Someone recommend me a book

Dec 13, 2008
I'm trying to encourage myself to read more this summer before college starts in the fall.

Thanks NT.
this is the summer reading book i have to read for college, pretty good imo

"Blink" by Malcom Gladwell...really interesting stuff about how we make decisions
What If? ....Its a book that asks the question "what if?" about historical war events and answers them by utilizing historians. The bookcreates crazy scenarios. I just got through reading.
Originally Posted by AppleiPhone

Thanks for the suggestions, I've read 1984 already in for an English class.

How did you like it? I haven't gotten a chance to finish it, well barely get into it.
But I heard Haruki Murakami wrote really good books
Originally Posted by Korean Dave

What If? ....Its a book that asks the question "what if?" about historical war events and answers them by utilizing historians. The book creates crazy scenarios. I just got through reading.
Imma look in to that
Complications or Better by Atul Gawande, they're both good reads even if you're not into medicine.
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Originally Posted by AppleiPhone

Thanks for the suggestions, I've read 1984 already in for an English class.

How did you like it? I haven't gotten a chance to finish it, well barely get into it.
But I heard Haruki Murakami wrote really good books

It was sophmore year, so 2 years ago, so I did not get too in depth, just to answer questions
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