Started a t-shirt line, would love feedback.

you need some "wow thats hot im actually gonna take out my credit card" type products. youre not there, but ive seen worse. theres no room for "nice" or "ill cop to support"

redesign your website and take real and pro (atleast dslr quality) pics of your products. but before all that, i dont think it would be worth it for the stuff you have now.
Originally Posted by 1stWitIt

Op yes, it is ok to get feedback. But you can't satisfy everyone. Produce what you like and what your brand represents.
Remember it's YOUR brand.

Most important IMO. I have been toying with the idea of producing some shirts and this is my main goal...
NT is rough

I think the designs are good. The website I'm not a huge fan of, but it's not terrible. Just keep at it though either way. You definitely have a start.
Website looks terrible. Needs to be more direct. More variety of shirts would be nice. Not my style tho
Website isn't that bad but the shop page def needs work. Make the category selection links better. Shirts aren't my style and wouldn't wear em though. Good luck.
I looked through pretty hard... I work in brand managing for a professional sports franchise, so I know what you're going through.
First of all, don't describe anything that doesn't need describing. Drop the entire "philosophy" paragraph on the main page, and drop the shirt descriptions. There's no way to do it without being corny. 

You've got a broken link under "ABOUT THE COMPANY" ... ... you can't have dead ends like that. 

The flash "Lookbook" is set up well, and the photos look professional. But you have to move away from this font/color scheme that suggests (like someone said earlier) an energy drink vibe. The urban writing font is fine, I would use that for your logo and use a good sans serif for your main text.

Follow some design blogs on Tumblr and use some brand kit photos as inspiration (obviously don't totally copy it). 

The "Barack Nation" thing has some potential. I would move away from the Linkin Park font to something else... but make sure to brainstorm about how you can spread this over the next few months. The election is going to reach a fever pitch in social media and all across the internet... take advantage. And MAKE SURE you try and copyright the Barack Nation brand. People do not mess around when they feel like you're stepping on their turf, and you'll get a "cease and desist."

Think about how people might come to your site for the Barack Nation stuff, and then they notice your other shirts and add a few to the cart. Get some hot @!%% on those shirts, and you'll see the traffic.
You need more shirts like the Individuality one. That's the only design I like. Would buy it if it's on sale haha. One more thing, needs different shirt colors for each design. Good luck with the business.
I like the Love/Money, Individuality, and Peace of Mind tees, but they just dont have that flare. Its good you have a website, but it looks kind of "spam"#+$ too me, and like what has been said before, energy drink like. It would look better in my opinion to show your items in the shop in a grid like view rather than a list, and the pricing is confusing. Potential is there, just change it up a bit.
The brand vision and water concept I like, but I don't see it reflected with your first offerings.
I like how the photography is as clear as water but the shots are not very stylistic or communicative. 

Web-design needs a redesign. You can stick with the initial layout of the design but the color, graphics and font really isn't doing it.

Your biggest problem, in my opinion: the copywriting. The text is the first thing a customer will see on your website. If the text doesn't grab a hold of the potential customer it will set everything else up for failure.

I don't like the design of the logo(s). It just doesn't communicate "wear" to me.

You definitely need a copywriter for sure. Hit me up.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by MonStar1

Hope you brought some lube....


these threads never end well...

they used to always pop up when i first joined and almost everyone was comedy
Not really...I've seen people with good products get a nice push from NT. That said....nothing about your line stands out from the countless other streetwear brands out here. Glean from that what you may.
@ the BW tee
My suggestion, is if you're going for the post college average dude:
Print your tees on vintage, soft tees, makes them classier from the start.  Plus they wear/fade nicer.
Kill all the "love music, motherland jimi hendrix" stuff, unless you want your shirts to end up selling in smoke shops.
Make some ironic political tees, something that starts convo at the bars etc. 
will think of more later.
Legendary and Love/money shirt are solid...

too politically opportunistic on the rest - but i appreciate the hustle.
Originally Posted by damn its me

@ the BW tee
My suggestion, is if you're going for the post college average dude:
Print your tees on vintage, soft tees, makes them classier from the start.  Plus they wear/fade nicer.
Kill all the "love music, motherland jimi hendrix" stuff, unless you want your shirts to end up selling in smoke shops.
Make some ironic political tees, something that starts convo at the bars etc. 
will think of more later.
Thanks for the feedback.  All of our tees are printed on American Apparel brand.
As far as the site goes, the home page isn't too bad. I actually like it a lot. I'd suggest a few things though. Have what you're selling on the homepage. I know, I know... It's in the banner. But it might not be on that slide and if it is... When you click the banner, it's just a broken link. The other pages aren't consistent. Stick to a similar "feel" and/or layout. And there's a page with a lot of pics. The pics are WAY TOO large.
Other than that, since celebs have worn your shirts, I'd put a little more emphasis into that. People will eat that up and assume you're an "It" brand. You're very lucky to have that claim as a start-up.

Good luck!
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

NT is rough

I think the designs are good. The website I'm not a huge fan of, but it's not terrible. Just keep at it though either way. You definitely have a start.

Exactly what I was going to say.
I'm not a fan of graphic tees to begin with so they aren't for me. Your designs are nice though, but the website itself looks bad
First off congratulations on planning, organizing, and pursuing your dreams.

As far as feedback goes i think you all have some potential

the shirt with the vertical lettering being held by the silouette as well as the "Your Welcome" design i found to be your most unique pieces, however they're both simply unoriginal (one strongly resembles drake's so far gone cover and the other along with some of the barack nation are just like the "team shirts" that were really poppin a couple years ago. It just screams to me, back packing %#% weed smoking papst blue ribbon drinkin, black hipster (glasses and all) kendrick lamar listenin "dope" saying %#% REGULAR dudes wear and design this looking to ride the coat tails of originators that had it first like UNDRCRWN or Fresh Jive.

I wish you all the best but if i can share my advice as a consumer...

*Less is more: people always say variety variety variety but hoestly i was overwhelmed by the different collections and shirts you guys offered to the point where i just closed the window. Being an upstart line maybe 2-3 very solid designs offered in different colors and at a price thats fitting to quality...

*Do what hasn't been done - your shirts all look like something i'd find on karmaloop and wouldn't purchase. are you catering towards younger men and women? Thats what it seems. have you considered going in a direction that follows today's trends? like baseball shirts or idk you guys are the leaders... show me, the consumer, something i haven't seen.

I don't mean to post any of this to discourage, but instead encourage. hold your head up and keep grinding. but i would recommend devoting a great deal of time into one or two designs. get your artist inspired or maybe seek independent design or collab...

best of luck and maybe post on NT and visit for more than just promoting your brand/seeking feedback
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