Someone Ran me over, what do I do? Vol. Insurance.

atleast you know who hit you. i got hit and dude took off on me back in August.

get paid son.
atleast you know who hit you. i got hit and dude took off on me back in August.

get paid son.
Originally Posted by gboy1230

Originally Posted by bonde111

Originally Posted by Diego

2Nick3 wrote:

^You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one far even once to use even , it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like.
It's just common sense dude.

I read the first 3 words like "dude bout to give some good advice".
Then I died by the time I got to the last word.

Dude sounds like Christopher Walken x Al Sharpton

i literally read this *!+% 3 times thinking im just too sleepy and my brain cant make sense any more

welp looks like it aint me ahahahaahah

but for op

i say get a lawyer asap !!!! let them handle the insurance BS cause most times those dudes be trying to get you

happen to me long story short i got into pretty bad car accident and dude was like how much you looking to get and i didnt know any better and just threw out a number ( 4k) dude was like oh thats it ends up sending me like 6k cause they factor in all the doc visits, time missed from work, ambulance ride ( shi t was like 3k
) etc etc....

a friend of the fam told me i fuked up i should have went super high and then work my way down i could have gotten way more out of this .... one things ive learned never take the first couple of offers not until you get around the 6th 7th offer is when it probably worth your wild. honestly, its really a waiting game so if you can out wait the insurance company and not settle i believe most times they will just give you close to wat you want cause they dont want open cases.
This sounds better than just settling. I mean, sure I feel good that they trying to take care of the issue, but damn I don't feel like walking out like after waiting on them to even contact me.
Originally Posted by gboy1230

Originally Posted by bonde111

Originally Posted by Diego

2Nick3 wrote:

^You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one far even once to use even , it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like.
It's just common sense dude.

I read the first 3 words like "dude bout to give some good advice".
Then I died by the time I got to the last word.

Dude sounds like Christopher Walken x Al Sharpton

i literally read this *!+% 3 times thinking im just too sleepy and my brain cant make sense any more

welp looks like it aint me ahahahaahah

but for op

i say get a lawyer asap !!!! let them handle the insurance BS cause most times those dudes be trying to get you

happen to me long story short i got into pretty bad car accident and dude was like how much you looking to get and i didnt know any better and just threw out a number ( 4k) dude was like oh thats it ends up sending me like 6k cause they factor in all the doc visits, time missed from work, ambulance ride ( shi t was like 3k
) etc etc....

a friend of the fam told me i fuked up i should have went super high and then work my way down i could have gotten way more out of this .... one things ive learned never take the first couple of offers not until you get around the 6th 7th offer is when it probably worth your wild. honestly, its really a waiting game so if you can out wait the insurance company and not settle i believe most times they will just give you close to wat you want cause they dont want open cases.
This sounds better than just settling. I mean, sure I feel good that they trying to take care of the issue, but damn I don't feel like walking out like after waiting on them to even contact me.
Originally Posted by 2Nick3

Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

Originally Posted by Smokey1212

Call the ambulance service, and hospital billing service. They should be seperate bills but should have numbers to call on them. Let them know about the situation, and give them the offender's insurance information that you obtained. They should work it out for you. Everything in the hospital/billing/insurance sector works very slowly. The fact that the driver's insurance has called you already is a good thing. What did they say when they contacted you tho?

Nice! Thank you for this information. I feel more secure and better informed now. WHOOP WHOOP.
They just interviewed me and asked questions the regarding the accident. He said they were going to look into this issue. I feel better that they called me and asked about the accident. Knowing that they asked about my days off work feels good too. yeup!

^You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more
decided to use even to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far
even half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one
far even once to use even , it is then that he has really been far even
as decided to use even go want to do look more like.

It's just common sense dude.

did you go to school with Tito516?
Originally Posted by 2Nick3

Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

Originally Posted by Smokey1212

Call the ambulance service, and hospital billing service. They should be seperate bills but should have numbers to call on them. Let them know about the situation, and give them the offender's insurance information that you obtained. They should work it out for you. Everything in the hospital/billing/insurance sector works very slowly. The fact that the driver's insurance has called you already is a good thing. What did they say when they contacted you tho?

Nice! Thank you for this information. I feel more secure and better informed now. WHOOP WHOOP.
They just interviewed me and asked questions the regarding the accident. He said they were going to look into this issue. I feel better that they called me and asked about the accident. Knowing that they asked about my days off work feels good too. yeup!

^You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more
decided to use even to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far
even half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one
far even once to use even , it is then that he has really been far even
as decided to use even go want to do look more like.

It's just common sense dude.

did you go to school with Tito516?
Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

Originally Posted by gboy1230

Originally Posted by bonde111

Originally Posted by Diego

2Nick3 wrote:

^You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one far even once to use even , it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like.
It's just common sense dude.

I read the first 3 words like "dude bout to give some good advice".
Then I died by the time I got to the last word.

Dude sounds like Christopher Walken x Al Sharpton

i literally read this *!+% 3 times thinking im just too sleepy and my brain cant make sense any more

welp looks like it aint me ahahahaahah

but for op

i say get a lawyer asap !!!! let them handle the insurance BS cause most times those dudes be trying to get you

happen to me long story short i got into pretty bad car accident and dude was like how much you looking to get and i didnt know any better and just threw out a number ( 4k) dude was like oh thats it ends up sending me like 6k cause they factor in all the doc visits, time missed from work, ambulance ride ( shi t was like 3k
) etc etc....

a friend of the fam told me i fuked up i should have went super high and then work my way down i could have gotten way more out of this .... one things ive learned never take the first couple of offers not until you get around the 6th 7th offer is when it probably worth your wild. honestly, its really a waiting game so if you can out wait the insurance company and not settle i believe most times they will just give you close to wat you want cause they dont want open cases.
This sounds better than just settling. I mean, sure I feel good that they trying to take care of the issue, but damn I don't feel like walking out like after waiting on them to even contact me.

I work at a law firm that deals with situations like this. First off, dont pay anyone anything. Its not your fault. If you decide to get an attorney, make sure you read the retainer they have you
sign. Try going with an attorney that wont charge you anything until you get paid. This same attorney should be charging you anywhere from 25-33% off your final amount (the amount the 

insurance is going to pay). If it goes to court, then the attorney fee should jump anywhere from 40-50%. 


The more you visit the doctor, chiropractor, miss time from work, the better for you. It shows you were in real pain and you were doing your best to cure it. MAKE SURE YOU KEEP ALL 

RECEIPTS. Co-pay receipts, drug prescription receipts, parking receipt. Stuff like that. Oh and keep a time line on when you did what. 

DO NOT do anything to jeopardize your case. THIS IS AN EXAMPLE, dont go playing sports if you have a messed up knee. Dont go changing a transmission if your back is messed up. 

You need to chill. It might get boring but it will pay off.

And finally, be patient. Dont bug the hell out of your attorney. Check with him once a month. At first, it takes a while to get going. But once the balling is rolling, things will speed up and work 

for the better. Hope this info helps you out. I might of missed something and if I did, sorry. Im busy at work. One more thing, DO NOT LIE. They will find out and that can get your case 

Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

Originally Posted by gboy1230

Originally Posted by bonde111

Originally Posted by Diego

2Nick3 wrote:

^You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one far even once to use even , it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like.
It's just common sense dude.

I read the first 3 words like "dude bout to give some good advice".
Then I died by the time I got to the last word.

Dude sounds like Christopher Walken x Al Sharpton

i literally read this *!+% 3 times thinking im just too sleepy and my brain cant make sense any more

welp looks like it aint me ahahahaahah

but for op

i say get a lawyer asap !!!! let them handle the insurance BS cause most times those dudes be trying to get you

happen to me long story short i got into pretty bad car accident and dude was like how much you looking to get and i didnt know any better and just threw out a number ( 4k) dude was like oh thats it ends up sending me like 6k cause they factor in all the doc visits, time missed from work, ambulance ride ( shi t was like 3k
) etc etc....

a friend of the fam told me i fuked up i should have went super high and then work my way down i could have gotten way more out of this .... one things ive learned never take the first couple of offers not until you get around the 6th 7th offer is when it probably worth your wild. honestly, its really a waiting game so if you can out wait the insurance company and not settle i believe most times they will just give you close to wat you want cause they dont want open cases.
This sounds better than just settling. I mean, sure I feel good that they trying to take care of the issue, but damn I don't feel like walking out like after waiting on them to even contact me.

I work at a law firm that deals with situations like this. First off, dont pay anyone anything. Its not your fault. If you decide to get an attorney, make sure you read the retainer they have you
sign. Try going with an attorney that wont charge you anything until you get paid. This same attorney should be charging you anywhere from 25-33% off your final amount (the amount the 

insurance is going to pay). If it goes to court, then the attorney fee should jump anywhere from 40-50%. 


The more you visit the doctor, chiropractor, miss time from work, the better for you. It shows you were in real pain and you were doing your best to cure it. MAKE SURE YOU KEEP ALL 

RECEIPTS. Co-pay receipts, drug prescription receipts, parking receipt. Stuff like that. Oh and keep a time line on when you did what. 

DO NOT do anything to jeopardize your case. THIS IS AN EXAMPLE, dont go playing sports if you have a messed up knee. Dont go changing a transmission if your back is messed up. 

You need to chill. It might get boring but it will pay off.

And finally, be patient. Dont bug the hell out of your attorney. Check with him once a month. At first, it takes a while to get going. But once the balling is rolling, things will speed up and work 

for the better. Hope this info helps you out. I might of missed something and if I did, sorry. Im busy at work. One more thing, DO NOT LIE. They will find out and that can get your case 

Originally Posted by djaward

Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

Originally Posted by gboy1230

Originally Posted by bonde111

Originally Posted by Diego

2Nick3 wrote:

^You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one far even once to use even , it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like.
It's just common sense dude.

I read the first 3 words like "dude bout to give some good advice".
Then I died by the time I got to the last word.

Dude sounds like Christopher Walken x Al Sharpton

i literally read this *!+% 3 times thinking im just too sleepy and my brain cant make sense any more

welp looks like it aint me ahahahaahah

but for op

i say get a lawyer asap !!!! let them handle the insurance BS cause most times those dudes be trying to get you

happen to me long story short i got into pretty bad car accident and dude was like how much you looking to get and i didnt know any better and just threw out a number ( 4k) dude was like oh thats it ends up sending me like 6k cause they factor in all the doc visits, time missed from work, ambulance ride ( shi t was like 3k
) etc etc....

a friend of the fam told me i fuked up i should have went super high and then work my way down i could have gotten way more out of this .... one things ive learned never take the first couple of offers not until you get around the 6th 7th offer is when it probably worth your wild. honestly, its really a waiting game so if you can out wait the insurance company and not settle i believe most times they will just give you close to wat you want cause they dont want open cases.
This sounds better than just settling. I mean, sure I feel good that they trying to take care of the issue, but damn I don't feel like walking out like after waiting on them to even contact me.
I work at a law firm that deals with situations like this. First off, dont pay anyone anything. Its not your fault. If you decide to get an attorney, make sure you read the retainer they have you
sign. Try going with an attorney that wont charge you anything until you get paid. This same attorney should be charging you anywhere from 25-33% off your final amount (the amount the 

insurance is going to pay). If it goes to court, then the attorney fee should jump anywhere from 40-50%. 


The more you visit the doctor, chiropractor, miss time from work, the better for you. It shows you were in real pain and you were doing your best to cure it. MAKE SURE YOU KEEP ALL 

RECEIPTS. Co-pay receipts, drug prescription receipts, parking receipt. Stuff like that. Oh and keep a time line on when you did what. 

DO NOT do anything to jeopardize your case. THIS IS AN EXAMPLE, dont go playing sports if you have a messed up knee. Dont go changing a transmission if your back is messed up. 

You need to chill. It might get boring but it will pay off.

And finally, be patient. Dont bug the hell out of your attorney. Check with him once a month. At first, it takes a while to get going. But once the balling is rolling, things will speed up and work 

for the better. Hope this info helps you out. I might of missed something and if I did, sorry. Im busy at work. One more thing, DO NOT LIE. They will find out and that can get your case 


Thank you for you input. I am highly great-full. Time to set up some appointments with the chiropractor. One more thing I need some more help, if you don't mind. The ambelamps bill is due on the 27th of this month. Should I call them ask for an extension or something? Thanks again man. I really appreciate it.
Originally Posted by djaward

Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

Originally Posted by gboy1230

Originally Posted by bonde111

Originally Posted by Diego

2Nick3 wrote:

^You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one far even once to use even , it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like.
It's just common sense dude.

I read the first 3 words like "dude bout to give some good advice".
Then I died by the time I got to the last word.

Dude sounds like Christopher Walken x Al Sharpton

i literally read this *!+% 3 times thinking im just too sleepy and my brain cant make sense any more

welp looks like it aint me ahahahaahah

but for op

i say get a lawyer asap !!!! let them handle the insurance BS cause most times those dudes be trying to get you

happen to me long story short i got into pretty bad car accident and dude was like how much you looking to get and i didnt know any better and just threw out a number ( 4k) dude was like oh thats it ends up sending me like 6k cause they factor in all the doc visits, time missed from work, ambulance ride ( shi t was like 3k
) etc etc....

a friend of the fam told me i fuked up i should have went super high and then work my way down i could have gotten way more out of this .... one things ive learned never take the first couple of offers not until you get around the 6th 7th offer is when it probably worth your wild. honestly, its really a waiting game so if you can out wait the insurance company and not settle i believe most times they will just give you close to wat you want cause they dont want open cases.
This sounds better than just settling. I mean, sure I feel good that they trying to take care of the issue, but damn I don't feel like walking out like after waiting on them to even contact me.
I work at a law firm that deals with situations like this. First off, dont pay anyone anything. Its not your fault. If you decide to get an attorney, make sure you read the retainer they have you
sign. Try going with an attorney that wont charge you anything until you get paid. This same attorney should be charging you anywhere from 25-33% off your final amount (the amount the 

insurance is going to pay). If it goes to court, then the attorney fee should jump anywhere from 40-50%. 


The more you visit the doctor, chiropractor, miss time from work, the better for you. It shows you were in real pain and you were doing your best to cure it. MAKE SURE YOU KEEP ALL 

RECEIPTS. Co-pay receipts, drug prescription receipts, parking receipt. Stuff like that. Oh and keep a time line on when you did what. 

DO NOT do anything to jeopardize your case. THIS IS AN EXAMPLE, dont go playing sports if you have a messed up knee. Dont go changing a transmission if your back is messed up. 

You need to chill. It might get boring but it will pay off.

And finally, be patient. Dont bug the hell out of your attorney. Check with him once a month. At first, it takes a while to get going. But once the balling is rolling, things will speed up and work 

for the better. Hope this info helps you out. I might of missed something and if I did, sorry. Im busy at work. One more thing, DO NOT LIE. They will find out and that can get your case 


Thank you for you input. I am highly great-full. Time to set up some appointments with the chiropractor. One more thing I need some more help, if you don't mind. The ambelamps bill is due on the 27th of this month. Should I call them ask for an extension or something? Thanks again man. I really appreciate it.
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