***Social consequences of quitting drink/drugs***

Mar 17, 2007
I usually be on some dumb $*%%, but for this i'd like to pull on the smoking jacket and pop the monocle in for a minute (nh) ...

ok so i've come to realise that allowing myself to drink was !##@%#% me up. My laid back attitude coupled with a lack of self discipline + drinking on theregs meant i wasnt really tryna do $*%%. I've seen people around me make strides as far as careers are concerned and i aint even decided where im tryna go.This finally managed to piss me off enough to realise how i got in this situation. Its lucky i've got an ego like that, i mean these dudes aint supposed tobe doin better than me in life
so my a'hole outlook on things has been my savinggrace somewhat...

Since i've stopped the drinking i've been able to get my life in order and i feel better for it, but the problem i have now is the company im keepin...

i've known dudes forever and im thinking me not drinkin is gonna be a problem cause thats all they do
ima besitting there with my cranberry juice and everyone else gonna be twisted talkin $*%%?? I dont think thats gonna be very enjoyabe for either party. Plus thereis the temptation factor.....not saying im an addict but there's always gonna be the
inside sayin go on its cool.

so yeah.....what it is...i gotta start kickin it with monks or is there a way around this?
man you don't need to hang out with monks to quit all that stuff. you do need to step back from your people as goldenarmz said, though.
I gave up the hardcore partying a long time ago and all my peeps were cool with it. It was weird but they respected me for it and after and while it ended upmaking them calm down and get themselves in the right direction. It's a phase that everyone goes through and hopefully your crew can deal with your change.
i think you need to find a new circle of friends. if they really were your friends, they'd support (and more importantly RESPECT) your decision
Im stuck in that some boat right now. I have to quit drinking, even my moms is like "dam son your getting to alcoholic status".
My girl also doesn't appreciate it when i go out with my friends and dont come back till 6 in the morn' and I cant remember what the hell i did.
Thats all my friends do is drink and i guess i wont be able to kick it anymore, but i need to get my life in order.
don't even trip. keep kicking it with your homies. they'll understand once you explain your situation. just be yourself and don't be antisocialduring gatherings. my homie and his wife is a recovering alcoholic and drug addict but we still kick it all the time even though most of us still drink. thedoesn't care if we're getting drunk...he just cracks jokes at us and he's being himself. and we don't give him crap because we understand hissituation.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I rarely drink these days.... I've kept my friends....they all respect it.

word, could you really call them friends if they didn't respect your choices?
i never drank around my friends, and we still kicked it. It seems like u might need to distance urself until u can become comfortable with just being a"social" drinker. So if they sippin' on different things all night, maybe just sippin' slow one or two---something like that. If they ya boysfa real, they should respect u tryna get ahead and not beat u up about it.
I think you need friends who respect you more.

I live in Manhattan and my friends who work or live close by always want to go out after work especially now that the weather is nice, I've been outeveryday this week and haven't had a drink. I do drink alcohol I just prefer to drink Friday-Sunday rather then weekdays, nobody ever has a problem withit. Use your ego to your advantage and let em know.
You don't have to quit, just keep it in moderation dude
not an option for me right now

thanks for the opinions. i been thinking pretty much along the lines as whats been said. I think its a matter me getting my !%%% straight before i can thinkabout chilling again.
yea getting +%$$%$ up isnt worth long life...even though it seems like the most crackinest (yes i used that) thing you can do
its really way better. or quit every now and then and see how long you can go w/out drugs and alcohol....thats what i do.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

This is exactly why I smoke enough to not want to drink

Exactly. I just stay
and dont need to drink.
i dont think its that his friends wont respect his choices...its that if you're constantly around that type of activity, its hard to get away from it.
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