
do you know what of payment schedules is? rationed care.

you're going to have doctors not being doctors anymore because they will not practice medicine getting paid so low. which will also cause delays.

it's obvious that reimbursements at today's Medicare rates will not be sufficient
reimbursement schedules will be reformed if the legislation stands any chance of being passed
we can easily fix this particular problem: increase the reimbursement rates
of course that costs money and just how much we don't know

you seem to be arguing against a hypothetical of instantly flipping the switch to M4A
that won't and shouldn't happen imo
the best argument against M4A is transition cost
it's not clear that we can simply shift our health care system to a completely different financing method without at least a substantial short-term decline in quality of care
we can easily fix this particular problem: increase the reimbursement rates
of course that costs money and just how much we don't know

we can't even afford da legislation as it is...

da size of da ENTIRE US economy is 20 trillion got place where they're estimating it'll be 34 trillion....
you're going to have doctors not being doctors anymore because they will not practice medicine getting paid so low

This is very false. Medicine is one of the few fields where those only interested in money get weeded out very, very early during their academic career.

Doctors needing to be paid as much as they do in the US is more or less a result of the amount of money it costs to enter the field. These guys/gals walk out of medical school with degrees and million dollar loans that need to be repaid.

What can stop people from being involved in medicine is a large swath of the population not being able to afford medical care and degradation of or lack of investment in medical infrastructure. Those two factors are also a negative from the point of view of investors because the profit incentive just won't be there.
Got a doctor friend.

220k in debt from school. Interest is 110 dollars a day. She isn’t ever getting out of debt.
we can't even afford da legislation as it is...

da size of da ENTIRE US economy is 20 trillion got place where they're estimating it'll be 34 trillion....

If you dont see the problem here, then you're a lost cost.
This is very false. Medicine is one of the few fields where those only interested in money get weeded out very, very early during their academic career.

Doctors needing to be paid as much as they do in the US is more or less a result of the amount of money it costs to enter the field. These guys/gals walk out of medical school with degrees and million dollar loans that need to be repaid.

What can stop people from being involved in medicine is a large swath of the population not being able to afford medical care and degradation of or lack of investment in medical infrastructure. Those two factors are also a negative from the point of view of investors because the profit incentive just won't be there.

Seems like M4A and Free tuition goes hand in hand, doesn't it?

In addition, the fact that anyone is rationalizing expensive healthcare due to tremendous school loans is crazy. How can anyone fight agains free tuition and **** on ideas that seems to at the very least alleviate the issues you're discussing?

we can't even afford da legislation as it is...

da size of da ENTIRE US economy is 20 trillion got place where they're estimating it'll be 34 trillion....

Warren/Bernie are employing a whole set of optimistic assumptions
I don't care because nobody's numbers add up
Paul Ryan's entire "Blueprint" was based on a series of magic asterisks and nobody cared

it's pointless to put out a white paper analyzing the economic effects of a policy that will never be introduced in that exact form

even if Dems get control of all three branches, the actual bills will be different than the candidates' proposals - just like Obamacare and every other big signature campaign promise
Warren/Bernie are employing a whole set of optimistic assumptions
I don't care because nobody's numbers add up
Paul Ryan's entire "Blueprint" was based on a series of magic asterisks and nobody cared

it's pointless to put out a white paper analyzing the economic effects of a policy that will never be introduced in that exact form

even if Dems get control of all three branches, the actual bills will be different than the candidates' proposals - just like Obamacare and every other big signature campaign promise
That's part of the electoral process, you pick the candidate that most aligns with your wants/needs and go from there.

A lot of these promises are empty, but you pick someone that at least is willing to put your issues up for vote.
Seems like M4A and Free tuition goes hand in hand, doesn't it?
Very much so. One thing that doesn't get mentioned when we talk about the European model is that doctors go to school for cheap/free because their governments understand that treating healthcare as a utility (something needed by humans to function, just like food and shelter) guarantees a population that is healthy and productive and eliminates or reduces the negative impact of sudden widespread diseases on their economies.
Got a doctor friend.

220k in debt from school. Interest is 110 dollars a day. She isn’t ever getting out of debt.
I knew someone in the same situation that didn’t even finish. ****’s insane. I’ve read about a lot of people that considered medical school but when into software instead.
I knew someone in the same situation that didn’t even finish. ****’s insane. I’ve read about a lot of people that considered medical school but when into software instead.

yeah it’s wild, you try to do something good and help people then you got a life sentence with debt because the interest is insane.

she works in a clinic in the hood for lower income people. She’s not out here doing plastic surgery.
This is very false. Medicine is one of the few fields where those only interested in money get weeded out very, very early during their academic career

:lol: naw b.

doctors ain't working for pennies, this isn't Cuba... there's a reason why Doctor practices will refuse medicaid/care because of low refusal on reimbursements.

are we forgetting doctors have to be insured to a certain amount to protect against tort litigation? that cost money b.
pubs love a good sound bite taken out of context :lol:

how is it outta context? she literally said to pass it to said what's in it...da entire speech doesn't save her, go see it on YouTube.

now imagine passing something like Medicare for all with such vague opaque ways of funding it and it would make Obamacare blush.
how is it outta context? she literally said to pass it to said what's in it...da entire speech doesn't save her, go see it on YouTube.

now imagine passing something like Medicare for all with such vague opaque ways of funding it and it would make Obamacare blush.

she was talking about people finding out the results (her perceived benefits) of the bill - not the contents of the bill itself

the ACA was publicly available and debated for months in the House and Senate

we obviously need to analyze the economic effects of a bill on the floor of the House or Senate but it's not important for vague campaign promises

mayo pete should probably consider a different line of attack
:lol: naw b.

doctors ain't working for pennies, this isn't Cuba... there's a reason why Doctor practices will refuse medicaid/care because of low refusal on reimbursements.

are we forgetting doctors have to be insured to a certain amount to protect against tort litigation? that cost money b.
Who's talking about Cuba? I'm talking about Western Europe. Doctors over there don't work for pennies, and patients don't get bankrupted by medical bills.
if u click my embed it'll take you to what i said, but definitely watch da whole 3 part series whenever u can.

I see what you’re saying now about unions and socialism.

it’s crazy how the times change. What’s wild to me is the American socialists moved to the prairies in Canada which are super right wing today. Not only did they do that but they are the ones who kicked off Canada’s socialized medicine.
I see what you’re saying now about unions and socialism.

it’s crazy how the times change. What’s wild to me is the American socialists moved to the prairies in Canada which are super right wing today. Not only did they do that but they are the ones who kicked off Canada’s socialized medicine.

da series talk about all of that.
We already have socialism and corporate welfare for wealthy individuals and companies. Poor people are the only ones living in a dog-eat-dog, capitalist society.

Case in point. When big companies/industries go through hard times, the government is quick to provide assistance but when regular people need help, you're told "stop asking for handouts". Unfettered capitalism really has y'all brainwashed
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