SOOOOOO Green Lantern Wasn't That Bad.......

Originally Posted by 51and3rd

I swear NT has the worst sheep mentality ever. What was so bad about the movie? Did you watch the film thinking it would win an Oscar?
@ saying NT

It was at 27% on Rotten Tomatoes, so critics disliked it. Not to mention it barely grossed more than the budget, so it was a financial disappointment, and that also means the general public did not respond to it.

Just because it wasn't intended to be an Oscar contender, doesn't give bad movies a free pass to be bad. Compared to other superhero movies this year, X-Men: First Class, Thor, Captain America, it was pretty crappy in comparison. None of those movies were intended to win an Oscar, yet they were of higher quality.
Originally Posted by Credo

You have to remember OP, that these are the same people that say the Paranormal Activity movies are good and scary 

Coming from the guy who says it's the best superhero movie he's seen in a while.
i also thought iron man 2 sucked and thor was meh
2012 should be a good year for superhero movies
It was a decent flick, and IMO, not deserving of the low ratings it was given. I gave it a 6.5/10 on my tumblr. My two major issues with the film was the villains (Parallax and Hammond were horrible) and the fact the story was so under developed.
I really should have given it a 5/10, but the special effects were surprisingly good and the acting was solid.
I'm not praising the movie I just can't pin point NT taste. You love Cloverfield and hate Body of Lies. You'll watch all the Horrible Spiderman movies and bash this?
Do any of you guys actually read the GL comics? ive read certain storylines, I wasnt sure if this movie was to introduce the story to make a second one or not. I hated hammond as the villian, i like parallax as a villain, but the execution in the movie is not so good. Im not sure if the GL war between the sinestro corps and the GL would have made a better movie, but it would have been a lot more action oriented
Originally Posted by 51and3rd

I'm not praising the movie I just can't pin point NT taste. You love Cloverfield and hate Body of Lies. You'll watch all the Horrible Spiderman movies and bash this?

  wut?  you think Green Lantern was good but Spiderman is horrible?

1. The Paranormal Activity movies are dope. (Traditional Slasher horror movies are zZZZzzZZzZZzZZz)

2. Green Lantern was PooPoo.

3. Cloverfield was bad?
As I GL fan, I give it 8/10 for incorporating a lot of its fiction. As a regular movie watcher, a 7/10 for just your average superhero movie. But then I read this (from the nerd site ToplessRobot): http://www.toplessrobot.c...t_scenes_from_the_gr.php

Did I still enjoy it at the time? Yes. Do I understand why others didn't care for it? Yes.
I didn't have an overwhelming urge to ask for my money back. That's all i can say for it
Compared to the long list of other superhero movies, it sucked pretty bad. I'll give it some credit though,
it was better than Daredevil.
Originally Posted by Checks McGee

Originally Posted by 51and3rd

I'm not praising the movie I just can't pin point NT taste. You love Cloverfield and hate Body of Lies. You'll watch all the Horrible Spiderman movies and bash this?

  wut?  you think Green Lantern was good but Spiderman is horrible?

Exactly. The first two Spiderman films were excellent... even after Nolan's Batman series came through, they're still great superhero movies.
I think I have to watch the movie over again. I really lost interest half way through.

Question for the Green Lantern readers, are the other human Gren Lanterns from earth as well?
Originally Posted by LiveMyReality

I think I have to watch the movie over again. I really lost interest half way through.

Question for the Green Lantern readers, are the other human Gren Lanterns from earth as well?
They're from all over the universe chosen by the rings every time a GL dies.
It wasn't bad as I expected but at the same time I'm glad I didn't go see it in theaters. I was more annoyed by the big heads on several characters.
from the first thread

MrONegative wrote:
So I checked out Green Lantern 

Green Lantern (aka Iron Man, Star Wars, Thor, Star Trek, Batman, Superman, Spider-man, Incredible Hulk)

The first 10 minutes: 

First they showed the Parallax immediately...which I think was a mistake...because that cgi went full ******. It was Ivan Ooze from the Power Rangers movie bad and if you seen that movie lately...that's childhood ruining bad. Then Reynolds shows up...(the scene felt like a ripoff of new Star Trek...and I much better would this movie have been with Chris Pine as Hal Jordan? All Reynolds is, is a Chris Pine you can't take seriously.) 3 minutes in Norman Osborn tests his glider, I mean Hal tests his fighter plane...see Kirk cheated on the Kobayashi Maru exam Hal cheats at this unbeatable test to beat it...Iron Man he stalls his suit plane by going high altitude. (Kirk only hacked a computer) Hal ends up destroying superexpensive aircraft just to cheat on a test.
The whole time Bruce Hal flashed back to his parents dad dying----You know I think I'm done reviewing this movie. I realized how much I typed and that was just the first 10 minutes.
This is not worth that.

This is worse than Stealth. They don't want you take anyone seriously. What hurts about Green Lantern is that it screams so many other better movies at you at the same time. Somewhere deep down, there's the parody of comic book movies that Green Hornet was supposed to be...except they spent $300 million on it.

The bad guys: It's weird, once Sinestro and Dr. Hammond show up, it feels like a real movie. And every time Ryan Reynolds shows his face it stops being one. They always say the superhero movie is only as good as the villains let it be. If Ang Lee's Hulk didn't fight a hulked out poodle, Dr. Hammond a mutated old guy and Parallax a storm cloud, maybe things would've went differently. This movie had a really good villain they didn't use in Sinestro (Mark Strong was ready to steal that super traitor shine from Loki). It had an incomplete, but good bad guy in Dr. Hammond. He was actually pretty good, so he was out of place as +*+* in this film. He was a mix of Franco and Dafoe's Green Golblins, but dude ended up just being a fluffer for the real villain
...that ******ed, calamari-faced, Zorak from Space Ghost looking, koopa cloud from Super Mario, Parallax. With the cheap %!% Reboot era special effects making Megabyte look photoreal.

They told me the special effects were bad, but damn...
District 9 cost 1/10th what this did.

And you know how in the original Star Wars, Jedi are these mythic superheroes, but then in the new trilogy they're {[]}s with lightsabers who catch L's with ease? The Green Lantern Corp starts there and get worse. All they do is die; and there's so many of them and they're worthless and faceless and they're always there to just wait for death. That's why this %!%-hole Hal is the strongest one in like 20 minutes. Between the flash childhood stuff, quick training, 2 1/2 supervillains, quitting the corp, the reveal, the job, the power at the end...they tried to get a whole trilogy done in one film.

Blake Lively was good, but you couldn't tell, because you'll swear you missed scenes that never happened that'd connect one scene of hers to another. Ryan Reynolds sucks early and often, so that's just another reason why it's hard to tell. But there was one sincerely funny moment in the movie...umm...spoiler? when Superman Hal flies to Lois' Blake's balcony, mask on and after 2 seconds of looking at him stupid, she's like...'HAL?!'

I'm mad that was really Green Lantern though.
Cliffs: 2/10 ... +2 for Mark Strong, +2 for Stephen Dorff Peter Sarsgaard, -2 for a sequel getting greenlit
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