Space Jam 11s For Bordeaux 7s

Aug 3, 2012
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Space Jams look legit, whether you want to make the trade or not is up to you. If you clean them up and make the bottoms clear (seaglow/sauce) they could look great don't know about your restoration experience though. 
Space Jams look legit, whether you want to make the trade or not is up to you. If you clean them up and make the bottoms clear (seaglow/sauce) they could look great don't know about your restoration experience though. 

Alright thanks man, but would seaglow/sauce would make the carbon fiber plate mess up?
No, it wouldn't if you cover the carbon fiber and the traction pods. I used the sauce with my concords, but they weren't quite that yellow. Try posting pics to the sneaker care and maint. thread and see what kind of tips the rest of those guys have. 
To be honest I would do it. Only thing that really bothers me about used 11s is creasing on the upper above the Pl but it's not that bad to stop me from that trade
Space Jams are legit and that's a great trade on your part. I personally don't mind the sole yellowing so I would do that trade in an instant.
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