So.. THIS is what its like Vol. WISDOM TEETH REMOVAL.

Plain and simple, this is torture.

Got put to sleep, surgery was done on Wednesday. Its Friday night and my bottom lip and chin is still 100% numb. WHEN THE HELL DO I GET THE FEELING BACK!?
A+ Repped
Does this surgery hurt more in adults or something cause I don't remember my mouth hurting that bad after surgery :lol:
I am planning on getting my wisdom teeth pulled before the end of the year and hearing about the pain scares me a little :smh:. Getting braces is on my top list of pain so I imagine it hurts just as bad.
i hate these threads, i got all four of mine pulled four different times. felt fine right after. no pain, very little swelling.
No. If your wisdom teeth are growing in straight and not impacting your other teeth, you don't have to get them removed. If you only have two (only one on each side) then it is recommended that you get them removed because there is no use for them since there is no other tooth to help chew on (if that makes sense).
I got my wisdom teeth removed, all four were severely impacted. Heard all the cracking, pulling, sighing, everything. Still drove home afterwards, and did my thing. Wasn't even close to as bad as everyone says it is.

How were you able to do that? Seriously, I was knocked out for mine and woke up, somehow got in the car and got driven home. Slept for a few hours after too.

It's really not that bad though, you're sore for a few days but its not to bad at all...
Got all 4 taken out a couple of summer's ago. Man it was terrible. I remember counting down 10, 9, 8...and then all of the sudden I'm in my driveway being carried by my mom and my neighbor who she was able to flag down. She later told me I was straight up incoherent. All of this was approximately 30 minutes after it took 2 doctors and a nurse at the office to just get me in the car to leave the place. A week straight I couldn't eat solids. My teeth literally did not stop bleeding for 10 days. For those of you who said it wasn't that bad, you're lucky. Glad I got it done, but also glad it's a one and done procedure.
I just had my to ones pulled out this morning. Was quick and easy this time compared to the nightmare bottom ones. Im in a little pain but the hydro pills they gave me have me feeling good.

Hopefully you dont get a dry socket in any one or else youll be in so much pain youll want to off yourself, no lie.
No straws,spitting, spicy foods or any food where excessive chewing is required. Just rest up and youll be fine.

And i forgot to mention that getting them out was one of the best decisions ive ever made. My everyday headaches, blurred vision and breathing problems are gone. There wasnt enough space in my mouth for them so it had me all messed up when they came out but now im good.
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Drilled all 4 of them out because they grew out sideways. Literally was chipmunking for the longest time. Pain was as bad as the first day for about 2 weeks or so.

Word of advice if you have to remove em, remove em as fast as you can, because some grow in different directions and cause problems.
I use to have tmj, but then my wisdom teeth grew in (only on the left so far) and the tmj disappeared. I will not be removing them. One of them is ever so slightly impacted and I'm thinking it will straighten out over time. Everyonce in a while, I get the pain from the impact so I know it is still trying. The other one has a cavity. YOLO.
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man, i have all my wisdom teeth in... with extra teeth behind them, smh. no impacting or anything though.
I had all four of mine out at once a couple of years ago. No pain or swelling. I didn't have to take the vicodin they gave me. It's crazy how everyone has a different experience tho. I think mine wasn't so bad because they were already falling apart before the surgery.
Got my 4 wisdom teeths out in one shot by local anesthesia.

Put as much ice as you can right after the surgery 20 minutes per hour and don't skip.

Take a day or two off and you'll be good.

The worst part is to eat :smh:
You should hav your feeling back already, i got all 4 pulled last year and still managed to smoke without getting dry mouth,. I was only in pain for 2 days
You should hav your feeling back already, i got all 4 pulled last year and still managed to smoke without getting dry mouth,. I was only in pain for 2 days

Keep in mind im 28 and form what i've heard you experience problems when your 25+ with this crap. That said, still no feeling in my lower lips or chin. And thats whats pissin me off the most.
i had 3 extractions (lower back 3 on the right) like a month ago. smoked a cigarette about 5 hours later. that dry socket :x :x :x
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i remember when i got mine pulled they said there was like a 5-10% chance you would permanently loose feeling in certain parts..i was scared about loosin feeling in my mouth too..but hope you get the feeling back op..

like other people said its better to get em pulled earlier in life..after 25 it can be a problem..and make sure to take those pain killers..i was out n about and forgot to take my painkillers once.. it felt like i was gettin stabbed in the jaw with an icepick :smh:
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