Something Isn't right about Kendrick Johnson Death....................

I don't believe it either. There has to be a way to enhance the footage. Otherwise, what good is having a surveillance camera?

you watch too much CSI, I do networking for security systems and I can tell you firsthand how crappy most camera systems are.

Smalltown school in the south... you can bet they aren't breaking off 15k+ for a decent HD system.
you watch too much CSI, I do networking for security systems and I can tell you firsthand how crappy most camera systems are.

Smalltown school in the south... you can bet they aren't breaking off 15k+ for a decent HD system.
Actually, shows like Forensic Files have actually contributed to me understanding how shoddy most CCTVs are 
Knew someone had to put him in that mat. People do not just fall in rolled up mats. :smh:
Hate to be that guy, but basically they have someone who said that so and so heard that person A confessed via email. There is nothing definitive or conclusive here. It's essentially a lead that could turn out to be true or false.

While something is clearly effed up about this case, don't get too excited yet.
crazy stuff.

off topic, but always watching those anonymous videos makes me feel like they are going to knock on my door while watching
Damn. :smh:

Wouldn't surprise me one bit if the scenario laid out in that Anon vid was true. Damn shame.
I think the best way to know about whether he was rolled up in a mat or thrown in is whether his head was touching the floor.

Sad case man may he rest in peace.
I think the best way to know about whether he was rolled up in a mat or thrown in is whether his head was touching the floor.

Sad case man may he rest in peace.

He won't rest in peace. Not until justice is served.

I've been following this story since 2013. I actually lived in Valdosta for a few weeks. I saw the parents outside of my job (across the street from the court house) literally every day.

Lowndes County is a very strange place, man. The racism that far south is like something I've never experienced before. You can cut through that tension with a knife.

The new evidence of the Bell brother seen in new clothes should be a game changer. I seriously hope they get to the bottom of this. That kid deserves justice. :smh:
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