Happens every year, last year they had a link to anchor blue since they released a shirt extremely similar to The Hundreds..
Originally Posted by GrandaddyPurp415

^^ Im not saying I beleiv it Im saying the link actually looked legit


My man. If you were going to make a topic about it, at least check it out first. 1) URL is internal 2) If it's a fishy URL, just go on andsearch "The Hundreds" 3) The bottom gives it away 4) The writer is Krazie Holiday 5) None of the bottom links work
lazybonejone wrote:

The thread starter is an imbecile, the shear fact that you neglect such fine details is evidence that you are not intelligent

Again irrelevant, just because I did not scroll all the way to the bottom of the screen and read some fine print in gray on a reputable website is enoughevidence that I am not intelligent. Another comment by someone who is as dumb as their response..Ok my bad I f'd up by not fully justifying my case, in noway am I lacking in the education department. I guarantee half the people who are talking have not graduated from a four year school...
Its 08 and cats still get caught by %*! like that. Its ok fam, its just an aprilfools joke, and the only reason they're messing with you is because of your 1st response, "oh he mad".
You're not uneducated buddy, you just got fooled. Numerous people fall victim to these pranks on the first day of April.
It's just funny that you decide to post something without checking any credible sources.

Originally Posted by GOLD 6

You're not uneducated buddy, you just got fooled. Numerous people fall victim to these pranks on the first day of April.
It's just funny that you decide to post something without checking any credible sources.

No doubt I got, got! Mad no, bothered yes maybe a little. No harm no foul, to those tough guys talking !!% you can get smacked up...
Listen moving forward lets stay away the coments about my education level because what you said is about as ignorant as they get. How in anyway, shape or form did me post this topic put in question my education. And to Stylin in what way am i a fool, do we all think that talking @$# about someone you gain any sort of status, get a clue Jr. I simply posted a topic that looked legit, if they went to that lenght to fabricate a news article in regards to the selling of the company then more power to them, all that for an April fools joke seems pretty lame...
Dude, you posted the link, that alone should have tipped you off that MAYBE, just maybe it was a joke. To say all that for an april fools joke,"all that" probably took an hour tops. Which would have been well worth it to me to see kids like you all angry.
Originally Posted by skar90

The Hundreds sold out right after their Fresh Jive collaboration. As a Los Angeles dude,I'm glad to see they've blown up; but for all the wrong reasons.

Wrong reasons? explain.
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