Sooo, who in Vancouver lives on their own?

Nov 19, 2001
I'd preferably like to know who here owns their own place. Vancouver is just getting rediculous with real estate prices, and with 2010 coming soon, it doesn't look to get any better. 530 Sq/ft condos are going for upwards of $300K. @#%$?

If you own, how much did you save up to put down? What part of the GVRD do you live in? Whats ur mortgage payments like? Tips on saving for a down payment?
my sis is trying to get a place...a one bedroom apartment they are gonna be like $275,000...studios are cheap. Some where downtown is the cheapest, North Van and West Van are crazy pricey.

And get this a 1 bedroom was listed at 270K by English Bay, it sounded too good to be true, and it was...she goes there and its a studio and she's like but its listed as 1 bedroom...then the guy pulls a curtain around a bed..... and another one they pulled out bed out of the sofa bed :smh:
-=Team RealTalk=-
ha, a 1 bdrm by English Bay for 270k. Yah, definitely too good to be true. lol at pulling a curtain around a bed...
i rent..$900 for 2 bedroom broadway/granville area. parking and all utilities included. at this point there is no way i'd buy in this market anywhere in canada, in van it'd be post 2010 for sure. for now renting is fine by me.
"sure we all look the same...but what about the shoes?"
not old at all..the trick is to find old landlords, ones who don't really know whats going on with the inflated prices of most apartments. when i found my place, i was looking at a couple others, one of them was a tiny 1 bdrm for $1200. another one was even more. you just have to look around, don't go by any of the newspaper ads or craigslist either, they are all inflated, just go for a walk in the area you want to live in and look for rental signs.
"sure we all look the same...but what about the shoes?"
i am on my second house right now. live in cloverdale (surrey)in a house we had build. but who cares what i got and how much.

the things you need to look at before you jump into the market.
how old are you?
what do you do for work?
where you want to live?
what type of place you want?

things i think , if you got rrsps then dont touch them for your down payment. i think if you cant save the down payment then you will not be able to pay the bank back. try and at least put 25% down so you dont have to pay the extra fees. you should also try and buy the place through a friend that is a real estate agent so he kicks bak a little of your fees if you do most of the work.

lots of other things if you want to discus then hit me up i am always happy to help someone towards their future.

go read the wealthy barber!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tkastars is that you todd? (pretty sure but memory is foggy) 25%???that's balllllllin.

read the wealthy barber huh? will do =)
WANTED! (DS, VNDS, NDS, &maybe used?)!: [SIZE: 8.5-9.5 // CONTACT: [email protected]]
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If you were able to put 25% down on your 1st purchase without touching your RRSPs or inheriting money you are either:

1. Making a ridiculous amount of money. or
2. The world's greatest saver

Putting togethor 25% down for your first purchase is damn0near impossible.

formerly "OUTKAST", I am still OUTKASTED!
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