Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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TIJ - EP167 - Conspiracy Theorist Greg Carlwood - Talk Is Jericho

Conspiracy Theorist Greg Carlwood, host of "The Higherside Chats" podcast is sharing some pretty interesting ideas about 9/11, secret societies, the sinking of the Titanic, aliens & UFOs, and who really controls the banking industry, and JFK assassination details. He's also sharing theories on who filmed the moonlanding, and why prohibition existed in the US in the 20s. Things that make you go hmmmmm...

Will listen.
The Practice of Gratitude - short film about a rural Nepalese farmer whose is happy with his life... 

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TIJ - EP167 - Conspiracy Theorist Greg Carlwood - Talk Is Jericho

Conspiracy Theorist Greg Carlwood, host of "The Higherside Chats" podcast is sharing some pretty interesting ideas about 9/11, secret societies, the sinking of the Titanic, aliens & UFOs, and who really controls the banking industry, and JFK assassination details. He's also sharing theories on who filmed the moonlanding, and why prohibition existed in the US in the 20s. Things that make you go hmmmmm...
Will listen tomorrow. Can't be listening to this at night lol
TIJ - EP167 - Conspiracy Theorist Greg Carlwood - Talk Is Jericho

Conspiracy Theorist Greg Carlwood, host of "The Higherside Chats" podcast is sharing some pretty interesting ideas about 9/11, secret societies, the sinking of the Titanic, aliens & UFOs, and who really controls the banking industry, and JFK assassination details. He's also sharing theories on who filmed the moonlanding, and why prohibition existed in the US in the 20s. Things that make you go hmmmmm...

Will check this out. Plus its Y2J. :smokin
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"the aliens wont let it happen" "they exercise strict control over us" "i cant reveal anything" "thats what we are instructed to say"   bruh lol its like he said "there are aliens/information about aliens at area 51 , i just can not reveal anything"
smiling like its all jokes but really hes low key serious 
Watched about half of that Shemitah video and there was absolutely nothing of substance there so I turned it off.

However, I was watching a documentary on Martin Armstrong, it released in 2014 and he basically predicted the 4th quarter of 2015 was going to be the start of the next recession/depression. And now look at the stock market.

Dude predicted all kinds of events with this computer model back in the 80s and 90s. He was held on contempt of court for 7 years because he would not turn his model over to the govt. 7 years, no charge, no trial, no conviction. They interviewed some of his former employees and they took their old work laptop and showed his economic for cast from the late 90s. Dude predicted the Internet stock crash, the housing crash, the sovereign debt crisis and the crash of the us govt (bonds) about to happen right now. The documentary is called The Forecaster, I highly recommend it. It's online streaming for free.
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