So Niketalk, i plan on joining the Army tomorrow..Is it a bad idea?

Apr 29, 2005
I plan on signing up to serve our country tomorrow, although we are fighting such a stupid war... that is besides the point to me..i feel like it would be theright thing to do.. to serve my country.... is this a bad idea? i have yet to break the news to my parents...its going to kill my mom..
hopefully you did some deep research and talked to some peple who have already served
If you feel it is the right thing for you then go for it. Just be 100% positive because there is no turning back once you sign up.\

Goo luck.
Originally Posted by bonafide125

you don't get another chance if you die out there. Just remember that.
yeah son imo not worth it. When you come back home they dont give two %$*@% about war veterans. The biggest thing the US gov has done for vets isgiven them a day in which EVERYONE else gets the day off.
Originally Posted by youngwill500

I plan on signing up to serve our country tomorrow, although we are fighting such a stupid war... that is besides the point to me..i feel like it would be the right thing to do.. to serve my country.... is this a bad idea? i have yet to break the news to my parents...its going to kill my mom..

Good stuff, man. I did 5 1/2 years in the Army (2 in Iraq). Some of the best (and worst) times of my life. Mr. Fizzy Womack (fellow NTer) was in my unit.

What MOS are you signing up for? Did you get a signing bonus, station of choice, etc?
Originally Posted by youngwill500

I plan on signing up to serve our country tomorrow, although we are fighting such a stupid war... that is besides the point to me..i feel like it would be the right thing to do.. to serve my country.... is this a bad idea? i have yet to break the news to my parents...its going to kill my mom..

Coming from someone in the Air Force....join the Air Force.
Originally Posted by Chester McFloppy

Originally Posted by youngwill500

I plan on signing up to serve our country tomorrow, although we are fighting such a stupid war... that is besides the point to me..i feel like it would be the right thing to do.. to serve my country.... is this a bad idea? i have yet to break the news to my parents...its going to kill my mom..

Good stuff, man. I did 5 1/2 years in the Army (2 in Iraq). Some of the best (and worst) times of my life. Mr. Fizzy Womack (fellow NTer) was in my unit.

What MOS are you signing up for? Did you get a signing bonus, station of choice, etc?
Can you IM me AIM: Youngwill500
Other ways to serve your country and be a productive person than by becoming part of a dubious war scheme. How is it beside the point if you feel the war beingfought is stupid? Makes no sense.
Originally Posted by youngwill500

Originally Posted by Chester McFloppy

Originally Posted by youngwill500

I plan on signing up to serve our country tomorrow, although we are fighting such a stupid war... that is besides the point to me..i feel like it would be the right thing to do.. to serve my country.... is this a bad idea? i have yet to break the news to my parents...its going to kill my mom..

Good stuff, man. I did 5 1/2 years in the Army (2 in Iraq). Some of the best (and worst) times of my life. Mr. Fizzy Womack (fellow NTer) was in my unit.

What MOS are you signing up for? Did you get a signing bonus, station of choice, etc?
Can you IM me AIM: Youngwill500

Sure thing, just give me a min.
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