Space Jam 09 Official Camping Thread

Originally Posted by supreme23

already got mine! wont have to leave my house.

I wont be camping because my mall has a Footlocker Champs Finshline and Footaction will be doing my hw for all these stores this week and will be at the mallat 7 good luck to every one
Originally Posted by MrWavez

you showed up @ 4 PM as in in the aftertoon??????????

got damn...i hope you meant AM... soon i get off work around 11-@@% im just gonna stay at the mall(if i can find a way to hide inside i will) overnight

yea i showed up at 4PM the day before and was the second to last just trying to be sure because all these idiotswith"CONNECTS"
overshadow those who just tryingto be prepared now so i have no surprises.......THANKS TO ALL YOU DIDNT SARCASTICALLY ANSWER
Originally Posted by kIcKzNY96

Originally Posted by Blazin4QB

I just thought that when camping was asked about people would overlook it and even when a camping question was asked it ended up 9 pages ago. So im making this thread so people can understand when they should camp out in their region or to just ask questions. i hope i didnt piss anyone off but i have questions and that thread is not helping.

When i camped for the DMP i showed up 4 PM the day before and ended up with the second to last package. So im curious about this release and how early i should be there

I live in NY city and i want to be FIRST in line for these at Niketown. How early should i arrive? Is the hype for thses as great as the DMP 2006? please help guys im trying to get info
Take it from me don't go to Niketown expecting to get these if there's a long line I highly doubt they'll get as many pairs as other retailers last time i lined up @ Niketown it was for the Grape's and the One-Time Only Pack that dropped the same day so i went there expecting to kill two birds w/ one stone....WRONG!! WRONG!! (Charlie Murphy voice) [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]NTNY ended up w/ 60 pairs total and i was about 80th[/color] in line and i showed up at 4am and waited till opening never again!! Granted yes i know the Grape's were a LS what its Niketown! They should've atleast had 100+ like the other retailers...

I doubt the hype is that serious anymore you could to Fulton in BK right now if you really wanted and every store...literally every store will have them just like they did last month when i was out there looking for Gucci SB's and u can even haggle them down to retail...and [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]it's gonna be a GR 34th street has 3 FTL's 4 if you include FA that will carry roughly about 200 per store ur working w/ about 1000 pairs in a 2 block perimeter it's not that serious stop letting the hypebeasts get to you!![/color]
Yea i just dont understand how NIKEtown ends up with the least amount of sneakers for most releases. they only had 18 DMP 06 packages while otherretailers had more. I did let the hypebeasts get to me and it wouldnt happen again if i could help it
........i just needed to be SURE and get an answer besides someone talking abouta connect or how they have their pair already......thanks man i apprecite it
Originally Posted by Antalonboubmpo

Originally Posted by supreme23

already got mine! wont have to leave my house.



yo i was thinkin the same thing. what stands out more are your tight a$5 aint rockin them jams right son!

and to the thread starter, there is no need to camp out for a GR. Just get there a few hours early before the store opens.

Originally Posted by hotbutter

shoutout to bay area heads. i know theres gna be camping all over the place! thats a guarentee!!! btw wheres the official spacejam thread???

for a GR? i was successful to get my 11/12 CDP at footlocker in serramonte mall without camping out and the CDP package were way more limited than thisupcoming XI General Release.
these are trash, buy some real jams... i wouldnt even drive to a mall to buy these let alone camp.
Step your denim game up.

If you reside in NYC, you have nothing to worry about. It's not that serious.
Please just use the ONE Space Jam thread....

We don't need an Official thread just for camping out.

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