Somebody Find Her Vol. FOUND yesjuelz Appreciation :hat

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Who is that AWG up there?
Picture sent chills down my ****.
Normal occurrence anytime I can see feet in the pic.
:lol :lol

my dude, same here :hat
She's not that nice. She needs to hit the gym and get sunscreen. Mass is just wide and deteriorating fast.

literally nobody knows how perfect the execution of this picture is outside of my family lmaooo. That's my uncle. By blood. Just repped you for this. That is hilarious. Funny how things just come together perfectly sometimes. Serendipity?

with that said...yesjuelz is buns. literally. that's all she is. shorty meh as hell. idk about yall, but I need a pretty face. In fact, imo a pretty face trumps a big rump any day. I'll take a beautiful face and a decent mass over a reggie face and thicks cakes 10/10. she look like lady gaga. hella passington.
literally nobody knows how perfect the execution of this picture is outside of my family lmaooo. That's my uncle. By blood. Just repped you for this. That is hilarious. Funny how things just come together perfectly sometimes. Serendipity?

with that said...yesjuelz is buns. literally. that's all she is. shorty meh as hell. idk about yall, but I need a pretty face. In fact, imo a pretty face trumps a big rump any day. I'll take a beautiful face and a decent mass over a reggie face and thicks cakes 10/10. she look like lady gaga. hella passington.
she is wack. her body on point but face is garbage and she might be the most annoying person ever.
That photo of her al posted when she was young she was a dime. Look what a few years did to her.
Julz snap the other day with her Jewish friend that gave her those bracelets and she called them her "hater blockers" claimed they were real gold. Lol they are gold plated. And they are like $20. How do I know. Cause I copped the same ones a while back for my sister.
Her body is nice now (not exactly my type, I prefer a bit slimmer) but if she doesn't start taking better care of her body and working out, that thing will look ugly QUICK!

I can already see her going in that direction. Hopefully I'm wrong 
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