Sprint Vs Verizon Bay Area Reception

Feb 7, 2005
Alright guys.. I'm going to need your feedback on this one.

I am trying to see which carrier to go to. Sprint Or Verizon.
Sprint has a better deal as far as unlimited msgs.
Phone wise its Touch Pro 2 vs Motorola Droid.

Wondering which internet is faster? Verizon or Sprint
Which network has less dropped calls? Verizon or Sprint

Thanks in Advance.
Verizon >>>>>Sprint

Droid >>>>>> TP2

but if you cant afford verizon, then sprint is the way to go

verizon is expensive, but if you work somewhere liek chase bank, verizon will give you a discount
yup.. i think i am able to get the 20% off post office employee discount... too bad SERO doesn't let you add other discounts
Originally Posted by Mikkol109

yup.. i think i am able to get the 20% off post office employee discount... too bad SERO doesn't let you add other discounts

oh nice!

btw, AT&T would give you 25% for USPS workers btw

but verizon kills every other phone company
I never had a problem with Sprint until I moved recently. I always have reception and never have dropped calls.
Sprint by far the best for plan/service... $99 a month unlimited everything, never don't have service...
Hey Mikkol109, my name is BJ DeHut and I am representing Sprint as your SprintCareGuide. Because the Bay Area is so heavily populated you shouldn't haveto worry about reception from with company. Though with Sprint, as you already noticed, you'll be receiving a cheaper plan which will save you a lot ofmoney throughout your contract compared to if you went with Verizon. Here is a helpful tool that you can plug in your favorite locations and see what yourreception will look like with Sprint.
Sprint has horrible reception in my area. Near the Evergreen Jr College area...i would always get dropped calls there so i had to swtich to verizon!
Originally Posted by dano4o8

Sprint has horrible reception in my area. Near the Evergreen Jr College area...i would always get dropped calls there so i had to swtich to verizon!

evergreen area is a dead zone for ALL carriers except verizon

my cousins house as absolutely NO signal from any carrier even verizon

but around other places in evergreen, verizon kills other
if u go wit sprint u might as well to wit metropcs. they run off tha same network, but sprint is only a better by a little. verizion is best hands down onreception and customer service. cant wait until verizon is able to support the iphone later next year, att is a piece of #@*+ service!
Verizon is the best in the bay, hands down. They are the old MCI Worldcom which was the old GTE. The towers they accumulated over time dwarfs any carrier todate. Verizon had 3G long before At&T and sprint. Now, if your in so. cal or any other region, At&T or sprint might be the better choice.

As far as the bay goes, Verizon.
Originally Posted by RhInoSpOrt

Verizon is the best in the bay, hands down. They are the old MCI Worldcom which was the old GTE. The towers they accumulated over time dwarfs any carrier to date. Verizon had 3G long before At&T and sprint. Now, if your in so. cal or any other region, At&T or sprint might be the better choice.

As far as the bay goes, Verizon.

wasent mci sprint? i remeber gte but i thought mci was sprint
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