South Park Season 12 Episode 4 Canada On Strike

The Britney spears was the lamest episode i've seen from South Park in a long, long time.
That and the Lezbos episode were torture. I thought this and AIDS are at the top so far this season.
Originally Posted by TiDE619

here's the original to Butters' vid.

this episode was funniest of the season so far. the only internet person i don't know is the tron guy. i was
at the chocolate rain guy.
only funny one of the season so far. this episode saved what was turning into a disaster. almost every episode last season was classic
Originally Posted by Beats05

only funny one of the season so far. this episode saved what was turning into a disaster. almost every episode last season was classic

the aids one was very funny. the other 2 was horrible. this was was great too. 2/4 is decent so far
LOL at all the featured youtube celebrities. And an even bigger LOL! @ the comments on thier videos now all have the same battle Im not your friend guy buddything. South Park just mad these fools 2x as famous
The funny part is people in Canada acutally talk like that. Like half of them put buddy on the end of every sentence
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