Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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[h1]saviour's day 2011.THE TRUTH ABOUT THE EXISTENCE OF U.F.O.[/h1]The Islamic Minister Louis Farrakhan speaks openly about UFO disclosure!
Originally Posted by papageorgeo510

[h1]David Icke - Do You REALLY Want to Know This??[/h1]
Nice video. I pray for the day people realize everything around them is bull and they start loving each other and focusing on what really matters. Too many people are consumed with this life and fail to realize the bigger picture and what they're capable of doing for the world around them.
[h2][/h2][h2][font=Telex, sans-serif]Lucid Dreaming: The Basics[/font][/h2][h2][font=Telex, sans-serif]Dr Stephen LaBerge says: "Everyone has, in theory, the capacity to learn to dream lucidly, because everyone dreams every night."[/font][/h2][h2][font=Telex, sans-serif]As a lucid dreamer, I know there is nothing special about my brain that allows me to control my dreams. It's simply a matter of mental training - entering the mindset required to realize when you're dreaming (rather than sleep through it).[/font][/h2][h2][font=Telex, sans-serif]However, just like playing chess or learning the piano, your skills will improve over time. That's not to say you can't have a lucid dream tonight - but you will develop your ability to go lucid and control your dreams with practice.[/font][/h2][h2][font=Telex, sans-serif]To give you a taste of the training involved, here are three basic methods you'll need to increase your self-awareness and dream recall...[/font][/h2]
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[font=Telex, sans-serif]Step 1... Remember Your Dreams[/font]

[font=Telex, sans-serif]Good dream recall is essential for increasing your awareness in dreams. Keep a dream journal and remember at least one dream every morning. Write, draw or talk about your dreams in as much detail as you can remember, and solidify the memory of the dream before getting up. To learn about dream journaling, see How to Remember Your Dreams.[/font]

[font=Telex, sans-serif]Step 2... Reality Checks[/font]

[font=Telex, sans-serif]A reality check increases your level of self-awareness while awake; a practice known as lucid living. It eventually filters through to the dream world by force of habit and triggers lucidity. To do a reality check now, take two fingers from your right hand, and try to push them through your left palm. At the same time, ask yourself "Am I dreaming right now?" Perform this action a dozen times throughout your waking day. When you dream of this, you'll recognize that you are in a dream world and your senses will come alive! See my Top 10 Reality Checks for more details.[/font]

[font=Telex, sans-serif]Step 3... Night-Time Meditation[/font]

[font=Telex, sans-serif]Dream research is uncovering the extraordinary link between meditation and lucid dreaming. The more you meditate by day - and by night - the easier it will be for you to start experiencing conscious dreams.[/font]

[font=Telex, sans-serif]Here's a quick session you can do as you fall asleep tonight. Lay still on your back and, starting from your toes, systematically relax every muscle group in your body. After 5-10 minutes, your body will feel deeply relaxed. Your goal is to lose awareness of it altogether. Observe the swirling patterns behind your closed eyelids (hypnagogia) and allow your mind to drift...[/font]

[font=Telex, sans-serif]This in itself is a nice meditation. Enjoy it. With practice, you can move on to my Wake Induced Lucid Dreams tutorial which explains how to consciously enter the dream world from this peaceful borderland sleep state.[/font]

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[font=Telex, sans-serif]Here's the link [/font]
Morphing object over California - May 11th 2012!

coasttocoast a.m 5/16

In the first hour, writer Marc Zicree will discuss his new project, a series of sci-fi films entitled Space Command. He'll be joined by Oscar and Emmy Award winner visual effects artist Doug Drexler as well as director Neil Johnson.

In the second hour, Independent researcher, Pat Chouinard, will discuss his work researching ancient civilizations including Atlantis and Lemuria and why he believes they actually did exist, as well the X-Woman of Siberia who was human, but a different species.
Originally Posted by MrSneakerman

Originally Posted by DMoney82


[h1]saviour's day 2011.THE TRUTH ABOUT THE EXISTENCE OF U.F.O.[/h1]The Islamic Minister Louis Farrakhan speaks openly about UFO disclosure!
 this was crazy.
Only watched Pt.1 but thats some of the best evidence I've seen (besides what ive seen myself) even tho the presenter was drunk off his aaa
but when I seen all those orbs, I thought about when I read some conspiracy theorists say the Gov't was trying to do some sort of 'airborne policing' with new technology... like google maps
and didn't they admit to having drones out? testing? 
So if "burro" in spanish means "donkey" and the suffix "ito" means smaller version...
...then a burrito is a small donkey..??
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Faked Moon Landing - Amazing Documentary

I don't believe it was faked. We've been but just can't go back because of what they found
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