Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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NASA Images Discover Ancient Bridge Between India & Sri Lanka, page 1

Originally Posted by papageorgeo510
I just got done watching the first part of this. A lot of the stuff he was saying was extremely interesting, and then some of it was kind of foolish. The main thing that he said to me that was foolish was when he mentioned Nazi Germany and their connection to the illuminati. I think it's between 45min and about an hour into it, he talks about how the illuminati was in control of the Nazi Germans or that all the Nazi German's were members of the illuminati. First of all, I have a somewhat obsession with American life and culture from about the 1910's to about the 1950's. One of the most intriguing things from those 40ish years that's always gotten the majority of my attention was WWII, mainly Hitler/Nazi side of it. From what I've gathered (seen {History channel, etc.}as well as read) all of the experiments the Nazi German scientist were doing were with the main goal Hitler had, which was to create a place for the "perfect race" to thrive (there's a book about a race being powerful and ruling over all other races that is said to inspired Hitler, if anyone knows the name it would be greatly appreciated). Hitler just wasn't afraid of the the things his army knew, IMO, he treated it all as.. routine, so to speak. Any "bizarre" happenings that went on at the time were passed on to Hitler who then said "I want a flying disc machine" (whatever the case may be). I'm sure the leading scientists at the time were thinking "a flying disc? the #$**? Hitler is gone off his rocker."�
�But they went ahead and did it, along with countless other blueprints and notes that I'm sure the general public will never know about. No doubt, during the completion and actual experimentation process of these things, many Nazi soldiershad VERY weird things happen to them. There's an incident of a test of a time travelling disc shaped flying machine that simply disappeared along with the two-three soldiers that manned the ship during testing. Hitler was just a man obsessed with power, and possibly technology (among other things), I don't think he or his movement played any part in the illuminati. IF there is a such thing.
Idk why it's in a quote box, my apologies.
Thats off of 210 in MD right?
I posted pics of it in the thread about nothing

wild man, everyone is on twitter ranting off about it.

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