Spacejams vs Cool Greys XI's (Pics)

id be happy with either. man... too much
Either ones are nice but I'd have to go with some Spacejams.... but really XI's FTW
Originally Posted by ShoeGuru222

yo ajmachine, you love the spacejams so much but all them are so need a icy pair to enjoy them =]

Haha.. yea I do. I love those spacejams so much I got 3 pairs and rock them all! Kind of regret it know, but what can you do.
i hate all of you only envious that you have so many pairs of xi. i dislike you right now edwin, damn those sj are icey!! =)
Those are cute. my girlfriend has those.

Originally Posted by blackcat23mj

i hate all of you only envious that you have so many pairs of xi. i dislike you right now edwin, damn those sj are icey!! =)
Nice Thread....I Just Recently Picked Up Both While On Business In San Diego After A LOOOOOOONG Search..Got A Package Deal For $380
...I Still KickMyself In The @## For Not Skipping Out On Class The Day These Both Originally Dropped
.....No Worries Tho As I Probably Would Have Beat Them To Death By NowIf I Copped Then.

Space Jams


*3 Down And [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Lookin' To Pickup The Last 2 DS-VVNDS Size10[/color]

I Think I Like The CG's And SJ's Equally As Much....It Would Be Hard For Me Personally To Choose Between One Or The Other
honestly i love all of the XI Mids! but the Space jams have got to be the best.....yellowed or icey....them joints are always fresh!!!
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