SPOOFEM.COM (This has gone to far)


Jan 28, 2008
The creator was on the radio this morning. It's a lot of pissed off about it. Duno if I'm late but this is crazy. I can call you, text you and all withyou under the impression it's somebody else. Your girl can text you from her phone but Veronica's number will show up. Your holding a wholeconversation with your girl getting caught up.

Check this out...I can call your number and put your number in and the phone will recognize it as you calling your phone to check your voicemail, those thatdon't ask for the password 1st ...I can hear all of your %+%.

seen this like a week ago
my boy had one of the calling cards in his wallet
basically u can call from a made up number/caller id of your choice
i can make it a washington area code, with barrack obamas name on the caller i.d

or like op stated it can be some chick u have in ur phonebooks name/number
but its ur girl calling

i think its awesome, ive never used it but heard u can also change ur voice or something?
There are gonna be a lot of "spoofem.com unappreciation" threads pretty soon from dudes takin L's
This thread needs to be deleted ASAP. Yall know MediaTakeout.com be on this %#*$, next thing u know its gonna be on their website then its gonna be a wrap
Lol at mto being on top of this. They lurk hard though on NT.

There will be blood when this officially drops.
no female should be that pressed. having doubts....talk to him or dead him
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