So if she's on CNN, she must state the reason why she's voting for said person? That's only going to fuel the ridicule and hate on her. No matter what she says, she will be hated on. You're salty cause she didn't state a reason. If she stated a reason, someone else will hate her cause that reason isn't valid or true. Bottom line, she and every single American in this country has the right to support whomever and neither her or any voter have to explain themselves.

So why even go on CNN? She wasn't on the show because the world must know what's going on in the world of Stacey Dash.She was one there for a specific reason.

Like I said, if she had stayed at home I would be behind her 100%. But she went on CNN for the attention, then the next day a song of her drops. This is Attention Whoring 101
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So why even go on CNN? She wasn't on the show because the world must know what's going on in the world of Stacey Dash.She was one there for a specific reason.
Like I said, if she had stayed at home I would be behind her 100%. But she went on CNN for the attention, then the next day a song of her drops. This is Attention Whoring 101
If your career just so happened to be in entertainment you'd do the same. It's called publicity bro...
I honestly don't understand how this is an issue she supposed to support the President b/c she's black? I may disagree but she's wealthy and Romney's policies prolly benefit her more we make news when famous white celebs come out in support of President Obama?? OMG Scsrlett Johansen supports the President! :lol: I don't get the outrage here at all
Hope she's watching this VP debate tonight cuz her "new BFF" Paul Ryan is getting that work from BAMF Biden
My non-PC comment:

I bet shes dating a white guy or trying to.

She's showing out.
I don't agree with all the hate she is getting but Stacey just comes off as a attention ***** in this entire situation. If she had just stayed quiet and let this story blow over then I would 100% be on her side. But she went on CNN and gave a half assed explanation for why she is supporting Romney. Then pulls the free speech card. :smh:
Like a lot of Romney supporters, she never specifies what exactly she likes about Romney's policies. Just the usually "Obama is ruining the country" bs

There is SO much irony in this post :lol: I'm likely not voting for either candidate, but you posted all that as if there aren't a GRIP of people voting for Obama or who voted for him last time who couldn't tell you the first reason why they're voting for him. Keep it real, there are just as many people on both sides blindly voting for their guy. The very fact that it's even a story that a black celebrity would choose to endorse somebody besides Obama is evidence of the fact that many just assume that anybody who is black will vote for Obama. Regardless of whether or not Romney is the better choice, she should be free to endorse him 100% with it being a complete non-issue.
I honestly don't understand how this is an issue she supposed to support the President b/c she's black? I may disagree but she's wealthy and Romney's policies prolly benefit her more we make news when famous white celebs come out in support of President Obama?? OMG Scsrlett Johansen supports the President! :lol: I don't get the outrage here at all

I don't care who she's voting for, I just want to smash 
Stop being so naive.
She wants attention, and she got it.
End of story.

So because she didn't fall in line with what is (unfairly and unjustly) expected of her, she must want attention? Ok.

There are so many slick comments in this post where if the shoe was on the other foot people would be up in arms.

"She must be dating somebody white."

I guarantee if a white celebrity endorsed Obama (which many have obviously) and somebody made a joke about "Oh he/she must have jungle fever and is trying to get attention/show off for the black person they are probably dating" people would go crazy, and rightfully so because that is a straight up ignorant mindset. What's the difference between that and this? Why should anybody be expected to vote for a certain candidate, just because of race or traditional voting trends?

Regardless of what side you're on, a lot of people need to do a better job of trying to understand why the people that disagree with you have the opinions that they do, and respecting those opinions and the right they have to hold them. It seems like in today's climate nobody even listens to each other; they just classify it as "us" and "them" and point and laugh at how stupid and misguided the other side is while completely failing to recognize their own biases.
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