Spin Off Thread: Nice Guys Finish Last & The Good Girls Get Overlooked

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

Especiialy emotionally since I don't show that side of myself to females.
swear doing that is like blood to sharks...
True story. I think females like emotionally cold dudes so they can "change" them. Its a challenge they like. But when you don't show enoughaffection, you're the bad guy. Double edged sword
i always got overlooked.

still getting overlooked along with the other black girls who arnt: loud, ghetto, ignorant and any other demeaning stereotype the some niketalkers place onblack women .... and along with the black girls who are: educated, intelligent and DONT want thugs.

but no one see us... i guess a couple black gurls ruin it for all of us, that's not right.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

The only good girl I dated is the one I wanna be with now. I have issues and its not fair to her but I wanna grow with her. Part of me thinks we'll end up together but I think my immaturity blew my chance. I'm still not completely over her but I date around for options sake. Esp my lifestyle, I'm around "club"/model/attractive women all day and I feel like there's always an ulterior motive involved. I want a square chick.
Random but Im just curious as to what you think your immaturities were. Just looking to maybe compare yours with mine and maybe learn something
Overlooked?....Naw, there is a difference between nice and a pushover, nobody wants the latter. That goes for any gender.
Sorry Drea...I'm working on changing my "scene"...less partying, more museums/art exhibits...

My issues are really trust and commitment. I won't trust a female 100% because 1.) Human nature is fickle, especially a feminine one and 2.) I don'ttrust people I can date further than I can throw them. I just don't like committing because I like my freedom and not having the BF obligation of askinghow a girl is doing that day. I'm also self centered when I wanna be. I just look @ relationships/dating as a business.
Originally Posted by 18key

%#%*#!!%. Nice girls never get overlooked, they just look past the nice guys like they dont exist, and then take offense when the bad guys look past them like they dont exist.
Originally Posted by dreaface

i always got overlooked.

still getting overlooked along with the other black girls who arnt: loud, ghetto, ignorant and any other demeaning stereotype the some niketalkers place on black women .... and along with the black girls who are: educated, intelligent and DONT want thugs.

but no one see us... i guess a couple black gurls ruin it for all of us, that's not right.
That's dudes who have different priorities though. Dudes will take the baddest girl no matter how uneducated/unintelligent she is.
Originally Posted by dreaface

i always got overlooked.

still getting overlooked along with the other black girls who arnt: loud, ghetto, ignorant and any other demeaning stereotype the some niketalkers place on black women .... and along with the black girls who are: educated, intelligent and DONT want thugs.

but no one see us... i guess a couple black gurls ruin it for all of us, that's not right.

From your post you seem like a very nice educated black women. I don't see how dudes can overlook you
(yes simp)
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Overlooked?....Naw, there is a difference between nice and a pushover, nobody wants the latter. That goes for any gender.

Especially in a man. Can't speak for a whole gender, but for the most part, we women want someone who can stand up for himself, (and/or us) and ifyou're a pushover, then what do bring to the table?? Nothing. That's why you get NO play.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

I had this argument in my Black Studies class. People (namely "some" females) hold celebrities to ridiculous standards. I recall a girl saying in the class that Lil Wayne could be as disrespectful as he wanted to her because he was Lil' Wayne. Like is that part of the game?
lil wayne of all ppl
See this is what's screwed up in the world.

If someone guy or girl is overly "nice" people question motives and such. But when, someone is too much of a beezy or DB then it's acceptableconsidering how many jaded/pessimistic/non-trust worthy people are out there after hearts are being broken on both sides.

You get lucky once every so often, and with that kind of mindset of thinking the majority is always against you. You will always fall short of your potentialand another person's expectations because we keep up these guessing games of "good intention" when everyone is wrapped up in the "datinggame" in that essence.

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Overlooked?....Naw, there is a difference between nice and a pushover, nobody wants the latter. That goes for any gender.
exactly. i don't think it's necessarily that nice guys finish last. a nice guy is always appreciated, but i want a guy that can hold medown, tell me when i'm wrong. if you let someone disrespect you, they will take that opportunity to walk all over you. females want a dude with aspine--self respect. i'm sure a man would appreciate that in a woman as well.
Originally Posted by MissKickBack

blackmagnus514 wrote:
One thing I can say is...the female attraction for "assh---" is not bound by race. Nice guys do finish last and end up with leftovers from "thugs/jocks/w.e" running through the girls.


I've been the nerd who never got the girls he wanted because they were messing with the thugs. I've been the cond/third option. No biggie. The biggest battle is not to be bitter about it.

and the nice girls/ squares/ geeks are chosen last.


I never wanted a thug, just a chill guy who listens and responds.

I read your post - Listens
This is me responding - Responds

Originally Posted by dreaface

i always got overlooked.

still getting overlooked along with the other black girls who arnt: loud, ghetto, ignorant and any other demeaning stereotype the some niketalkers place on black women .... and along with the black girls who are: educated, intelligent and DONT want thugs.

but no one see us... i guess a couple black gurls ruin it for all of us, that's not right.
Dreaface your wylin, if thats your pic as your avy, there is no way i would not see you. But generally speaking, i hate when i see an attractivefemale thats only into thugs/frat dudes/ ect.
. And its sad to see womensubject themselves to that level of immaturity to fufill themselves, and then they get mad when they keep getting !%#%!! over.
Originally Posted by FL0ETiCNOSTALGiA

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Overlooked?....Naw, there is a difference between nice and a pushover, nobody wants the latter. That goes for any gender.
exactly. i don't think it's necessarily that nice guys finish last. a nice guy is always appreciated, but i want a guy that can hold me down, tell me when i'm wrong. if you let someone disrespect you, they will take that opportunity to walk all over you. females want a dude with a spine--self respect. i'm sure a man would appreciate that in a woman as well.

But you do know because of the perception of what perception people have for the "nice guy" automatically most females from my understanding believethe guys would have no spine whatsoever. I think a better way of phrasing it is females want a "Aesthetically" attractive guy both in looks andemotional stability, who has a backbone and become a nice guy when it's "necessary" rather than being genuine.
MissKickBack wrote:

I never wanted a thug, just a chill guy who listens and responds.

U want a guy thats CHILL, LISTENS, and RESPONDS.......?????? Thats what pets are for. As for nice guys and good girls finishing last, y dont the good guys findthe good girls and vice versa... But the problem is the good ones always fall for thr bad ones. So u hve noone to blame but urself
Originally Posted by raptors29

You're right that a lot of good girls get overlooked. I think it's because they don't put themselves out there like these jumps do.

All girls are into different things. Apperantly all the girls blackmagnus514 came across or tried to pursue were the same.
Some of you aren't looking in the right places or isn't looking hard enough. Loud, ghetto, attention %%$*#@ are a no - no for me, they areobnoxious. I like me that quiet one in the group. Anyways, any shapes or forms women act and grow old differently, as a man, all you need to be is patient.Also, just because "jumps" are everywhere doesn't mean the good ones are gone, just stay looking and when you do find her just keep in mind thatshe may be difficult at first, just because of the things she may or may not know and its up to you to make her want to stay.
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