Sons Of Anarchy Season 5 Thread -- Tuesday's @ 10pm on FX -- 12/05/2012 Episode 13 -- “J'ai Obtenu C

sutter said they have plans for action figures...even a one eyed Otto :lol:
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 It is.  and this dude Tig will hit anything 

and Tommy from True Blood
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^ that was a random finger and boob they need to make those guys believe they killed the girl
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TIG :x :x :x :x :x :x :x

the shim :x :x :x :x :x

clays goons :smh: Rooslevelt is gonna go ham....... i dont think she will die tho ...

tara is smoking joints in every ep huh :lol:

I like how everyone else was pissed when the bikes were shot up & jax stayed calm & said "way to close the deal brother.......we'll send you the bill for the bikes" :lol: :rofl:
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This Diosa deal bugs me.

The place getting raided is awfully convenient. How else would SAMCRO get a cut, unless the present location became too hot?

Jax wants SAMCRO out of guns and wants them in something with less liability.

Adding the porn girls into the escort biz is potentially lucrative, but not worth 50% and not enough to float every member.

I wouldn't be surprised if Jax dropped dime. He had an entire multi-point plan hammered out quickly.

Just spitballing, but it seems like Nero is being taken advantage of here.
those boyd crowder scenes made me really uncomfortable lol at the end man i was scared i was saying to myself please dont be opies head or some other weird s)*@
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