SPACE JAMS hows the hype?

Jul 2, 2009
Ok so for all you Ntr's out their who waited in line, pre-ordered for ridiculous amount, or got your mom to buy them because your still in high-school andyour mcdonalds check didnt cut it

was the hype enough?

Did your soul become fulfilled with joy like a little kid opening a new toy for christmas?

Is their that possibility they will stay locked in their special packaging to never rock just for that satisfaction to say i was their and a part ofthe jordan release date history?

what is their now let me know i really want get peoples feedback on these because everybody i know seems like they got their own story and opinion to spread onthe jams

also how do you like the quality and so forth
Originally Posted by inchecksince81

Another space jam thread?
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^ All of your questions are answered here ^


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TO QOUTE BOTH OF YOU 1st off this is an oppinion not a space jam thread ok!
and 2nd that didnt answer my question i just asked what people feel like their excitment read the post twice ok thanks for no conclusive information at all=]

Since you may be new, you may not understand our posting guidelines....

When we have official posts stickied to the top of the forums, it is best to use those instead of creating a new thread. "Official posts" are createdto cut down the clutter and flooding of specific topics. If we didn't have "official" posts, we'd have to swim thru a ton of "how'sthe hype" and "tell me your space jam story" type posts about one shoe.

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