So which headphones to go with ?


Sep 3, 2009
In the market for some headphones and decided not to go with the Dre Beats.. which should i choose ?
SRH440, 840

can recommend any ?
Maybe you should include what kinds of music you listen to/what you need the headphones for (casual/professional use) as well...
Over the ear, $50-180.
Casual, maybe ones that i can use to record.
Looks nice :ohwell:
Originally Posted by YEEUPP

Over the ear, $50-180.
Casual, maybe ones that i can use to record.
Looks nice :ohwell:
I never owned any over the ear headphones.. You should try going to they collect headphones and that type of %!@$ like we collect shoes. Go there and ask them they'll tell you whats the best you can buy in your price range 
Originally Posted by Tony Montana

Originally Posted by YEEUPP

Over the ear, $50-180.
Casual, maybe ones that i can use to record.
Looks nice :ohwell:
I never owned any over the ear headphones.. You should try going to they collect headphones and that type of %!@$ like we collect shoes. Go there and ask them they'll tell you whats the best you can buy in your price range 

Co-sign on, I'd give this thread a look.
But you can't go wrong with M-50's in the general consensus it seems.
If you can find a deal to fit your budget, pursue the Sennheiser HD380 Pros.I own a pair, and the bass to high frequency ratio is awesome. No overpowering like that of the Beats. Great bass, but the high end is what really sold me. Very crisp sound. And if you plan on recording/mixing, these are just as awesome. When producing, i sometimes forget im wearing them. It sounds like im sitting in a room. Depth and width are great, and your mix in the headphones translates to monitors perfectly. No need to really adjust levels and EQ once your listening through another type of speaker. Comfortability is also stellar. I can go a few hours with them on.Thats my 2 cents.
I have some Sennheiser HD595s and would recommend them, with a few small reservations. Seems that they don't make that model anymore, but this is probably the replacement and will do just as well.


- Just stupid comfortable. The cans fit completely over your ear, instead of pressing against your ears. This makes a huge difference when you want to listen for a few hours. The top is also a leathery soft material and is great.
- Sound is great. No complaints whatsoever. I've never had super high-end headphones but within the $200 and under price range these are the best I've ever had.
- The wire is OD long. Like 5 feet seriously. I ended up tying it around itself a few times.
- The tip that's built into the wire is a big one for stereos I think, and there's a replaceable tip that you put on top of that to plug into your laptop or iPod or whatever. This can be annoying because the tip breaks often, I've replaced mine like 4 times. BUT, maybe this isn't a con at all, because when the tip breaks, you replace it for 4 bucks, instead of having to get new headphones or do wire work.
- This isn't really a con per se, but should be noted: these are open headphones, meaning someone sitting next to you can clearly hear the music you play even if it's not being played loud. You could never wear these at a library or on a plane. But again, this is not a con per se, because the fact that the headphones project sound outwards creates a "soundstage" effect that makes songs sound better by spreading out the instruments. 
- They are big. Not nearly as sleek or cool looking as Beats. You could even say they're huge. I don't think this matters, because I don't wear my headphones at the gym or in public like some people, but if you plan to you might want to consider other options. 

But overall, the comfort is the point here. I wore my boy's $600 Detox Beats and couldn't believe how uncomfortable they were. My ears were just getting smashed for like two hours. With these, you can literally wear them for 5 hours and not even realize they'e on your head.
If studio headphones are what you are looking for than you cannot go wrong with Sony 7506.
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