Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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but if i could also comment on the music thing:

as a child i first noticed madonna as a sort of prototype manufactured star in the new & improved modern day fashion

she came out sort of punk adolescent, then completely morphed into a monroe clone, then dyed her hair dark again for the loosing her religion era...etc...
in interviews she would always bring up having to re-invent herself, her image

when krs-one had put some miles into the industry - he would often rap about re-inventing his image to stay relevant..."fresh for xyz"

this is when i took notice that some of the most successful music entertainers were some of the best at applying this mo

madonna kept on re-inventing herself until she no longer had any shell of sex appeal that would cooperate

so i'd say its been about 20 years since i've been watching entertainers with this lens
i remember reading in an anthropology book about how when language, both written & spoken, was finding its way, expanding out from sumeria, etc...

some civilizations or societies chose outright to not accept a language into their culture
not because they were ignorant cave folk that dared not accept the challenge...

no, in fact, some were intelligent enough to see language for what it was & what negative things that it can bring

this sounds crazy perhaps - how could a society exist without language? how could they "progress?"
but think deeper about language is really just a tool that never actually accurately describes anything as it really is

- green rhino

Ive actually heard ppl refer to spoken language as the biggest virus inflicted on the human race in the sense that it divides us more than anything. It separates us by region, class, creed, you name it.

So in that sense I can understand it being plausible that ancient societies would reject language....

I mean just step back and think, what if everyone on earth spoke and wrote in the same language.....we as a species would be decades, if not centuries ahead of where we are now, its almost hard to fathom the unity and ingenuity that all 7 billion ppl could bring to the table if we were unified like this.

The architects of the current design are strong man, but loosing power everyday.
Assassin's Creed:

Assassin: "Where other men blindly follow the truth, remember..."
Initiate: "Nothing is true."
Assassin: "Where other men are limited by morality or law, remember..."
Initiate: "Everything is permitted."

Solid interpretation from someone on Reddit.

I've interpreted the Creed as a statement that I can be as free as I want to be, that the laws and limitations set by society do not have to be the ones I follow. Because of that freedom, I must also take full responsibility for my actions and to make sure that I use my freedom responsibly rather than abuse it. The fact that I am in control of my every action gives me confidence in myself, and that inspires me to help others have faith in themselves. Furthermore, my interpretation does not have to set in stone, and can evolve over time in ways that hopefully increase my understanding of both the world around me and myself. Through that, I can further refine myself into something I can be proud of, an example of what everyone is capable of achieving.
"Nothing is true" compels me to question everything and to draw my own conclusions. It is a statement that forces me to think about an issue and to try to understand it in its entirety rather than one side. This continual desire to learn and understand is humbling. It reminds me that whatever conclusion I come to is not necessarily the right or only one. It reminds me that I can be wrong and that I shouldn't force my views on to others. Instead, I should leave them to draw their own conclusions in a way that they find to be acceptable.
I used to be a strict follower of the rules, right down to the letter. I was a Grammar Nazi, someone who had no tolerance for mistakes and dissent. In my eyes, people who went against the rules were simply trash that would never get anywhere. I thought that by following the rules like a good citizen, I was automatically better than these people. Not once did I question the validity of the rules. But because I followed an established system, I don't think I ever realized that I wasn't really living. I was simply a rule book that followed an established flow, and trying to follow all the rules was extremely taxing, especially with such strict interpretations. Eventually, I broke and my desire to live was left in shambles. I couldn't deal with the fact that I couldn't follow all the rules. By my interpretation of the rules, I should have died.
The Creed has changed all of that. I've learned to think for myself and to stand on my own feet. I have picked myself up and have grown significantly because of that. I do not blindly follow guidelines anymore. I question the validity of everything, from the rules of society to what I believe in. I have learned to be confident without being arrogant. The Creed has taught me how to live, not as an automaton but as a human being.
TL;DR: The Creed is inspiration for self-confidence and to always keep on learning.
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[quote name="Castomere"


The Creed is the answer.

In my experience, true freedom comes when you place yourself outside all boxes. Not a theist, not and atheist. Not a left winger, not a right winger. No outside source defines you and your inner being.

Go within, study as much of everything as you can, hold no leaders above yourself and create your own path, philosophy and religion.

Become a Free Thinker as you were born already being.
can anybody recommend me some books? I'm interested in most of the topics discussed throughout the thread -- mainly government corruption, space theory, ancient civilizations, aliens, our universe, etc.
can anybody recommend me some books? I'm interested in most of the topics discussed throughout the thread -- mainly government corruption, space theory, ancient civilizations, aliens, our universe, etc.

One Of The Best By 'The Godfather':


And Three More Classics:

Just finished fingerprints of the gods, really great book. Currently going through the book of coming forth by day (Egyptian book of the dead) translated by Dr. Muata Ashby.

Anyone ever read the Conversations with God series by Neale Donald Walsch? I read the first 2 back in college and remember really liking their message. Plan to revisit when I'm done with this current book.
Love Graham Hancock. Fingerprint Of The Gods and I would also suggest Supernatural. He also recently dropped a novel called War God that I read, that was phenomenal. Not a big novel reader but after reading this book I've added a couple more novels to the rotation.

Currently reading: faith, madness, and spontaneous human combustion, as well as the Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle.

Both dope reads.
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ben roethlisberger ben roethlisberger

I been up on UA since their first album, but thank you for putting me onto Mick Jenkins.:pimp: Finally something legit coming out of the madness that is the South side of Chicago..
I feel like I have a responsibility to tell you that it's a battle in that world between love and fear and the religious books I've read (specifically ram dass' books), along with the practices I've put in my life, gave me the tools to handle that plane and really go into the love place every time fear crept in.

Get your mind right before you ever decide to take the leap.
I feel like I have a responsibility to tell you that it's a battle in that world between love and fear and the religious books I've read (specifically ram dass' books), along with the practices I've put in my life, gave me the tools to handle that plane and really go into the love place every time fear crept in.

word, I definitely respect it enough to not take it lightly. While I've never done it, I am familiar with the spectrum that it usually covers/produces,etc.

Get your mind right before you ever decide to take the leap.

thank you, I'm currently in that process now.

I've read Rick Strassmans book and there's an accompanying documentary called DMT:The Spirit Molecule. its available on Netflix for anybody interested.
What type of music do yo guys listen to? 

Do you still listen to mainstream music?
Over the past 6 months it's gradually declined to almost exclusively underground.

Spend a lot of time browsing /r/hiphopheads for new artist. Good source for quality music and knowledgeable people. 

Music forum doesn't get enough spins on NT anymore.
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[quote="Ben Roethlisberger, post: 21359745"]What I mean is, we are victims of subliminal programming. Our thoughts, habits, desires, life goals, choices we make that we think is that of our own free will, opinions that we become so attached to as if they have been formulated by an "I", all have been formed by an outside source and not our own, purposely.

Every action means something. Every action shapes you. When you watch tv or listen to music, it's not just innocent entertainment. Even now when you're scrolling on niketalk, It has THE MOST profound effect on you.

Reprogramming, in this context, is a realization of every action and thought you partake in and formulate, followed by a detachment, followed by actually making choices via your inner you. Becoming the "witness" if you will.

There is no way around being programmed. What happens is you go from outside sources programming to you actually reprogramming yourself.

It sounds confusing, but it's only because its part of the process of enlightenment (in my opinion) so to be on the verge of that of course is a big deal, what else is there? Haha

I know it's hard to understand because the initial reaction is "but that's me choosing to watch The Walking Dead! That's me choosing to randomly recite Drake lyrics!" but it's really not your choice.

Numerous studies have shown the conscious mind only thinks its in charge. But in reality your subconscious is making decisions and the conscious mind is making up stories to explain those decisions.

Our strings are ALWAYS being pulled and someone is always pushing our buttons for us. Our appetites, our mood, choice in clothing, the automobiles we drive, things we do for recreational activities, and even the lenses through which we see ourselves.

"The 4 categories of the mind:

1.) the preconscious is part of our memory or knowledge that we can call upon but don't hold in consciousness at the moment.

2.) the conscious is that which we're fully aware of.

3.) the subconscious is beneath our consciousness and is generally hidden from it.

4.) the unconscious is a deep sleep or coma state and may be the part of the mind that Carl Jung, the founder of analytical psychology, thought of as participating in the collective consciousness at all times - the telephone line or conduit, if you will"

So this is why Religion, School, Entertainment, advertising/marketing, Government work so well and they are able to get away with anything they want - they have control of all parts of your mind.

Scary huh? Well the beautiful part is There is tools that you can use to help you free your mind. It is very possible. But it requires practice and discipline.[/quote]

Sorry to quote myself, but I wanted to reiterate how important these facts are that I posted.

I STRONGLY suggest you pick up this book whenever you're looking for a book to buy, OR if you're like me and hoard as many books as possible lol.

Mind Programming by Eldon Taylor

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