Stared death in the face early this morning, and won.

Glad to hear you are OK.
Spoiler [+]
Traction control  FTW
its the seat belts, same thing has happened to me n I was able to get out my self too
Props on whoever buckled their seatbelt in the back seat.
Dudes like to clown or feel offended when someone in the back buckles up.
Serious question. Are you in Ohio ? Same thing happened to my cousin and his friends last night
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Props on whoever buckled their seatbelt in the back seat.
Dudes like to clown or feel offended when someone in the back buckles up.
That would be me, and I usually do the clowning
. I figured it was icy, let me buckle up to play it safe.

Originally Posted by lfuqua3

Serious question. Are you in Ohio ? Same thing happened to my cousin and his friends last night
Nope, it happened in New Burgh, NY.
Originally Posted by bkmac

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Props on whoever buckled their seatbelt in the back seat.
Dudes like to clown or feel offended when someone in the back buckles up.
That would be me, and I usually do the clowning
. I figured it was icy, let me buckle up to play it safe.
It's better to have and not need than to need and not have.
You're lucky my dude.
Originally Posted by bkmac

Originally Posted by spacerace

Originally Posted by bkmac

I'm Futuraming you right now.
There we go.

IDK why he thought I was trolling.
I didn't think you were trolling. I just thought it was strange/crazy that two members had near falls in the same way.
Anyways, I'm glad you're safe BK. Now you can keep getting overlooked in the Wrestling thread each week. 
Originally Posted by FinallyFamous

Damn. Now you and your friends are all gone.

Final Destination.


i have almost died plenty of times. glad you and your friends are ok. god bless breh
Pics or it didn't happen.

Spoiler [+]
J/K glad you made it out ok.
a similar situation happened to me a month back. although it wasn't extreme as yours, I unknowingly slept at the wheel at the highway and hit the guard rail pretty bad. I too had that flash of life in those few seconds and I'm thankful to be alive. You truly appreciate life and the people around you after events like these. Glad your ok OP.
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