Sportbike Club terrorizes family in a Range Rover in Manhattan (vid)

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Bigger man?

Dude he just hit them with a damn Range Rover.

Take away the if you're out with your boys, and one of them gets hit with a're going to be the bigger man and not stomp him?

Mob mentality,

We out in a huge group, let's act like a-holes and instigate a situation, then when one of our boys catches what he deserved, we take matters into our hands while playing the victim card...FOH
C'mon man....dude in the bike "brake checked" the SUV in the middle of a highway causing the traffic to come to a complete stop....that's what started this whole threaten/corner anyone be prepared to expect the worst, like I said, dude in the SUV was generous.

Why is it you act like he couldn't have avoided the confrontation?

You've never brake checked someone before? When did you do that? When someone was behind you flashing their lights and blowing their horn, right?

Again, that's a traffic violation.

Tuck your pride and your wife and kid wouldn't see you face down on the pavement.
I've disagreed with you plenty of times NH and up until this silly position of yours in this matter I always thought you were a chill dude, I'm beyond disgusted by the fact that you think a man is not entitled to do what he has to do for the safety if his family...talking about stop and exchange insurance as if this mob was about that life, dudes were confrontational from te jump by braking in front of the SUV, then they started getting off their bikes as they STOPPED ****** TRAFFIC and approaching the mans vehicle...common sense is, these dudes are about to kill us, I would have done the exact same thing if not worst for te safety of my family, it would have been real life GTA5 on the west side till I got to the GWB toll booth where authorities would be present to handle the situation....guaranteed at most dude would have caught involuntary manslaughter....I'd gladly taken that L to secure the safety of my family, these cyclist can hopefully learn from this that THEY DONOT OWN THE ROAD.
coward mentality.

da driver just hit a're supposed to STOP...PERIOD, ITS DA LAW. you DO NOT LEAVE DA SCENE OF A ACCIDENT.

that dude not only hit someone, RAN MORE people over who had NOTHING to do with it, and tried to get away...i GLAD

he caught that *** whooping..and let that be a lesson to da idiots here advocating you run over cyclist because they intimidate you..

i've never seen some much chicken **** displayed in a thread before today...
Bigger man?

Dude he just hit them with a damn Range Rover.

Take away the if you're out with your boys, and one of them gets hit with a're going to be the bigger man and not stomp him?

I got my homie's back no matter what. I get where you're coming from.

But you also got to look at the reason why the bottle was thrown in the first place.

In this case, biker brake-checked the driver.

That's akin to stepping in front of the bottle on purpose.
Mob mentality,

We out in a huge group, let's act like a-holes and instigate a situation, then when one of our boys catches what he deserved, we take matters into our hands while playing the victim card...FOH

So anyone who is drunk and acts like an ******* means you can assault them? Come on b.
"Yes, I just hit a biker and broke his leg....what should I do next?...I know, let me run over 10 more members of his bike gang, then pull off of the highway and onto local Harlem streets for safety....that's definitely the best sequence of moves to keep me and my family safe."


Look at 00:23 - 00:29.

Dude in the Range straight up hits the biker from behind, he didn't mash the brakes, he kept moving at the same speed.

He does all of the initial assaulting.

That's the mentality of a hit and run driver and y'all are co-signing it.
So, we're going to ignore the brake light clearly going off?

hmm, stop as soon as you tag someone with a bike..or lemme run a WHOLE BUNCH more people and make da situation

worse.....gee let's pick option 2
coward mentality.

da driver just hit a're supposed to STOP...PERIOD, ITS DA LAW. you DO NOT LEAVE DA SCENE OF A ACCIDENT.

Car honks his horn since the cyclists are driving below the speed limit on a highway and taking up all lanes like they own the road, cyclist stops completely because he feels he is untouchable in his bike and his "people".....and gets bumped, but somehow "da driver hit a cyclist" as if it's all his fault and he asked for it.

Then multiple people get off their bikes and approach him vehicle. 30 seconds elapsed between the slight bump and him driving off frantically. You don't know what the cyclists said or did while approaching his vehicle, you think they were being civil about it if the SUV drove off frantically?
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Wait so the first dude is justified to be a road troll and completely stop traffic on the west side because he got honked at by a car?....because of course he was with a clan of his buddies, he sure felt safe himself, that's before he ended up with an SUV on top of him...ya dudes defending this behavior must have never been on a highway and had a mob of these dudes ride like they own the damb highway, PUTTING EVERYONE AT RISK....
You never been stuck in traffic before? If it's a 100 people on bikes. I'm controlling my anger, tucking my pride and chillin. I'm talking to my wife like these ********. I know when I'm outnumbered. He didn't know if they had guns. He got off easy.

That pride and ego stuff will get you killed. You better be willing to go to the same extremes they are.
all of this.
hmm, stop as soon as you tag someone with a bike..or lemme run a WHOLE BUNCH more people and make da situation

worse.....gee let's pick option 2 :smh:

You aren't holding any of the bikers accountable and it's despicable.

Read between the lines

When getting yourself involved in a confrontation, you better be ready to take it there, because the other party might be. Treat them like they're crazy and if it's worth it.
coward mentality.

da driver just hit a're supposed to STOP...PERIOD, ITS DA LAW. you DO NOT LEAVE DA SCENE OF A ACCIDENT.

that dude not only hit someone, RAN MORE people over who had NOTHING to do with it, and tried to get away...i GLAD

he caught that *** whooping..and let that be a lesson to da idiots here advocating you run over cyclist because they intimidate you..

i've never seen some much chicken **** displayed in a thread before today...

So which state you live in where is LEGAL to "brake check"?....and I'm a coward because I fear for te life of my wife and child as well as mines when I'm sorrounded by 50+ hostiles?...that's not being a coward is called being are outnumbered and cornered....GROW UP.
Point taken.

Yet you ignore the fact that these bikers are straight thugs. Not as much as a single recognition of the fact that it was a mob beat down of a man in front of his family...deserved or not.

Bikers should have followed, got the plate #s and reported to police. Not beat the **** out of dude.

umm da rover looks like its on a obstacle course from running over so many motorcyclists .he deserved EVERY INCH of that *** whooping..
coward mentality.

da driver just hit a're supposed to STOP...PERIOD, ITS DA LAW. you DO NOT LEAVE DA SCENE OF A ACCIDENT.

that dude not only hit someone, RAN MORE people over who had NOTHING to do with it, and tried to get away...i GLAD

he caught that *** whooping..and let that be a lesson to da idiots here advocating you run over cyclist because they intimidate you..

i've never seen some much chicken **** displayed in a thread before today...
Dude please stop talking like you know ANYTHING about law.
  There are exceptions to leaving da scene of da accident.  Such an exception would be when a driver beliefs his or her life would be in danger.  

Read between the lines

When getting yourself involved in a confrontation, you better be ready to take it there, because the other party might be. Treat them like they're crazy and if it's worth it.


Still, bikers should be held accountable for their actions as well.
da driver just hit a're supposed to STOP...PERIOD, ITS DA LAW. you DO NOT LEAVE DA SCENE OF A ACCIDENT.
Not if you feel your safety is threatened, which da law felt it was, cause he didn't get da charges pressed against him. There's exceptions to da law you know right?
all of this.

All assumptions here...not even sure he honked his horn, from what was said earlier
In this thread he alerted the cops because they were riding wreckless which 100/100 times is the truth when these bike clubs take the streets...
Never been so disgusted by any of my mans NH's posts till now...not holding any of these cyclist accountable for what went down and putting all the blame of the driver of the SUV...smh
Car honks his horn since the cyclists are driving below the speed limit on a highway and taking up all lanes like they own the road, cyclist stops completely and gets bumped, but somehow "da driver hit a cyclist" as if it's all his fault and he asked for it.

Then multiple people get off their bikes and approach him vehicle. 30 seconds elapsed between the slight bump and him driving off frantically. You don't know what the cyclists said or did while approaching his vehicle, you think they were being civil about it if the SUV drove off frantically?

Exactly! NH & Goldenchild forming the perfect storm of strawman arguments while ignoring the actual details of the incident. Does the fact that the driver hasnt been charged w/ anything sway any opinions of those who think he was in he wrong? Im 100% convinced he was going to get his *** beat regardless. Dudes were in a mob that was 100 deep. There is no amount of conversation or apologizing that would have saved this dude some trouble. If you have your family in the car, you do what you have to do to survive. He tried and ultimately paid the price. I really hope some of these bikers get sued for everything the own and also get a considerable amount of jail time. Disgusted, doesnt even begin to describe how pissed I am at what transpired.


NH says the driver should have stopped b/c its the law. Contact was INITIATED by the biker, but NH somehow thinks taht even tho his car was surrounded, homie apologizing would have done the trick. Hahahahahaha. Dude obviously feared for his life. Most people would have done the same thing as the guy in the RR
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All assumptions here...not even sure he honked his horn, from what was said earlier
In this thread he alerted the cops because they were riding wreckless which 100/100 times is the truth when these bike clubs take the streets...

I can hear a horn being blown several times in the video.


Still, bikers should be held accountable for their actions as well.

That's why I said both parties were wrong.

If I assault someone, I have to face the repercussions. Both parties could have avoided the situation. I don't think the Range Rover driver was some innocent victim.
Exactly! NH & Goldenchild forming the perfect storm of strawman arguments while ignoring the actual details of the incident. Does the fact that the driver hasnt been charged w/ anything sway any opinions of those who think he was in he wrong? Im 100% convinced he was going to get his *** beat regardless. Dudes were in a mob that was 100 deep. There is no amount of conversation or apologizing that would have saved this dude some trouble. If you have your family in the car, you do what you have to do to survive. He tried and ultimately paid the price. I really hope some of these bikers get sued for everything the own and also get a considerable amount of jail time. Disgusted, doesnt even begin to describe how pissed I am at what transpired.

But da da da da da driver hit da biker!!!!
Y'all never got trolled on the highway before?

No one ever cut in your lane or slowed down in front of you for honking at them?


Y'all are completely ignoring the fact that the Range driver HIT a biker with his SUV.

Ok, so you got trolled on the road by a biker....that's justification to hit the driver with your vehicle?

Then run over a bunch more people when your stopped and confronted about it?

Stop it.

What he did was akin to stabbing someone for getting in his face.
all of this.
He honked the horn, he deserved what transpire, the bikers are obviously bringers of peace on a crusade to punish da devils that drives a range rover
I hate to do this but because it's a tired record.

But if your moms was getting surrounded by 100 + men on bikes and cornered and dudes start trying to open the door / smash her window....

you telling your mom her best course of action for her safety is to sing a song and hope it moves them enough to stop fighting...

maybe do a dance like MJ and tell them to beat it? :lol:
Like I said if I was in that situation, bodies would have been spread all over the west side till dudes realize this guy is crazier than we are, let's keep our distance and alert the way a bunch of dudes in bikes would have stood a chance against my SUV on a highway chase
clown talk...and you would've got it just like that idiot in da range rover..what are implying, that you were gonna just hit any and everyone

driving beside you...meanwhile this is getting caught on camera? you would've been UNDER riker's island till they knew what to do with

you after you would've woken up from that month long coma from getting completely pounded to a pulp.
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