So NT, Would You Smash A Co-Worker. Vol. No ring, no problem?

Originally Posted by Retro23J

Never a good idea. 
I 100% agree.
She's 15 yrs older than me w/ a straight PHATTY, and I think it's a sign due to the fact I been on my MILF hunter sh** all summer.

But what am I saying, when has a girl NOT made it an issue when she feels "betrayed?" despite a mutual prior agreement. 

Salute for the advice my G's.
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

LISTEN TO ME: If you smash a co-worker PLEASE put it down PROPERLY, like its a must. She will tell people.
True story... co-worker messed with this scandalous chick at work and she told enough people and all kinds of rumors started flying around

Really it's a lose-lose situation... you put it down, she WILL be in your face at work & outside work 24/7... you slip and dip and watch everyone snicker & disperse anytime you approach the watercooler...

Also keep in mind all the sideline %!++@!... if the chick is bad you know there some other dudes that will start hatin hard and then you have the bitter old ladies that just don't like seeing anyone "gettin what they want outta life"... 
I smashed a fellow sailor girl while in the Navy. We worked really close everyday. No feelings were caught. No one got burnt.
I was thinking bout this today at work, and if its just some job then do it, if not then dont too much to lose
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Why @%#! up your bread over some !!%$$? Don't do it...

mondaynightraw wrote:
Why @%#! up your bread over some !!%$$? Don't do it...

mondaynightraw wrote:
Why @%#! up your bread over some !!%$$? Don't do it...

mondaynightraw wrote:
Why @%#! up your bread over some !!%$$? Don't do it...

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Why @%#! up your bread over some !!%$$? Don't do it...

You're probably going to do it anyway though...
you have to tread real careful fooling around with coworkers. i learned my lesson. imagine an orientation for a national company (which amounts to happy hours, dinners with booze, and nights at the bar for a week straight) with 40 young "adults" fresh out of college. anyway...stuff goes down. people catch feelings, others don't. then people end up working on projects together. total mess
Not a good idea at all man. It aint. Everyone at your job will eventually find out and then everyone becomes a critic. At first you might not care, but considering most of us spend 40 hours or more at work with the same people, it can be very annoying having everyone trying to analyze your relationship. If you guys can smash then let it stay at that, then I say go ahead. But be sure to be clear that there are no feelings towards the sex.
a part time hustle like footlocker ? yes in a heart beat..
i real job that you gonna eat good on no.... 2 much bs and you dont want her saying you tried to anything to out of there.

she might mess with your bred zach.
If you plan on being there long term than don't do it. If you have intentions of moving on than proceed with the smash.
Yes always. Anybody saying no is a fool. You need to Casey Anthony everything and clean up your mess. Don't be a fool.
- Don't smash a girl in your department, hr, or payroll.
-Smash girls a paygrade below or one level below you. Never above you unless it's for fun. You going to get fired once you slip up.
-Smash your interns and assistants, they looking for job security. Blowing their boss is one way.
-don't flirt with everyone, this isn't a club. Pick and choose and do some recon.
-work hard and keep a good reputation, it'll cover up the fact that your sleeping around. Everybody talks bad about slackers, but you never hear a peep about solid workers.
- don't tell your boys who you been with unless it's official
- stay away from the gossip girls at the lunch table and the ones that bounce around from cubicles. If you see a chick that's not in your dept more than 3 times a day. Then cross her out.
- don't flirt with her while she's working . Im her. Another person can file a complaint about your relationship.

People forget these corporate girls don't have the personality to go out and find men themselves. Some of them, work is their life and that's all they know. The men she says at work are the only ones she sees all week, if she eyehumps you go for it. You won't her fired for sexual harassment if a girl is flirting with you.
i say go for it..but you gotta lay the ground rules so she don't get outta hand.

tell her what it is..and what it ain't gonna be

lay it down...keep it cool around her...and everyone wins.
Ring or no ring I like it raw, especially if it's strictly smashing.
Just happened a couple weeks ago. She wanted something more after that but I'm not up for a relationship at work. We were both wasted when it went down also. Shoula stayed away.
I work with my current girl and I smashed my boss.

Seriously there is nothing better than banging your boss or someone is a position of power higher than you. You have nothing to lose because you can always pull the sexual harassment\ card if she tries to fire you.

Do it. .
Originally Posted by Benssick

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

There is no such thing as smashing and someone not catching feelings.

so you catch feelings for everygirl you bang?

cause i;m sure iv done it and never caught anything...girl went to my school and wanted the D,so i gave it to her. we were just in the moment,it was just for fun

Cool thing is were still friends and we both know it was a ONE time thing...
I caught feelings for the only girl I've ever had sex with. We've been together 6+ years

Originally Posted by NRitsuh

Just happened a couple weeks ago. She wanted something more after that but I'm not up for a relationship at work. We were both wasted when it went down also. Shoula stayed away.
grown man status %!%# all the feelings stuff just let it be known girl this aint chess this checkers.

co-worker yeah see no problem.  
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