Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

  • Yes

    Votes: 68 71.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 27 28.4%

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  • Poll closed .
jaypesoz jaypesoz just curious my man, but do they force the narrative that men are bad in the game or is it just way more female characters than men? If it's the latter then it's not really a problem.

The latter. Which is why I'm sure there were no major qualms about that aspect.

But if I had to answer your question regarding the game's trailer below...then, I don't even know anymore. All I know is if I knew nothing about the game nor Star Wars and I saw this commercial, I'd probably have passed on playing it:lol:

The only cohesive thing about TLJ was the sjw agenda and frankly there is nothing else in the whole movie. One third was about how men are reckless, ******ed and destructive and should be rebuked and slapped on occasion (Poe's story). Result - the best pilot of the resistance was peeking scared from a porthole for the rest of the movie. Anoter third was about how men are weak and quitters, but women always remain strong no matter what and always do the right thing no matter what - enter the most forced and unnecessary character in movie history - Rose. So for an hour we had to suffer a ******ed plot line with over dramatic dialogues and with zero connection to the overall plot (and finally with absolutely no effect on the overall plot development). And lets not forget almost all of the remaining resistance forces were wiped so that she could provide the "love wins" line....smh. The rest was about how the greatest jedi of all became an insufferable whining ****, so that the strong independent young female (Rey) could put him on the right path. To top everything, there is a shot of the command deck of Home One explicitly showing that the whole command personnel of the resistance is female. I am not even going to comment on the new heroic admiral and the bs force float.
Btw, if you find time to read some EU stuff, you will see that Luke has vanished multiple times and that the vanishing has nothing to do with the disgusting character development.
There is only one thing in the whole movie I agree with, and that is Yoda's regret about the jedi order not being proactive.
TROS basically ignores TLJ and apart from some superhero bs stuff (Han's line "that's not how the force work" jumped to mind on many occasions), it is mostly ok.

So your main issue with the movie is you felt it made men look weak?

Did you have an issue with the original trilogy only having one female character, who btw was probably the 4th most powerful being in the universe, and having her play the damsel in distress or the background romantic interest for every other character in every movie?

And yes I have read EU stuff and I realize Luke vanishes plenty of times. I also realize that sometimes his vanishing is directly tied to him doubting the force, the light side, or full on turning to the dark. Or do those stories not count for either the purposes of your slanted argument?
Serious question: now that you’ve seen TROS what do you wish TLJ was that would have made this better?
Now that I've seen TROS its not at all that hard for it to be streamlined and have more room to breathe pacing wise.

Gotta keep in mind a few facts and educated guesses; Nobody @ Lucasfilm had a story, outline, or even rough draft for how the entire trilogy was suppose to go. Its clear interviews, it's clear with bull **** covering, after the fact reasoning and explanations, etc.

I remember being most excited for IX back when Trevorrow was attached. Then he left cuz Rian turned things to ****.

I'm keeping in mind this sequel trilogy was not originally billed as the conclusion of the Skywalker saga. It was not always intended for Palpatine to be the mastermind behind everything.

So yeah its simple, TLJ should've been a few things JJ squeezed into TROS; expand on Poe as a character, reveal and tease more there, same thing with Finn linking up with other orphan storm troopers who rebelled.

Scrap casino planet. Better yet blow it up. Reveal Benecio's character to be a mercenary/bounty hunter hired by the First Order but actually secretly hired by Darth Sidious to kill Leia or Luke or just **** with Rey. Hell make him a force user/dark Jedi that knew Luke and betrayed him. I just made that up and its way better than cynical scumbag con artist type criminal just getting by in life.

Completely scrap the majority of the movie being a slow chase in space. Have the plot involving Kylo actually revolve around something pivotal to them taking over the galaxy as the resistance fights them. Not just find Luke/kill Luke and hope he saves everybody.

Rose Tico has a completely different personality and has a thing for Rey. Why the **** not? Matter fact let her force herself on Rey in the 3rd act.

Do something more interesting than w/e forced pairing Rey and Kylo got. That to me was the worst writing in the movie. Kylo was a good idea but poorly executed. One of the frustrating and disappointing characters despite Driver's acting.

When Kylo kills Snoke that'll stand as is but after those guards in red get beat the Knights of Ren show up and they begin to curbstomp Rey as Kylo tells her to give in. Then Snoke (clone) shows up and Kylo actually has to fight him and its not wild easy for him.

I was never a fan of Luke like that so I didnt really react negatively to what was done to him other than laugh but **** it he doesn't die from long distance ghost fighting on a different planet. He survives in to IX very weakened and dies there. Maybe a similar death to Obi-Wan's as he faces Sidious and he does that poof I'm gone death as he is "struck down". G

All of TLJ I'd make use of an alive Carrie Fisher and have Leia be mentoring Rey, again like JJ tried to do but obviously couldn't follow through on. Throughout the whole damn movie Rey would be hearing a voice every now and then urging her to do **** but not necessarily evil. That voice would be Sidious/Palpatine. We wouldn't know it and assume it's Snoke but thats foreshadowing. I mean for IX to work better he'd have to start massaging and softening her up to turn her. He'd learn from his mistake of off rip trying to turn Luke by rejecting Vader in front of him, calling for Vader's death, and failing.

So to sum up:
- Scrap most of what happened in TLJ
- Actual character development for Finn and Poe/learn more about them
- Better subplot with Del Toro's character
- Better fight scenes against Snoke and the Knights of Ren
- Better fight scene and death for Phasma against Finn
- Leia mentors Rey
- Palpatine is hinted at/implied and is influencing Rey the entire movie
- Kill Leia not Luke
- Cut that weird Kylo shirt off scene with Rey
- Finn yells Reeeeeeyyyyyyyy! only once
- Rose kisses Rey (for those in to Rose doing that)

This mostly would've led in to TROS much better and made that better as a result since it wouldn't have to do as much.

in my opinion: criticize last Jedi for the story choices all you want, but FA and TROS were written by teams of people who couldn’t make up their mind and were different movies by their ends than they were at their starts.

TLJ was written by one person who had a clear concept of what he wanted the movie to be, however disagreeable you found it and sought to execute that. It was cohesive and made sense.

EpIX is a mess and feels like Fan Fic/Fan servicer you’d find on tumblr.
This is only a good stance in an argument if you believe movies in a trilogy should be standalone solo movies that are the opposite of a 3 act story.

This isnt like Iron Man 1-3 or Captain America 1-3 where there's an overall narrative and character arc with 3 distinct stories.

This is one story told in 3 parts. So it doesnt matter how cohesive TLJ was for you or how much it made sense in a singular sense. Its nit an island on to itself. Its 1/3 of something and should be approached and treated as such. You shouldn't come in with a clear concept of only what you want to do ignoring whoever comes after you.

When you take in that this is a trilogy then TLJ isnt cohesive and doesnt make sense. Its a movie as if there wont be a next one. None of the main cast is properly developed. None of it is interesting. There is no growth or turning points or climaxes. What is done with them is not good.
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Now that I've seen TROS its not at all that hard for it to be streamlined and have more room to breathe pacing wise.

Gotta keep in mind a few facts and educated guesses; Nobody @ Lucasfilm had a story, outline, or even rough draft for how the entire trilogy was suppose to go. Its clear interviews, it's clear with bull **** covering, after the fact reasoning and explanations, etc.

I remember being most excited for IX back when Trevorrow was attached. Then he left cuz Rian turned things to ****.

I'm keeping in mind this sequel trilogy was not originally billed as the conclusion of the Skywalker saga. It was not always intended for Palpatine to be the mastermind behind everything.

So yeah its simple, TLJ should've been a few things JJ squeezed into TROS; expand on Poe as a character, reveal and tease most there, same thing with Poe linking up with other orphan storm troopers who rebelled.

Scrap casino planet. Better yet blow it up. Reveal Benecio's character to be a mercenary/bounty hunter hired by the First Order but actually secretly hired by Darth Sidious to kill Leia or Luke or just **** with Rey. Hell make him a force user/dark Jedi that knew Luke and betrayed him. I just made that up and its way better than cynical scumbag con artist type criminal just getting by in life.

Completely scrap the majority of the movie being a slow chase in space. Have the plot involving Kylo actually revolve around something pivotal to them taking over the galaxy as the resistance fights them. Not just find Luke/kill Luke and hope he saves everybody.

Rose Tico has a completely different personality and has a thing for Rey. Why the **** not? Matter fact let her force herself on Rey in the 3rd act.

Do something more interesting than w/e forced pairing Rey and Kylo got. That to me was the worst writing in the movie. Kylo was a good idea but poorly executed. One of the frustrating and disappointing characters despite Driver's acting.

When Kylo kills Snoke that'll stand as is but after those guards in red get beat the Knights of Ren show up and they begin to curbstomp Rey as Kylo tells her to give in. Then Snoke (clone) shows up and Kylo actually has to fight him and its not wild easy for him.

I was never a fan of Luke like that so I didnt really react negatively to what was done to him other than laugh but **** it he doesn't die from long distance ghost fighting on a different planet. He survives in to IX very weakened and dies there. Maybe a similar death to Obi-Wan's as he faces Sidious and he does that poof I'm gone death as he is "struck down". G

All of TLJ I'd make use of an alive Carrie Fisher and have Leia be mentoring Rey, again like JJ tried to do but obviously couldn't follow through on ;677uybThroughout the whole Damn movie Rey would be hearing a voice every unow and then urging her to do **** but necessarily evil. That voice would be Sidious/Palpatine. We wouldn't know it and assume it's Snoke but thats foreshadowing. I mean for IX to work better he'd have to start massaging and softening her up to turn her. He'd learn from his mistake of off rip trying to turn Luke by rejecting Vader in front of him, calling for Vader's death, and failing.

So to sum up:
- Scrap most of what happened in TLJ
- Actual character development for Finn and Poe/learn more about them
- Better subplot with Del Toro's character
- Better fight scenes against Snoke and the Knights of Ren
- Leia mentors Rey
- Palpatine is hinted at/implied and is influencing Rey the entire movie
- Kill Leia not Luke
- Cut that weird Kylo shirt off scene with Rey
- Finn yells Reeeeeeyyyyyyyy! only once
- Rose kisses Rey (for those in to Rose going that)

This mostly would've led in to TROS much better and made that better as a result since it wouldn't have to do as much.

This is only a good stance in an argument if you believe movies in a trilogy should be standalone solo movies that are the opposite of a 3 act story.

This isnt like Iron Man 1-3 or Captain America 1-3 where there's an overall narrative and character arc with 3 distinct stories.

This is one story told in 3 parts. So it doesnt matter how cohesive TLJ was for you or how much it made sense in a singular sense. Its nit an island on to itself. Its 1/3 of something and should be approached and treated as such. You shouldn't come in with a clear concept of only what you want to do ignoring whoever comes after you.

When you take in that this is a trilogy then TLJ isnt cohesive and doesnt make sense. Its a movie as if there wont be a next one. None of the main cast is properly developed. None of it is interesting. There is no growth or turning points or climaxes. What is done with them is not good.
that sounds way better than what we got.

I remember the rumors of luke handling the knights of ren in the last jedi. I guess since luke was killed off kylo took his place
Luke fading the knights would of been dope.
but man we’re they lame too. Couldn’t put up a damn fight once my dude got the saber.
should of just rolled with his too. My dude has a top 3 looking saber.
Should've been a post credit scene of Jar Jar fishing that saber out the water.

Wait. I could have sworn I saw Nien Nunb in RoS.
I definitely saw him as well.
It's possible that Darth Maul merchandise has sold quite well over the past two decades plus the character himself is somewhat iconic. If anything Disney are purely out to make money so they're looking at characters that will generate the most revenue.
It needs to be. Brand is too tarnished. Their should only be TV shows that can turn into movies. As far as the main saga, let it rest in peace
Saw the movie yesterday, it was exhausting getting to the end. A lot I didn't like but understood why the movie was the way it was after the utter burning piece of crap that was TLJ. Pretty crazy
It's possible that Darth Maul merchandise has sold quite well over the past two decades plus the character himself is somewhat iconic. If anything Disney are purely out to make money so they're looking at characters that will generate the most revenue.
Well of course. Example is the cars franchise. Money gets you sequels
that sounds way better than what we got.

I remember the rumors of luke handling the knights of ren in the last jedi. I guess since luke was killed off kylo took his place

knights of ren was always a Kylo thing. They even say so in force awakens.The rumor was that they were Jedi deserters like Kylo since they were in his flashback of the destroyed temple.
It's possible that Darth Maul merchandise has sold quite well over the past two decades plus the character himself is somewhat iconic. If anything Disney are purely out to make money so they're looking at characters that will generate the most revenue.

That was my biggest “argument” when they made The Mandalorian announcement last year. Fett has got to be in the Top 5, maybe even second behind Vader, of SW character sales and for them to just make up a similar looking character was strange.

Now, that I’ve seen season 1 of the show, it really was the right call because of the lightness of the show. I hope the Maul show won’t nerf how vicious he is. Especially if it’s taking place in the Underworld.
Where do they even take the main saga from here?

If anything, it can only get better now that this ST is over. Especially when the end basically gives them a clean slate to do any other time period.

Knights of the Old Republic is a great timeline where all of these new Force Powers can be explored more and it would make sense a lot of force users are unlocking a lot of powers and secrets.

They could also go the Star Wars Legacy route and have force users be more in the gray area and they’re who run the galaxy while trying to stop a new threat. I think the future’s pretty bright. As long as they can keep agendas in check.
That’s funny because I was reading the Visual Guide and it says Niem Numb was the Pilot of the Tantive IV in TROS and the ship is definitely in the movie. I don’t recall seeing NN though.

He's definitely in there twice. He has a line right before they're about to launch the attack, and you can clearly see him in the pilot's seat of the Tantive when Palpatine hits the fleet with the force lightning. The whole cabin is getting zapped.
I wonder if they choose new main characters if they make another trilogy

New one will definitely be an all new cast. It’s just a matter of what timeline like I said above. Not to say that any of these ST side characters won’t get a spinoff show or something down the road. I wouldn’t expect them to start dabbling with Episode X ideas until at least after 2030.
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