Start Cooperating with Law Enforcement! Early and Often- Keep our neighborhoods safe

My definition of snitching is when you get caught with your hand in the cookie jar and you try to divert attention by pointing the finger elsewhere.
This was the OLD definition and now any involvement (or the perception of being involved) with law enforcement is considered snitching. Hell you could be asking for directions and get caught up.

OP as for your shirt I would go satirical like most of your post.
STOP SNITCHING in big bold letters and under it in fine print "Keep our murderers, thieves, serial killers, rapist, and child molesters out of jail and in (insert bad neighborhood here)
My definition of snitching is when you get caught with your hand in the cookie jar and you try to divert attention by pointing the finger elsewhere.
This was the OLD definition and now any involvement (or the perception of being involved) with law enforcement is considered snitching. Hell you could be asking for directions and get caught up.

OP as for your shirt I would go satirical like most of your post.
STOP SNITCHING in big bold letters and under it in fine print "Keep our murderers, thieves, serial killers, rapist, and child molesters out of jail and in (insert bad neighborhood here)
Originally Posted by Punchline Rapper

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

stop snitching transcends more than the hood its been a part of black culture since slavery...

Ah, more of your irrelevant, nonsensical excuses. That helps us a lot.
your understanding is wrong.

da OG term for snitchin is people doing da same dirt and throwing someone under da bus to police to get a lighter sentence....and of COURSE its looked down upon if you snitchin on say a drug dealer just getting his money

"shout to out da people that called da police on me when i was just trying to get money to feed my daughter" -biggie

(Ninja English) Why would you quote da Biggie (pours out a 40 oz) line when dat goes against what you just said? Unless da peeplez who called da po-po on him wuz da same 1nez who bought da drugz. (/Ninja English)

I'm talking to a wall anyways. I don't think people want their neighborhoods to be safe anways, so they can get together and argue about who comes from the most "hood" hood.
cool, im from the southside of chicago, 81st n carpenter to be exact , and i would love for you to bring your campaign around and talk to some of the youth. please?

I don't get it, you're saying I'll get victimized in some way? If so, I'll pass. FWIW, I went in the summer because I have family in Jolliet. Everybody was nice to me. That Nike outlet sucks though.

And yes, you all are wasting a lot of time arguing semantics. Anybody with a 2nd grade reading comprehension level could figure out what I was talking about. And furthermore, many people still see ANY cooperation with law enforcement as snitching anyways so stop acting like it's ok to talk to cops about anything as long as you didn't have a hand in it.

OP.... you need perspective. If you really had proper perspective with this situation, you would know that what you are proposing to do would not only hurt a lot of people who are trying to help, but discourage "snitching" even more because of the informants who are made an example by those they would snitch on. I come from an upper middle class suburban city outside of Flint, MI, but I work in Flint every day. It's been ranked in the top 5 of the most dangerous and most miserable cities list. Being able to talk from both perspectives, it would be much more safe and efficient if you went about promoting "informing" in a more covert way.

In order to really make a difference with an issue like this, you need to be well-informed of both sides... which, after reading your post, you are definitely not.
Originally Posted by Punchline Rapper

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

stop snitching transcends more than the hood its been a part of black culture since slavery...

Ah, more of your irrelevant, nonsensical excuses. That helps us a lot.
your understanding is wrong.

da OG term for snitchin is people doing da same dirt and throwing someone under da bus to police to get a lighter sentence....and of COURSE its looked down upon if you snitchin on say a drug dealer just getting his money

"shout to out da people that called da police on me when i was just trying to get money to feed my daughter" -biggie

(Ninja English) Why would you quote da Biggie (pours out a 40 oz) line when dat goes against what you just said? Unless da peeplez who called da po-po on him wuz da same 1nez who bought da drugz. (/Ninja English)

I'm talking to a wall anyways. I don't think people want their neighborhoods to be safe anways, so they can get together and argue about who comes from the most "hood" hood.
cool, im from the southside of chicago, 81st n carpenter to be exact , and i would love for you to bring your campaign around and talk to some of the youth. please?

I don't get it, you're saying I'll get victimized in some way? If so, I'll pass. FWIW, I went in the summer because I have family in Jolliet. Everybody was nice to me. That Nike outlet sucks though.

And yes, you all are wasting a lot of time arguing semantics. Anybody with a 2nd grade reading comprehension level could figure out what I was talking about. And furthermore, many people still see ANY cooperation with law enforcement as snitching anyways so stop acting like it's ok to talk to cops about anything as long as you didn't have a hand in it.

OP.... you need perspective. If you really had proper perspective with this situation, you would know that what you are proposing to do would not only hurt a lot of people who are trying to help, but discourage "snitching" even more because of the informants who are made an example by those they would snitch on. I come from an upper middle class suburban city outside of Flint, MI, but I work in Flint every day. It's been ranked in the top 5 of the most dangerous and most miserable cities list. Being able to talk from both perspectives, it would be much more safe and efficient if you went about promoting "informing" in a more covert way.

In order to really make a difference with an issue like this, you need to be well-informed of both sides... which, after reading your post, you are definitely not.
Originally Posted by Kingtre

clearly trolling but i'll bite-

you'd make more of a difference starting a campaign to protect the innocent people who come forward regarding crimes - for the most part the innocents that see a crime happen but keep it to themselves do it out of fear of retaliation not because they don't wanna break some street code that is basically non-existent

the meaning of snitching has gotten broadened and generalized- your shirts would stop criminals from telling on each other therefore lowering the clearances even more- we all know that most police "work" involves some kind of informant - Heratio Caine aint out there in the hood putting puzzle pieces together with lab work
i realize thats telling or snitchin in most people eyes (the bolded) but i dont consider that snitching.

To me, snitching or the whole "stop snitching " thats around or the kind that i dont mind abiding by is participating in a crime and tellin on your partner who got away. 

Originally Posted by Kingtre

clearly trolling but i'll bite-

you'd make more of a difference starting a campaign to protect the innocent people who come forward regarding crimes - for the most part the innocents that see a crime happen but keep it to themselves do it out of fear of retaliation not because they don't wanna break some street code that is basically non-existent

the meaning of snitching has gotten broadened and generalized- your shirts would stop criminals from telling on each other therefore lowering the clearances even more- we all know that most police "work" involves some kind of informant - Heratio Caine aint out there in the hood putting puzzle pieces together with lab work
i realize thats telling or snitchin in most people eyes (the bolded) but i dont consider that snitching.

To me, snitching or the whole "stop snitching " thats around or the kind that i dont mind abiding by is participating in a crime and tellin on your partner who got away. 


cam's definition of snitching is ANY contact with police, like he said in this interview, if he had seen the person who shot him, he still wouldn't have told police who it was.
to each its own

cam's definition of snitching is ANY contact with police, like he said in this interview, if he had seen the person who shot him, he still wouldn't have told police who it was.
to each its own
Originally Posted by Punchline Rapper

I'm thinking about printing out shirts and passing them out in the "hood." Trust me, you're not cool upholding some dysgenic street code that only persists to keep your/our streets dangerous by protecting those who make it that way. What a stupid way of thinking. Homocide rates go up, clearance rates go down.

Safety > * > anything promoted by rap music
I agree with you on this one.
I dont know why people listen to rappers like Waka Flaka and really take his music seriously.
Most of these rappers aint even bout that life for real. Their lyrics are fairy tales.
But they get paid to influence people into acting like the characters they make up in their songs.

The artform of lyricism should be put to better use.

It's like how so many rappers glorify Scarface when "those" Italians are/were racist as can be
????????????? Tony was Cuban

But yea dog, you'll get yaself hurt passin them tees out. Get ran up on like Jimmy ran upon Maurice.

Originally Posted by Punchline Rapper

I'm thinking about printing out shirts and passing them out in the "hood." Trust me, you're not cool upholding some dysgenic street code that only persists to keep your/our streets dangerous by protecting those who make it that way. What a stupid way of thinking. Homocide rates go up, clearance rates go down.

Safety > * > anything promoted by rap music
I agree with you on this one.
I dont know why people listen to rappers like Waka Flaka and really take his music seriously.
Most of these rappers aint even bout that life for real. Their lyrics are fairy tales.
But they get paid to influence people into acting like the characters they make up in their songs.

The artform of lyricism should be put to better use.

It's like how so many rappers glorify Scarface when "those" Italians are/were racist as can be
????????????? Tony was Cuban

But yea dog, you'll get yaself hurt passin them tees out. Get ran up on like Jimmy ran upon Maurice.

Those drug dealers ,pimps,killers,gang members aren't members of the community they are terrorist who prey on the weak ,young,and unfortunate they have to be removed or forced into permanent retirement.I don't understand how yall view these dudes as hustling ,contributing to the community when they are trying to destroy it.How can you cal them members of the community when they kill and rob other members of the community.
Those drug dealers ,pimps,killers,gang members aren't members of the community they are terrorist who prey on the weak ,young,and unfortunate they have to be removed or forced into permanent retirement.I don't understand how yall view these dudes as hustling ,contributing to the community when they are trying to destroy it.How can you cal them members of the community when they kill and rob other members of the community.
Plus don't most cities have tip lines (phone #s and websites) where you can drop dime anonymously? Mine does. They don't force you to testify, law enforcement just takes the tips and then pursue it from there themselves. When there's an award involved, I guess you have to give them some info, but still they don't force you to take the stand. There was no reward involved, but I called about the kids who were doing graffiti on the school, nearby buildings, and roadsigns before. I vaguely knew one of them so I told them exactly who and where. As far as I know, they caught them because I haven't seen it happen again since.
Plus don't most cities have tip lines (phone #s and websites) where you can drop dime anonymously? Mine does. They don't force you to testify, law enforcement just takes the tips and then pursue it from there themselves. When there's an award involved, I guess you have to give them some info, but still they don't force you to take the stand. There was no reward involved, but I called about the kids who were doing graffiti on the school, nearby buildings, and roadsigns before. I vaguely knew one of them so I told them exactly who and where. As far as I know, they caught them because I haven't seen it happen again since.
Originally Posted by Big ATZ

Every time I see a thread regarding snitching nobody seems to understand what it is. What you are doing is being a concerned citizen and by all means do so but don't get it confused because this and snitching is two different things.
Originally Posted by Big ATZ

Every time I see a thread regarding snitching nobody seems to understand what it is. What you are doing is being a concerned citizen and by all means do so but don't get it confused because this and snitching is two different things.
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