So my grandma passed away last night...

Originally Posted by kick master skiz

RKO2004 I'm sorry to hear that RIP. and thanks for all of the advice. I have never been much of a prayer but maybe it's time I have a talk with the big guy truth is I don't even know how I would start. My Grandma was a devout Catholic so she would probably be really happy if I did that.

Well you could start out with "Hey whats up"
. I like toenvision God as a stern leader but also with a comedic side.

He's always listening.
First off RIP to your grandmother.

I lost my grandma Nov 26th of this past year. By far the worst I've felt since my grandpa, her husband, passed 10 years earlier to the day. Yes, to theday. She took her own life.
The only family I have left on her side (my parents have been divorced since forever) is my mom and older brother. Basically, for the time immediatelyfollowing her death, i consumed myself with making sure my Mom was alright and doing anything I could to help her out. She flew out to where I live to staywith me for a couple days and watch a couple bball games of mine because I live halfway across the country from the rest of my family. Really I think she cameto get away from everything and everyone that reminded her of what happened. So what I'm saying I guess is make sure your mom or your pops (whoevers mom itwas) is ok first and foremost then worry about yourself. It'll help them as well as preoccupy your mind for awhile.

The only other advice I have for you is once you make sure your mom/pops is good, find things to keep your mind off it like basketball or working out.Drinking/Drugs just makes it worse, plus, she probably wouldn't be too proud of you. It sucks obviously, but try to keep your mind off of it and surroundyourself with people you love and keep yourself busy. I find myself breaking down at the most random times, but its always when i'm alone. So try and bearound friends and family, as you mentioned already helped.

Finally, I'm not suggesting this, but its what I did. I got a memorial tat on my chest for both my grandma and grandpa. Really I think it has helped.Everytime i see it i think about them and how great they were and how they helped me as a person. I still can't look at a picture of her without breakingdown and picturing what she did to herself.
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