 1%–2% of cases, the condition can spread to the entire scalp (Alopecia totalis) or to the entire epidermis (Alopecia universalis). Conditions resembling AA, and having a similar cause, occur also in other species

Humans and animals get this. It is not really serious and should begin to grown back in about 6 months. Joe Johnson (hawks) has this right now, and that is why he wears a headband.
Alopecia areata (AA) is a health condition in which hair is lost from some or all areas of the body, usually from the scalp.[1][2] Because it causes bald spots on the scalp, especially in the first stages, it is sometimes called spot baldness. In 1%–2% of cases, the condition can spread to the entire scalp (Alopecia totalis) or to the entire epidermis (Alopecia universalis). Conditions resembling AA, and having a similar cause, occur also in other species

Humans and animals get this. It is not really serious and should begin to grown back in about 6 months. Joe Johnson (hawks) has this right now, and that is why he wears a headband.
Originally Posted by blckmagc88

charlies villanueva dog

NBA headband.

But seriously, you have to go to vet. Whatever it is could be hurting your dog slowly. If you go and it can be cured then problem solved, if you don't who knows what will happen.
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