Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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spent the past few hours gardening with my neighbor. planted some vegetables for us :pimp:

Just got into gardening myself. Planted kale, 3 types of lettuce and artichoke. As I was getting my hands in the soil and getting "dirty" I swear I was feeling so full of life and energy. Just so happens, after I looked it up, that gardening releases in serotonin. It's what we're supposed to be doing as human beings!
Good stuff, Ben. Looking to grow some spinach and lettuce in my yard, just need to get those big pots/containers to do it in. We got watermelon, cucumbers, tomatoes and corn on the other side. Hopefully those work. Non-GMO heirloom seeds :pimp: So much hard work cleaning the soil, removing roots etc. but it felt awesome afterward.
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Growing your own food is the best way to stick it to the man lol.

Pm'n the few who are willing to help with the site and have input on it. Just had a few amazing ideas during my yoga.
victor page victor page the first videos I contributed to this thread were of Sadhguru and Osho. Love those guys.

T TYE_The Time Traveler this is what I struggled with in the beginning. I got really into reading about nihilism and I think it made me appreciate just the opportunity to be able to learn what we're learning. But I had to get to the point through many steps. At first, I would play devils advocate against enlightenment and spirituality because the idea that there could be nothing when you die, no reincarnation, no heaven, no interstellar travel through the universe as an energy source, is very possible. All of this could be bull ****. These are all thoughts of a lucky man. "We're born in the balls of the **** that's ******* the world" - Joe Rogan.

Then I asked myself, "well then, what is real? What is so undeniably and universally known as being real? Feelings!" We know how it feels to be angry, to be sad, to be arrogant, lu****l, gluttonous, greedy, resentful. We also know how it feels to be happy, to receive good complements, to be loved, to love, to be compassionate, empathetic, excited, disciplined etc. We knows these things are real because we've all felt this things. So why not be a beacon of positive feelings? Seems real enough to me that everyone can relate and can strive to achieve this. And at the end of the day, to me, that's all enlightenment is, is love.

I say all of that to say this. There are people around the world that are suffering in a way where they can't do anything about it. They have it way worse than we could ever imagine. Our oppression is subtle, but it's still oppression. I don't think being oppressed from the truth can be measured in terms of who is more oppressed than others. Most beings are under oppression. It's just in most cultures you can see it right in front of your eyes and in ours it's hidden in plain sight. But because we have an opportunity in this "self made American" culture to learn the truth and actually use capitalism and the internet to make changes, we have a duty to act. A duty to change. Because our material way of living is causing the suffering in these other countries. It's our governments fault, but it's our fault too because we participate in the game.

Just because we have a bunch of material goods doesn't mean we should be grateful to our masters. They put all that there to blind you from the truth. They created this world wide culture of division, greed, hate.

Be grateful to the universe. Be grateful to chance. The lucky roll of the dice we got to be born where we were born, in this time period, being alive at this moment. We're the lucky ones. So let's apply what we are learning and do something that is going to effect everyone in a positive way.

I agree with everything you said, especially with what i bolded. At the end of every question i ask myself or the universe the answer is always the same, LOVE. Im not thanking them in the kiss at their feet manner, more along the lines of we have this amazing tool that broke down the barrier of communication and it like so many other things is mainly being used for pure commercial purposes only. I dont say that any of the videos expossing the obvious oppression we are facing by big corps and what not are useless because they maybe the only way for some to "open their eyes" but only maybe 1, 5 or 10 will really actually understand and attempt to make some sort of change. Its hard to erase several thousands of years of human behavior in one swoop. We actively engage in the talk we do and were still learning ourselves. If any other person were to overhear this in public even the simplest notion of the things we talk about wont register. And i perfectly understand why that is knowing what i know and still learning. Thats why all we can in the least bit is clean and cleanse ourselves and curious minds will follow. I akin to a train of positivity that always has its doors open and anyone can get on at anytime. Hopefully all of these convos and videos become relics in the universe and others find it way down the line and see all the positivity and see what us and many others were doing and hopefully by them everyone understands. But in the mean time we just continue learning and put out the messages into the ethos and some will follow. Eventually maybe everyone will.
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T TYE_The Time Traveler ^^^^^^ and this is exactly why I'm making a website for us.

Wish y'all we're in Cali. Could get together and burn the sacred tree and go out some place. Lots of awesome micro breweries out here.

I don't drink, but I'd make an exception for this. My cousin and I would get together and talk about these things at bars. Couple of times we had a crowd of people listening. Bless them because I was incredibly ignorant at the time lol I was ready to march to the White House and get it poppin' hahaha
I swear these dudes are the best thing in music right now. Get on this fellas. Love the message. Giving it to you in a subtle way without bashing it over your skull like immortal technique. Just little buzzwords to get people to open their minds and get them to research on their own. And you can still have fun to this and burrrrrnnnnn it lol.

@Ben Roethlisberger Right now me and a couple of my friends get together and attempt to record a podcast doesnt always pan out because we never take it seriously and convos go all over the place. but aside from the site you could look into getting one set up also, i wouldnt mind partaking when i can and im sure other people in the thread could contribute actively also. Ive been doing alot of research on it and its relatively easy to get set up and started if that ever crosses your mind i wouldnt mind helping out. Just agree to meet and talk at a certain time over skype or google hangouts and get things out there and going in the universe.
Those make the best podcasts. They are REAL conversations. You'd be surprised how good it sounds to people. You're your hardest critic so I'm sure you can't stand hearing yourself on a podcast. I've listened to over 1,000 podcasts episodes in the last 2 years, I'd love to hear yours and give you some feedback.

As for the website, I just contacted a designer I know about. Waiting to hear back.

Also thanks to all the nt'rs in my pm's helping me out. Is there a way we all could get together and discuss ideas as a group over the interwebz? Trying to move quickly. The time is right.
Those make the best podcasts. They are REAL conversations. You'd be surprised how good it sounds to people. You're your hardest critic so I'm sure you can't stand hearing yourself on a podcast. I've listened to over 1,000 podcasts episodes in the last 2 years, I'd love to hear yours and give you some feedback.

As for the website, I just contacted a designer I know about. Waiting to hear back.

Also thanks to all the nt'rs in my pm's helping me out. Is there a way we all could get together and discuss ideas as a group over the interwebz? Trying to move quickly. The time is right.

Oovoo? And didn't there used to be a thing NT'ers were using to battle rap and stuff back in 09?
You'd be surprised what progress you could make without a designer, and doing your own website. I did my business site through godaddy with little to No assistance. Check it, it's fly enough for zero experience
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It makes no sense to have a Carl Jr's commercial be sexy as hell since what does sex have to do with food, but what better way to condition people to associate sex with one of the things they need to survive: food. Soon enough we'll see oversexualized water commercials.
It makes no sense to have a Carl Jr's commercial be sexy as hell since what does sex have to do with food, but what better way to condition people to associate sex with one of the things they need to survive: food. Soon enough we'll see oversexualized water commercials.

Anything to get people caught in the root chakra. You're always gonna see shades of red in fast food advertisement. Everything advertised is about staying down here.
I was thinking about alot of stuff with the news of the apple and beats deal. Im really into tech besides many of things ive talked about in the thread. How do you guys feel about a future where pretty much the big tech companies rule everything. It maybe a stretch but with the apple beats deal, i can see apple becoming a music label and publisher and the impact that can have on the industry. Someone from gm said about the self driving car demo google recently had, that if they get it right google could become a serious threat in the automotive industry. Facebook recently bought whats app which is probably the most popular messaging platform used in other parts of the world. Some companies are making cheap basic smartphones with internet access and its giving people in poor countries access to the internet and they are learning and discovering things at every passing second. Amazon was rumored to be testing its own delivery service, which if successful will cut out ups and fedex and others. Netflix although the troubles its going through with comcast and paying for faster speeds, is having success with their own originals series of shows and alot of comedians are doing their specials with netflix directly. Google again they are rolling out fiber service which is scaring alot of the old big providers. Once they get to a major city things will get crazy between them and comcast and verizon ect. Podcast are becoming the new form of radio and allowing so much more creativity. Youtube is well youtube pretty self explanitory. Bitcoin And cryptocurrency in general has huge huge potential its insanse. So many old systems are starting little by little to crumble and all the old croonies are fighting with all they got to stop the internet and the big tech companies with just about anything possible. And with more and more people in the world getting easier ways to access the internet we are getting to a huge oneness of communication. It wont be long maybe 20 years or so or maybe even sooner but so many of the old ways are starting to go away. But now that leaves us with the big tech companies Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook to be the ones to control things. Im not saying i dont trust or have faith in them because with what we have right now i rather them then the correct politicians and the power of the special interest groups, but again its just going to be a select few in charge. I hope that with all the smart people all those companies have working for them that maybe they will be better people to be the ones to oversee. Or maybe we will all just police ourselves like we do on the internet and have a better proper say in things. However it turns out to be the internet and tech is going to be the way and no old law and lawsuits and court cases and none of the bs we have now that prevents forward movement is going to stop it. They gave people the ultimate tool and its to late for things to stay the way they are now its going to be the change when i don't know but it will be for sure.
Google/Facebook is sky net

Makes sense with them buying up boston dynamics who made stuff for darpa, and i believe facebook was looking into some drone companies. Damn now idk how i want enslaving us the robots or the government. I guess its the governments way of buying back the peoples trust if they destroy the robots in the war and then we will be back to regularly scheduled programming. Guess we'll have to wait and see.
This is not taking a shot at this thread or anything but I just want to throw this out there...

Do you guys ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe, all the new technology and stuff these big corporations are coming out with are to benefit humans and not enslave us? Ultimately you as a consumer make the decision whether you want to use their products and services or not, whether you want to share your information or not.

I just don't understand where this paranoia about government, big corps, etc... controlling the population comes from at times. While these entities are powerful influencers, yes, they are really made up of individual humans just like you and I, the stakeholders and shareholders are also just humans. I feel like we are more in it together than being held back by corrporations.

Same with the government. And yeah there's corruption but I just really don't understand the "who" you're talking about that are making these big decisions, prepping to tell us things, or hide things. If anyone wants to explain then go ahead. I'd be interested in hearing.
Oh ive bought that up before several pages ago, and ive told many of my paranoid friends that they do know the goverment if made up of people like you and i. Its one of the reasons why i and ben also said that which ever road you decide to follow many end up being a tool in which you end up being boxed into. Right now there is an answer for everyone out there. Scared and mad at government because of this stuff you found on youtube here you go more videos. And the more you watch the more you sink into those waters. If your someone who trust the authorities here you go more of the same stuff as it is now elections, wars to protect, government assistance programs ect. Same with religions, do this go here, behave this way and youll make your way into here. Its all a grab cause people dont wanna be alone or they have their own agenda to feed. Hell hitler convinced those people to want to wipe the jews. The one factor found in all of this is people or a group of people. But we and then we are all still people. No matter what any of them think of any other. As i listen to more Terrance Mckenna talks one thing that sticks out no more then ever is when he says culture is your enemy not your friend. And he says its funny the word culture starts with cult. All these groups and entities composed of humans are a demonstration of what people can do and get acomplished wheb they have the same common goal, whether that goal and whats done in pursuit of it is a good or bad is up to each individual to decide. I in this thread have shared views and stuff that factor in to the belief systems of many groups and i am not a follower or member or believer in any of the groups. My only true belief is pretty simple. Dont harm others, and try to remain positive in the world full of all the madness. And also just be aware of any and everything. Its way to easy to fall for stuff and get trapped in view points and way of seeing things which is what leads to things like that kid who did that stuff recently in cali killing other kids cause he had that god complex stuck in his head. At the end its all someone else just trying to make a dollar or feed their ego at the expense of another group or ideology. We thirst so much for answers because we are so used to there being a reason for everything and not many stop to think if the reason they found or answer they found was possibly pulled out of someones *** or is total bs. There are times you use a persons own logic in another scenario and they are stumpped. Its pretty simple live, love and learn. Once enough of us do that we will be alright. Theres so many beautiful things to see, and wonderfull things to learn from the world and other people and so many things to experience out there. Whether they come from big corporations or nature.
I feel that sometimes people feel so lost and like they don't have control over their life that maybe they can't admit it to themselves, and need to find someone to blame. But instead of looking at, and really blaming themselves for their own choices they choose to blame government rules (which are ultimately there to help, not hurt) and corporations marketing tactics, data mining, etc... (when the corporations are really just trying to get your money etc...) because these things have had a negative impact on them somewhere in their life. They don't feel in control of their lives so they'd rather think someone else, who they don't even know, and don't even understand, is controlling the population for reasons they can't explain. It just all seems like bull to me and I don't believe there is any secret, hidden, agenda. Everything is in plain sight.

Like dude above me said. Don't harm others and take accountability for yourself and your actions.
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That is the one thing that i can say really frustrates, personal accountability is dead and gone. And i just don't get it. No one wants to get blammed for anything and everyone feels entitled to everything.
Yeah what is it? People are afraid to make mistakes and LEARN from them? Making mistakes is the best way to learn and better yourself.

I don't understand why everyone feels the need to have a bullet proof ego. And if they mess up, they just can't fathom accepting it was their fault. Or the punishments or social repercussions just "aren't fair" to them. Place the blame on someone or something else and go out and make the SAME mistakes because oh, it wasn't their fault in the first place. When someone actually works hard to get somewhere these same people see it and, "oh, I wish I had those connections or advantages." Or, "it's because she's good looking." Any other excuse. It's worse with girls IMO but I see a lot with guys too.

The only "matrix" or hidden evil agenda is the one you construct to hedge against your own failures. If you can be honest with yourself, you can overcome anything.
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