Socially awkward moments. Volume 2

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

how about the whole "you too" response

at the movie..."enjoy your movie"....."you too" uhhh

Fam I hate that ++!!.

I'm in the drive-thru at McDonalds and the broad gives me my food and we go through the whole "Here you go. Thanks. I appreciate it" thing and she's like "enjoy your meal" and I say "you too"
Not me but,
I walked into one of my classes during the first week of the quarter. Saw this dude sleeping on his desk and thought he was a regular student in the class. Midway through this dude jolts up and yells "Holy $%#@ what time is it?" and looked at his phone and ran out. 
Apparently he was a leftover from the class before. Prof didn't even bother to wake him up to say class was over
Originally Posted by GuttaGetsBusy

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

how about the whole "you too" response

at the movie..."enjoy your movie"....."you too" uhhh

Fam I hate that ++!!.

I'm in the drive-thru at McDonalds and the broad gives me my food and we go through the whole "Here you go. Thanks. I appreciate it" thing and she's like "enjoy your meal" and I say "you too"
in highschool when you semi-know somebody and you walk one direction down the hallway and that person is walking the other way down the hallway and both of you know that the other person is there but you look in every other direction except for infront of you and when you finally are about to walk past each other you might crack an akward smile or wave then keep walkin... those 5 seconds feel like an eternity of agony
this basically sums up my weekly embarrassing awkward moment: there is this girl that is pretty damn good looking, i know who she is, she knows who i am, but i never have talked to of course when i walk by her i am gonna check her out. so i do, and she is eyeing me at the same time. then we make eye contact and i dont know what to do so its a frantic look away. so this is pure awkwardness for me. the worst part about it is that it happens at least once a week so its like damn....idk what to do haha

i'm probably gonna make a move but it would be awkward to at school for some reason (i think). so next time were at a party ill probably hit her up...

i mean i AM a NTer so my probable success rate is in the 90% range
Originally Posted by Julian Wright

Not me but,
I walked into one of my classes during the first week of the quarter. Saw this dude sleeping on his desk and thought he was a regular student in the class. Midway through this dude jolts up and yells "Holy $%#@ what time is it?" and looked at his phone and ran out. 
Apparently he was a leftover from the class before. Prof didn't even bother to wake him up to say class was over

Whenever I see people fall asleep in class I always hope they will stay sleeping and sleep into the next class. But every time it seems they wake up right when class ends or something. Very sad.
im like the only person who answers the question "whats up?" knowing damn well they expect a "whats up?" back

like i be walking down the hallway and see someone i know coming towards me

friend: "whats up?"
me: "nothing!" *keeps walking*

Originally Posted by And I Love It

Originally Posted by Julian Wright

Not me but,
I walked into one of my classes during the first week of the quarter. Saw this dude sleeping on his desk and thought he was a regular student in the class. Midway through this dude jolts up and yells "Holy $%#@ what time is it?" and looked at his phone and ran out. 
Apparently he was a leftover from the class before. Prof didn't even bother to wake him up to say class was over

Whenever I see people fall asleep in class I always hope they will stay sleeping and sleep into the next class. But every time it seems they wake up right when class ends or something. Very sad.
this happened to me last year, the bell rang but i didnt hear it and i slept into the next class. I woke up with all new face and was confused as hell
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

-when you see someone you know in a large store like wal-mart, and you speak to them, and then later on you see each other in another section of the store, you give kind of a blank stare/half smile type thing.
HATE THAT............Same thing at a club.  Holla at ya boy you aint seen in a minute.....then see him again about an hour later and just walk like u dont even know him, haha.
this one time I was smoking outside of school with my headphones, jamming. This chick comes up to me and I take off my headphones and shes like "hey got a light" and I'm like oh I have these matches.. and shes like that's great and she stands infront of me and lights. And shes standing there looking at me and I'm like "You can keep them..they're free at gas stations and whatnot"

I was like 17 and ran for a bus on Fordham Rd in the Bronx and im knocking at the door of the bus because

the driver already moved from the station and dude is just
looking straight ahead and i get pissed off and

I flip the dude the bird, just as i'm doing this dude finally turns around and starts opening the door until he sees

me giving him the finger closes the door and dips
Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by Upper PDX

might have been posted already but...

when youre walkin in a store and you see someone you know, you say your whats up and good byes. then continue your shoppin then you run into them again.

do you say whats up again or just put your head down and dip
If it's a dude "Alright/aiight man/bro/boy"

If it's a girl "you following me?"

Originally Posted by JordanPP30

Ive caught myself saying "thanks, you too" many times.

So now I use "Appreciate it"


Yessir," 'Preciate it" is my go to phrase

I get out and see my ex that broke up with me because she was depressedand tried to commit suicide. This is my first time seeing her in abouta month. So she looks up at me all puzzled and lost. I was soembarrassed from the class situation and her seeing me like that, Ihalf smile and say "Look who decided she wanted to live". Her face waspriceless.
That's some Larry David type %@%#.

No joke 
Originally Posted by kherrylobrien

Originally Posted by guccikiller

when the other person is walking the same path towards you, you end up meeting in one spot stepping left and right at the same time figuring out who should go first

akwardly line dancing left to right haha

 every time this happens, i end up doing that cross-over dribble jus to break the awkwardness 
Or a Marshall Faulk shimmy and spin 
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