So what's the verdict on "Atmosphere?"

Nov 22, 2007
I only heard Atmosphere for the first time several months ago. I'm going to a show of their's soon, and I either hear one of two things about them:wow:ne, "Atmosphere is true hip-hop that makes consistently good music" or, "Atmosphere is every white-emo-kids' favorite rap group and theyclaim being true rap fans just because they listen to them." I would call myself pretty far from "emo," in fact, I'm closer to a hip-hopconnoisseur than anything remotely "emo." Basically, I don't understand the ambivalence. I think "You Have No Idea How Much We'reHaving" is a cohesive, enjoyable listen. Anyway, what's with Atmosphere?
I like em and i'm black.. if that means anything.... just some of their songs are a little too....... pop? for me.
Originally Posted by The Takeover

I like em and i'm black.. if that means anything.... just some of their songs are a little too....... pop? for me.

Atmosphere's music has changed a bit since it's no longer just one niche group of people listening to it when like 'Overcast' and 'LucyFord' dropped. It's still quality music if you ask me.

I wouldn't say it's emo - they just don't make your cliche rap tracks about money, goin to the club, cars and jewels. If music with substance isconsidered Emo, then so be it.

Live shows are pretty entertaining though. Slug (the MC) is kind of a weird guy but he's funny.
I gave them a shot a few years back. Went to see them and their show DJ, at that time, Mr. Dibbs, was disgusting.

I checked out GOD LOVES UGLY from them and it was a good album. Slug (the MC) also did an album with Murs a few years back called FELT. It wasn't all itwas hyped up to be, but then again, I'm not a Murs fan.

Overall, not my type of music. A little too emo for me.
I mess with their music a lot. Ever since I heard Slug & Murs Felt tape.

I still don't got all of their material tho, it literally is a lot from them
Atmosphere is dope.
Slug and Ant really complement each other well.

and yeah, they have a lot of material.
real quality music is you ask me.
they don't necessarily make catchy tunes, but the substance is all there.
it seems like Slug always has a lot to say.
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