Standard vs. Olympic size

Feb 23, 2003
Looking to start lifting mid summer early fall and wanted to know if I needed to get a olympic size or commercial grade bench(25 6'3 220lbs slim to medium build). The standard size I tried using didnt feel right because my shoulders were touching the upright and I had to move my hands on the inside of the uprights just to grab the bar.Also I cant use the leg extension because my legs are so long that when I bend my knee and extend my leg my feet just scrape the ground ruing the whole exercise. I know olympic size are wider but I dont necessarily feel I need to start with olympic weights...I dont want to put standard weights on an olympic bench if its not right and i dont want to cough up uneccesary money on commercial grade if im just starting out. any advice please.
Looking to start lifting mid summer early fall and wanted to know if I needed to get a olympic size or commercial grade bench(25 6'3 220lbs slim to medium build). The standard size I tried using didnt feel right because my shoulders were touching the upright and I had to move my hands on the inside of the uprights just to grab the bar.Also I cant use the leg extension because my legs are so long that when I bend my knee and extend my leg my feet just scrape the ground ruing the whole exercise. I know olympic size are wider but I dont necessarily feel I need to start with olympic weights...I dont want to put standard weights on an olympic bench if its not right and i dont want to cough up uneccesary money on commercial grade if im just starting out. any advice please.
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