So what's been going wrong in your life?

had to pay1200 to get my car fixed
havent had my car for two weeks now i HATE having to ask people for a ride or anything for that matter
i keep having to put up with my ex bs because i havent found anything better yet
not to mention my boss at work is pissing me off more every day i swear i jus wanna knock all his teeth out
dang! i'm sorry about ur friend

my 2 friends from the car crash are still in the hospital in critical condition

well today was really bad...a lot of little things gone wrong:

first i had to use a different film for my photography class and it's one i can't develop myself.

i was guna take it to walmart and just get the negatives...but the walmart near my college doesn't offer that 1 hour service

so i go to the campus shop to buy the right film...only to find out they are sold out of it

then if u remember that post about my *%$$* english teacher...he pissed me off today.

he was giving us the topic for the in class essay for the final.

we have to persuade someone to either go on a mission trip...choose our major...or try one of our hobbies.

well my main hobby is basketball.

he told me that "basketball isn't a hobby and if you write about that i won't even grade it; i'll just throw it out. plus, you could neverpersuade me to play basketball"

at this point i'm really heated because who the %#$^ are u to tell me that basketball isn't a hobby?!

definition of hobby: an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation

so anyways i HATE this man for other reasons if you read my thread on him lol

ok so finally to top the day off...i decide to bs my photo assignment and just use a bunch of old negatives

i go to the lab only to find that some stupid idiot stole ALL of my photo paper.

so i have a huge project due tomorrow and no paper.

i know my stuff doesn't compare to any of yours...but it's just one of those bad days that every little thing turns in to something bigger and bigger.
The economy is so bad. Been jobless for awhile now. Living off of savings and it's getting very low. Girl of 7 years decided it's time to go ourseparate ways.

Sorry to hear bout your friend.
i've got a number of court cases coming up involving a few traffic violations, but i think I'm just going to contest those tickets. the last time i wasin traffic court, a lot of the citing officers didn't show up. I'm just hoping mines don't or i'll be making a complete fool of myself
cops giving tickets for hanging up air freshner FTL
r.i.p. to your friend, OP. that's awful.

in my life? plenty... lack of sleep, social ineptitude, lack of any dates in '08, beginning of bitterness, petty stuff (nail in my 5 month old advan tire,crummy roommates, sinus problems, bad diet)... goes on and on. the negative outweighs the positive by far
-I just failed a class within my one point. I emailed my professor...and he's not coming up off that ONE point. This class is 2 sem's;I'm probably graduating late over point.
itried as hard as i could , this class was not easy (Quantitative Methods)..class avg was a 75(this was yesterday)

-I might get a C in an easy %#@ Bio Class....cause i opted to mess with this female the night before when i was supposed to be completing and studying my studyguide..leading to me getting a C on the final (this was today

- It just hit me that I might want a GF (it freaks me out i feel this way)...One of the few girls id even consider taking that serious? I keep lettin the opppass...even though we talk and she almost is obviously interested...i just cant seal the deal and get that # for some reason...totally unlike me...and i thinkits because im VERY afraid of taking the L
twin brothers locked up for 2 years

my ex who I love to death is driving me crazy

I got kicked outta my crib by my lifelong deadbeat #$#@%#%* @## father for not going to school, when he didn't go to school and doesn't have a job.

I been waiting 4 weeks for a job that promised I'd be hired in 3 days.

I'm in debt to Wamu $200 AND Macy's $200 with no real means of income right now.

My phone's been turned off and I owe 2 months of $100 each to get it back on.

I hurt girls I actually care about because I go on and off with my ex.

My 16 year old female cousin tried to stab my aunt with a knife and now got house arrest

Trust, the list goes on....
im not smashing
this orgo class is hard
financial hold on my account til i turn in a document meaning i cant pick classes for next semester
My best wishes to all those in this thread that need help with what they're going through.

I'm not too pleased with the changes that my job has gone through over the past weeks. The stuff they're having me do now is not what I was hired for,and I don't like the way I feel about myself after my day is done. (But I am thankful to have this job.)

My friend's band couldn't play in the bar tonight because their drummer is 20. (But they'll play other gigs. Just frustrated for them because theywere really let down.)

Our other room mate moved out, so rent jumped up... utilities too. (But I am grateful to be able to afford it.)

My grandparents are becoming incapable of living on their own, and the stress of finding a way to help them is really pulling on my mom. (But I am glad that weare all still alive and have the means to see each other as often as we do.)

Broke the end table the other night. (But it was worth it!)

Best friend's parents are divorcing and it's hard watching her go through that. She'll make it through, but I just wish there was more I could doto help. And she's planning on moving 600 miles away. (But we'll still see each other, she just won't be able to come over for beer as much.)

Was supposed to call my teacher friends about doing a presentation for their middle school classes. (realized that a lot of what I have to say isn'tappropriate for them to hear in that setting, and am trying to change some things in my life so that it is more respectable for those that look up to me.)

Tatum is not giving me the attention that I deserve, so I'll have to find a way to help her understand that.

Snowboarding trip got cancelled. (Not enough snow yet, so let's hope that we can reschedule.)

Have to hear everyday from people who have fallen on hard times. (I wish the best for them, really I do. Even the ones that are in that situation from theirown choices. But I would love to see EVERYBODY find a way through this mess.)
-my business law class. My professor's tests are so damn hard because the questions are situation-based rather than book knowledge and you have to knowwhich rulings and principles to apply to each situation. Aside from the tests, the class also involves interpretation of the law and how to apply it in everyday life.

-my grandmother. She's been sick and is currently being taken care of at a nursing home.
A girl I was starting to like is now off the market.

My music director gave me a nice phone lecture tonight because I missed rehearsal tonight for our concert on sunday. I'm up to my ears with things to do atwork so I chose to take care of my financial responsibility to myself and get things done. Oh well I don't care, I did what I had to do.
School - Failed my math class, got a D in Speech unless my teacher came through and actually acknowledged that I was in class more than 5 times this year (dumbb doesn't count you in class unless you turn in a little note card saying you were), probably failed my MacroEcon class. This means I'm going onAcademic Probation. I need to appeal to the dean of admissions to be allowed to take classes next term.
In turn, this will disappoint my parents. They probably wont pay for my next term because of my suspension, if I even go back.
No job.
No money.
Girl problems. Cant get this one girl I'm stuck on.
Grandparents are having trouble, putting stress on my mom like crazy.

But, I know I have it better than other people, so I'm still gratefull for that.
Tryin to find a job...yet get the "you have the knowledge" speech (i have 2 degrees), "we loved the interview, but you dont have the experiencethat the job requires"

This sucks, what is the point of even applying, somebody took a chance on them, wont someone take a chance on me??

This chick-we both like each other, found each other again for the 3rd time in 2 years, but its a wall (some low life dude) that is keeping her from beinghappy
heh i was gonna say some stupid stuff like having to stay up all night studying for finals, but you got it bad. sorry to hear that.
Damn, some of you guys have it REALLY bad. Hope you guys pull through the problems real soon! Or at least take little steps that lead you into the rightdirection...

Well, for me, it's really my fault that I'm in this mess. About a month back, I let down my best friend sooooo badly and we haven't really talkedfor the last 3 weeks after trying to get things to normal the first week and seeing it wasn't working out for her. So I decided to give her some space andthis is really getting to me because we used to chill literally everyday and used to do everything together. The relationship had just gotten stronger andstronger the last four-five years..... Now we don't even talk and it's KILLLING MEE cause we have the same group of friends and go to the same placesobviously..... I know I messed up badly but I just want things to go back to normal to prove that I won't #%+# up again and I'm just not that type ofperson... I can't help be negative sometimes though because we've never gone this long without talking, even when she was on trips and stuff without aphone or anything, we found ways to talk....

Because I'm thinking about this every day and night, I have a hard time concentrating on school and studying or doing anything productive. She actuallykept me motivated cause she would get me on the right track if she saw me slipping school wise or just being unproductive. #%+# mannn..... I have winter breakcoming up, and having her live like 15 minutes away from me isn't going to help all this. Whenever I was bored I would just call her and no matter whattime it was, I would just go over to her place to chill or vice versa....I know it's only been three weeks but man I'm having a hard time dealing withthis....

Nothing really compared to anyone here since I'm the reason it happened but I would like to think those four years meant something....sighhh
....whoever actually reads all this, props! haha
Originally Posted by Apple Windows

Well, this past weekend has been a true bummer. I woke up on saturday morning to find out one of my friends had past away the previous night before from an asthma attack. He was a former football player on our varsity team, but somewhere along the season, i'm not entirely sure what happened, but he turned in his pads. Saturday was suppose to be a good day. We had our first championship game, our school had never gotten that far before(two previous seasons in a row we lost in the second round playoffs), but to wake up to news like this, just about every player on the team was shook. No one was in the zone. We wanted to get the win for him, everyone tried as hard as possible, pushing their bodies to the limit. We ended up losing the Championship game in OT 27 to 21. Can pretty much call this the worst day of my life.
Sorry for the rant, so NT, tell me what hasnt been going exactly your way lately?

thats harsh bro. but things happen for a reason,sometimes its not intentionally. just keep ya head up n look for the better days.
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